14th May 2007 13:23
Interserve Plc Result of Annual General Meeting
Interserve Plc (the "Company") announces that at the Annual General Meeting of the Company, duly convened and held today at The Auditorium, c/o JPMorgan Cazenove, 20 Moorgate, London EC2R 6DA, all resolutions as set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting dated 11 April 2007 were passed on a show of hands.
Details of the proxy votes received by the Company prior to the AGM are set outbelow:-Resn For Against Discretionary Total Votes Shares Withheld Voted 1 Accounts 81,848,709 0 176,892 82,025,601 0 2 Dividend 81,773,829 6,112 173,353 81,953,294 72,307 3 Remuneration report 81,368,145 22,370 187,475 81,577,990 447,611 4 Re-elect T C Jones 81,827,677 5,510 185,959 82,019,146 6,455 5 Re-elect N F Keegan 81,818,873 12,314 185,959 82,017,146 8,455 6 Re-elect D A 81,821,230 12,314 185,602 82,019,146 6,455 Trapnell 7 Re-appoint auditors 81,392,144 335,872 185,114 81,913,130 112,471 8 Auditors' 81,495,031 282,388 197,181 81,974,600 51,001 remuneration 9 Allot securities 81,795,132 8,516 214,720 82,018,368 7,233 s.80 10 Political donations 81,376,540 407,863 210,898 81,995,301 30,300 11 Allot securities 81,771,130 14,659 228,119 82,013,908 11,693 s.95 12 Purchase of own 81,782,876 15,845 222,878 82,021,599 4,002 shares 13 Amend Articles 81,668,306 5,769 228,653 81,902,728 122,873
The issued share capital of the Company as at the date of the AGM was 123,825,437 ordinary shares of 10p each.
Copies of the resolutions passed as Special Business have been submitted to the UK Listing Authority and will shortly be available for inspection at the UKLA's Document Viewing Facility, which is situated at:
Financial Services Authorty25 The North ColonnadeCanary WharfLondonE14 5HSTel: 020 7676 100014 May 2007