RESULTS OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2023 STV Group plc (the 'Company') announces that, at the Annual General Meeting held earlier today, resolutions 1 to 14 (inclusive), 16 and 17 were duly passed and resolution 15 was not passed by the Company's shareholders on a poll. The results of the poll are shown in the table below. Votes 'For' and 'Against' are expressed as a percentage of the total votes received. A 'Vote withheld' is not treated as a vote in law and would not be counted in the calculation of the proportion of the votes cast 'For' or 'Against' a resolution. Resolutions 1 to 14 were proposed as Ordinary Resolutions and resolutions 15 to 17 as Special Resolutions. The current issued share capital of the Company consists of 46,722,499 ordinary shares of 50 pence, carrying one vote each. The Board notes that resolution 15 was not passed and that more than 20% of shareholders voted against four of the other resolutions. All voting outcomes will be discussed through ongoing dialogue with shareholders. In accordance with the Listing Rule 9.6.2 copies of the resolutions that do not constitute ordinary business at an annual general meeting will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at: Copies of announcements are available on the Company's website Eileen Malcolmson Company Secretary 27 April 2023 Resolution | For | Against | Total | Withheld |
| No. of Votes | % of Vote | No. of Votes | % of Vote | No. of Votes | No. of Votes | 1.To receive the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2022 | 40,007,493 | 99.999% | 291 | 0.001% | 40,024,495 | 16,711 | 2.To approve the Directors' Annual Report on Remuneration for the year ended 31 December 2022 | 29,954,115 | 74.841% | 10,069,446 | 25.159% | 40,024,495 | 934 | 3.To declare a final dividend of 7.4p per ordinary share in respect of the year ended 31 December 2022 | 40,023,905 | 100.000% | 190 | 0.000% | 40,024,495 | 400 | 4. To re-elect Paul Reynolds as a Director of the Company | 30,416,243 | 76.026% | 9,591,540 | 23.974% | 40,024,495 | 16,712 | 5.To re-elect Simon Pitts as a Director of the Company | 40,023,754 | 99.999% | 341 | 0.001% | 40,024,495 | 400 | 6.To re-elect Lindsay Dixon as a Director of the Company | 40,023,754 | 99.999% | 341 | 0.001% | 40,024,495 | 400 | 7. To re-elect Simon Miller as a Director of the Company | 39,800,823 | 99.413% | 234,840 | 0.587% | 40,036,063 | 400 | 8. To re-elect Ian Steele as a Director of the Company | 39,086,675 | 97.630% | 948,987 | 2.370% | 40,036,063 | 401 | 9.To re-elect David Bergg as a Director of the Company | 40,035,322 | 99.999% | 341 | 0.001% | 40,036,063 | 400 | 10. To re-elect Aki Mandhar as a Director of the Company | 40,023,527 | 99.999% | 568 | 0.001% | 40,024,495 | 400 | 11. To appoint Deloitte LLP as the auditors of the Company | 40,023,421 | 99.998% | 674 | 0.002% | 40,024,495 | 400 | 12. To authorise the Audit and Risk Committee to determine the remuneration of the auditors | 40,009,932 | 99.997% | 1,028 | 0.003% | 40,024,495 | 13,535 | 13. To authorise the Company to make political donations and incur political expenditure | 27,942,979 | 73.529% | 10,059,833 | 26.471% | 40,024,495 | 2,021,683 | 14. To authorise the Directors to allot shares | 30,645,178 | 76.595% | 9,364,378 | 23.405% | 40,024,495 | 14,939 | 15. To authorise the Directors to disapply statutory pre-emption rights in respect of 5% of the Company's issued share capital | 29,714,992 | 74.245% | 10,307,699 | 25.755% | 40,024,495 | 1,804 | 16. To permit the Company to purchase its own shares | 37,976,432 | 99.890% | 41,652 | 0.110% | 40,024,495 | 2,006,411 | 17. That the Company be entitled to hold general meetings of the Company on the provision of 14 clear days' notice | 39,962,784 | 99.847% | 61,311 | 0.153% | 40,024,495 | 400 |