8th Sep 2022 15:30
8 September 2022
The Board of Currys plc ('the Company') is pleased to announce that all the resolutions put to its Annual General Meeting held at 10:00am on Thursday 8 September 2022, were duly passed by the requisite majorities on a poll.
The results of the polls were as follows:
Resolutions | Votes For | Votes Against | Votes Total | Issued Share Capital Voted | Votes Withheld | |||
Number | % | Number | % | Number | % | Number | ||
1. | To receive the Annual Report and Accounts, including the strategic report and the reports of the directors and auditor for the period ended 30 April 2022 | 955,700,306 | 100.00 | 6,079 | 0.00 | 955,706,385 | 84.32% | 700,215 |
2. | To approve the Directors' Annual Remuneration Report | 831,115,642 | 86.90 | 125,254,427 | 13.10 | 956,370,069 | 84.37% | 36,531 |
3. | To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy | 630,742,347 | 65.95 | 325,630,007 | 34.05 | 956,372,354 | 84.37% | 33,828 |
4. | To declare a final dividend of 2.15p per ordinary share | 956,390,709 | 100.00 | 9,142 | 0.00 | 956,399,851 | 84.38% | 6,331 |
5. | To elect Ian Dyson as a director | 889,149,078 | 92.97 | 67,238,175 | 7.03 | 956,387,253 | 84.38% | 19,347 |
6. | To re-elect Alex Baldock as a director | 956,091,713 | 99.97 | 277,423 | 0.03 | 956,369,136 | 84.37% | 37,464 |
7. | To re-elect Eileen Burbidge MBE | 956,072,878 | 99.97 | 317,459 | 0.03 | 956,390,337 | 84.38% | 16,263 |
8. | To re-elect Tony DeNunzio CBE as a director | 949,328,885 | 99.26 | 7,058,045 | 0.74 | 956,386,930 | 84.38% | 19,670 |
9. | To re-elect Andrea Gisle Joosen as a director | 882,405,638 | 92.27 | 73,964,165 | 7.73 | 956,369,803 | 84.37% | 36,797 |
10. | To re-elect Bruce Marsh as a director | 954,788,941 | 99.83 | 1,582,137 | 0.17 | 956,371,078 | 84.37% | 35,522 |
11. | To re-elect Fiona McBain as a director | 881,691,836 | 92.19 | 74,679,391 | 7.81 | 956,371,227 | 84.37% | 35,373 |
12. | To re-elect Gerry Murphy as a director | 889,311,644 | 92.99 | 67,057,767 | 7.01 | 956,369,411 | 84.37% | 37,189 |
13. | To appoint KPMG LLP as auditor of the Company | 905,526,952 | 94.68 | 50,857,494 | 5.32 | 956,384,446 | 84.37% | 22,154 |
14. | To authorise the directors to determine the auditor's remuneration | 955,616,742 | 99.92 | 751,462 | 0.08 | 956,368,204 | 84.37% | 37,978 |
15. | To authorise political donations not exceeding £25,000 in total | 946,629,784 | 98.98 | 9,758,663 | 1.02 | 956,388,447 | 84.38% | 18,792 |
16. | Authority to allot shares | 949,590,325 | 99.29 | 6,768,641 | 0.71 | 956,358,966 | 84.37% | 47,634 |
17. | Authority to dis-apply pre-emption rights * | 956,190,858 | 99.98 | 175,671 | 0.02 | 956,366,529 | 84.37% | 40,071 |
18. | Authority for the Company to purchase its own shares * | 905,390,430 | 94.68 | 50,842,010 | 5.32 | 956,232,440 | 84.36% | 173,468 |
19. | Authority to call general meetings at short notice * | 943,119,669 | 98.61 | 13,270,882 | 1.39 | 956,390,551 | 84.38% | 15,357 |
* Special Resolutions
Resolution 3 - Remuneration Policy
The Board welcomes the 65.95% vote in favour of our Remuneration Policy, including the support from most of our large shareholders. The majority of the votes against the Policy reflect shareholders which would like larger and longer post-employment shareholdings or which had concerns relating to the design of the long-term remuneration targets.
Over the past year we have engaged extensively with our shareholders and the proxy agencies on our approach to executive remuneration. The views of our shareholders are important to us and the feedback we have received has been helpful. The Remuneration Committee will now seek to consult further with shareholders to understand and discuss the specific rationale for any votes against our Policy.
The Company will publish an update on this engagement by 8 March 2023.
1. The total number of ordinary shares of 0.1p each in issue on the share register as at the date of meeting was 1,133,494,651 and all of these have voting rights.
2. Percentages above are rounded to 2 decimal places.
3. A vote 'Withheld' is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes 'For' or 'Against' a resolution, the total votes validly cast or the calculation of the proportion of issued share capital voted.
In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2R, a copy of the resolutions, other than those concerning ordinary business, passed at the Annual General Meeting have been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism
Further information:
Nigel Paterson, Company Secretary and General Counsel
Currys plc
Tel: +44 (0)20 3110 4411
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