10th May 2023 16:11
Result of AGM - 10 May 2023
National Express Group PLC (the "Company") held its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") today in the Bevan Suite at BMA House, British Medical Association, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9JP at 2.00pm. All resolutions at the AGM were put to the meeting on a poll and were passed with the requisite majority. The full results are detailed below.
As at 6.30pm on Friday 5 May 2023, the time by which shareholders who wanted to vote at the AGM must have been entered on the Company's register of members, there were 614,086,377 ordinary shares of 5 pence each in issue. Shareholders are entitled to one vote per share on a poll.
Resolution | VOTES FOR
| VOTES AGAINST | % of ISC voted | Number of votes withheld | |||
No. of shares | % | No. of shares | % | ||||
1. | To receive the accounts of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2022 and the Directors' and Auditors' Reports thereon | 423,161,975 | 100.00 | 16,946 | 0.00 | 68.91 | 394,617 |
2. | To approve the Annual Report on Remuneration (advisory vote only) | 396,242,850 | 94.02 | 25,215,882 | 5.98 | 68.63 | 2,114,806 |
3. | To declare a full year 2022 dividend of 5.0p per ordinary share | 421,401,462 | 99.50 | 2,101,079 | 0.50 | 68.96 | 70,997 |
4. | To elect Helen Weir as a Director of the Company | 419,670,662 | 99.10 | 3,792,727 | 0.90 | 68.96 | 109,849 |
5. | To elect James Stamp as a Director of the Company | 422,200,580 | 99.70 | 1,253,529 | 0.30 | 68.96 | 119,429 |
6. | To re-elect Jorge Cosmen as a Director of the Company | 413,770,579 | 97.71 | 9,686,373 | 2.29 | 68.96 | 116,586 |
7. | To re-elect Matthew Crummack as a Director of the Company | 416,991,805 | 98.47 | 6,463,786 | 1.53 | 68.96 | 117,947 |
8. | To re-elect Carolyn Flowers as a Director of the Company | 416,768,561 | 98.42 | 6,688,591 | 1.58 | 68.96 | 116,386 |
9. | To re-elect Ignacio Garat as a Director of the Company | 422,264,469 | 99.72 | 1,191,303 | 0.28 | 68.96 | 117,766 |
10. | To re-elect Karen Geary as a Director of the Company | 417,001,473 | 98.48 | 6,448,818 | 1.52 | 68.96 | 123,247 |
11. | To re-elect Ana de Pro Gonzalo as a Director of the Company | 422,300,152 | 99.73 | 1,153,009 | 0.27 | 68.96 | 120,377 |
12. | To re-elect Mike McKeon as a Director of the Company | 422,293,455 | 99.73 | 1,160,671 | 0.27 | 68.96 | 119,412 |
13. | To re-appoint Deloitte LLP as the Company's auditor | 387,042,825 | 91.40 | 36,433,802 | 8.60 | 68.96 | 96,911 |
14. | To authorise the Directors to fix the auditor's remuneration | 387,602,887 | 91.53 | 35,877,842 | 8.47 | 68.96 | 92,809 |
15. | To authorise political donations and expenditure | 422,479,412 | 99.77 | 978,577 | 0.23 | 68.96 | 115,549 |
16. | To authorise the Directors to allot shares | 406,994,615 | 96.11 | 16,485,676 | 3.89 | 68.96 | 93,247 |
17. | To give the Directors power to disapply pre-emption rights - general | 408,284,820 | 96.41 | 15,186,408 | 3.59 | 68.96 | 102,310 |
18. | To give the Directors power to disapply pre-emption rights - specific | 393,834,316 | 93.00 | 29,641,326 | 7.00 | 68.96 | 97,896 |
19. | To authorise the Company to purchase its own shares | 423,333,461 | 99.98 | 80,008 | 0.02 | 68.95 | 160,069 |
20. | To call General Meetings (other than AGMs) on 14 clear days' notice | 414,118,711 | 97.79 | 9,358,913 | 2.21 | 68.96 | 95,914 |
1. The 'For' vote includes those giving the Chairperson discretion.
2. Votes 'Withheld' are not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes 'For' or 'Against' a resolution.
3. Resolutions 1 to 16 were ordinary resolutions which required a majority of votes cast to be in favour.
4. Resolutions 17 to 20 were special resolutions which required at least 75% of votes cast to be in favour.
5. In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2R, copies of the resolutions passed as special business will shortly be available for inspection on the National Storage Mechanism at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism
6. The voting results shown above are also available on the Company's website at https://www.nationalexpressgroup.com/investors/agm
- END -
Company contacts:
Simon Callander, Group General Counsel & Company Secretary
+44 (0) 7795 232 708
Gillian Saunderson, Deputy Company Secretary
+44 (0) 7506 642 348
Legal Entity Identifier: 213800A8IQEMY8PA5X34
Classification: 3.1 (with reference to DTR6 Annex 1R)
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