19th Dec 2014 11:52
Result of the AGM
Change of director
Wessex Exploration PLC ("Wessex" or "the Company"), the hydrocarbon exploration company, is pleased to confirm that at its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") held today, all resolutions put to the meeting were duly passed. Iain Patrick, who was due to offer himself for re-election as a director, decided not to stand for re-election and so resolution five in respect of his re-election was not put to the meeting. Andrew Cochran thanked Iain Patrick for his contribution as a director and wished him well for the future.
Malcolm Butler, former Chairman and a Non Executive Director of Wessex, has agreed to remain on the board over an interim period in order to provide continuity and act as the Independent Non Executive Director until such time as a new Independent Non Executive Director is appointed.
As a result of the passing of Resolutions 8 and 9, the Company will change its name to Hague and London Oil PLC and there will be a 1 for 40 consolidation of the entire issued and unissued Ordinary Share capital ("the Capital Reorganisation").
Application has been made for the entire issued share capital, comprising 24,133,586 New Ordinary Shares of 4 pence each ("the New Ordinary Shares"), to be admitted to AIM and it is anticipated that trading on AIM will commence on 22 December 2014. The shares will trade under the new ticker symbol of HNL.L on receipt by the London Stock Exchange of the Certificate of Change of Name which is expected on 23 December 2014.
The share Capital Consolidation Record Date is 19 December 2014.
New share certificates in relation to the change of name and the Capital Reorganisation will be dispatched to Shareholders who hold their Ordinary Shares in certificated form by 31 December 2014. Shareholders who hold their entitlement in uncertificated form through CREST will have their CREST accounts adjusted to reflect their entitlement to the New Ordinary Shares.
For further information please contact:
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Wessex Exploration PLC | www.wessexexploration.com |
Andrew Cochran, Chairman and Interim CEO | +44 (0) 20 7520 9268 |
Natalia Erikssen, IR/PR enquiries | |
WH Ireland Limited | www.wh-ireland.co.uk |
John Wakefield (Corporate Finance) | +44 (0) 117 945 3471 |
Related Shares:
Hague and London Oil