10th May 2006 07:00
10 May 2006 Akers Biosciences, Inc ("Akers Biosciences" or the "Company") Result of AGM Akers Biosciences, the United States based developer, manufacturer, andsupplier of rapid, point of care screening and testing products, is pleased toannounce that, at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held yesterday at2.30pm EDT, all resolutions were passed.The Directors are pleased with the levels of demand for both the PIFA‚® Heparin/Platelet Factor-4 Rapid Assay, which is now being used in over 400 hospitals inthe U.S, and the recently FDA approved rapid alcohol breathalyzers.For further information, please contact,Dr. Ray Akers Chief Executive Officer, Akers 020 7917 9476 Biosciences, Inc. Paul Freedman 001 856 848 8698 Chief Financial Officer, Akers Biosciences, Inc. Bill Roberts CTC, Inc. 001 937 434 2700 Ben Simons Hansard Communications 020 7245 1100 Akers BiosciencesAkers Biosciences, Inc. develops, manufactures, and supplies rapid, point ofcare screening and testing products designed to bring healthcare informationboth rapidly and directly to the patient or healthcare provider. The Companyhas advanced the science of diagnostics while responding to major shifts inhealthcare through the development of several proprietary platformtechnologies. The company's state-of-the-art rapid diagnostic assays can beperformed virtually anywhere in minutes when time is of the essence. Akers hasaligned with major healthcare companies and high volume medical products distributors to maximize product offerings, and to be a major worldwidecompetitor in diagnostics. Additional information on the Company and itsproducts can be found at www.akersbiosciences.com.ENDAKERS BIOSCIENCES INCRelated Shares: