24th Feb 2022 14:45
24 February 2022
(the "Company")
Result of 2022 Annual General Meeting
Ediston Property Investment Company plc, announces that at the Company's Annual General Meeting held today, all resolutions were passed by way of a poll and the results of the poll, including the proxy votes received, are set out below.
Resolutions 1 to 10 (inclusive) were proposed as ordinary resolutions and resolutions 11 to 13 (inclusive) were proposed as special resolutions.
In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2 copies of all the resolutions passed, other than ordinary business, will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism.
Resolution | Votes For* | % | Votes Against | % | Total votes validly cast | Total votes cast as % of issued share capital | Vote Withheld ** | |
1 | Receive annual accounts for year ended 30 September 2021 | 155,945,766 | 100.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 155,945,766 | 73.79 | 1,200 |
2 | Approve directors' remuneration report | 132,453,098 | 84.95 | 23,465,968 | 15.05 | 155,919,066 | 73.78 | 27,900 |
3 | Re-appoint Grant Thornton LLP as auditor | 152,907,758 | 99.98 | 24,208 | 0.02 | 152,931,966 | 72.37 | 3,015,000 |
4 | Authorise the directors to determine the auditor's remuneration | 155,929,481 | 99.99 | 17,485 | 0.01 | 155,946,966 | 73.79 | 0 |
5 | Re-elect Robin Archibald as a director | 111,111,731 | 84.20 | 20,855,918 | 15.80 | 131,967,649 | 62.45 | 23,979,317 |
6 | Re-elect William Hill as a director | 153,986,516 | 98.75 | 1,942,731 | 1.25 | 155,929,247 | 73.78 | 17,719 |
7 | Elect Imogen Moss as a director | 153,985,306 | 98.75 | 1,943,941 | 1.25 | 155,929,247 | 73.78 | 17,719 |
8 | Re-elect Jamie Skinner as a director | 150,301,802 | 96.40 | 5,618,925 | 3.60 | 155,920,727 | 73.78 | 26,239 |
9 | To approve the dividend policy | 155,921,681 | 99.98 | 25,285 | 0.02 | 155,946,966 | 73.79 | 0 |
10 | To authorise the directors to allot ordinary shares | 155,696,593 | 99.84 | 250,373 | 0.16 | 155,946,966 | 73.79 | 0 |
11 | Subject to resolution 10, disapply pre-emption rights on allotment | 148,568,005 | 95.30 | 7,321,905 | 4.70 | 155,889,910 | 73.76 | 57,056 |
12 | To authorise the company to make market purchases of its own shares | 155,789,024 | 99.94 | 100,886 | 0.06 | 155,889,910 | 73.76 | 57,056 |
13 | To allow the Company to hold general meetings on 14 days' notice | 154,868,312 | 99.31 | 1,078,654 | 0.69 | 155,946,966 | 73.79 | 0 |
* Includes discretionary votes
** A vote withheld is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the votes for or against a resolution.
Resolutions 2 and 5, which related to the Remuneration Report and the re-election of Mr Archibald, were both passed but received 15.05% and 15.80% votes against respectively from shareholders. The Board will engage with shareholders to understand and address any concerns that they may have regarding these resolutions. The results of these consultations, and any actions to be taken will be reported on during the course of the year. The Board is conscious of the importance of good dialogue with shareholders, particularly if concerns are being expressed through voting.
For further information, please contact:
Ediston Properties Limited Calum Bruce
JTC (UK) Limited Susan Fadil Ruth Wright | +44 131 225 5599
+44 20 3893 1005 +44 203 893 1011 |
LEI: 213800JRL87EGX9TUI28
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