30th Apr 2013 15:50
PR Newswire
London, April 30
Fidessa group plc
Annual General Meeting held on 30th April 2013
The Annual General Meeting of Fidessa group plc was held on Tuesday 30 April2013 at 9.30am. All resolutions proposed at the meeting were passed by therequired majority. Resolution FOR AGAINST WITHHELD 1. To receive the 29,166,785 97,226 0Directors' Report andFinancial Statements 2. To declare a final 29,264,011 0 0dividend of 24.5p perordinary share 3. To declare a special 29,264,011 0 0dividend of 45.0p perordinary share 4. To approve the 24,130,706 4,163,502 969,803Directors' RemunerationReport 5. Re-elect John Hamer as 28,857,971 405,238 0a director 6. Re-elect Chris 29,234,370 28,839 0Aspinwall as a director 7. To re-elect Andy 29,234,370 28,839 0Malpass as a Director 8. To re-elect Ron 29,098,831 164,378 0Mackintosh as a Director 9. Re-elect Philip 29,205,576 57,633 0Hardaker as a director 10. Re-elect Elizabeth 29,205,576 57,633 0Lake as a director 11. Re-elect Mark Foster 28,096,536 1,085,797 80,876as a director 12. To re-appoint KPMG 29,183,277 0 80,734Audit Plc as auditors 13. To authorise the 29,241,096 22,915 0Directors to agree theremuneration of theauditors 14. To authorise the 27,796,979 1,466,230 0Directors to allot shares 15. To disapply the 29,263,007 202 0statutory pre emptionrights 16. To approve the 29,167,952 15,325 80,734purchase and cancellationof up to 10% of theissued ordinary sharecapital 17. To allow meetings 27,913,891 1,350,120 0other than annual generalmeetings to be called onnot less than 14 cleardays' noticeNo other business was conducted at the meeting.
The issued share capital on 30th April 2013 was 37,288,469 ordinary shares of10p each.
The total number of votes validly cast (including withheld votes) was 29,264,261.
In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2 copies of the resolutions passed at themeeting have been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will beavailable for viewing shortly at: http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM .
Enquiries: Company Secretary 01483 206300
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