16th May 2024 14:00
Tullow Oil plc ("Tullow" or the "Company")
Tullow announces that at its Annual General Meeting held earlier today, all resolutions set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting put to the Annual General Meeting were passed by the requisite majority. Each of the resolutions put to the Annual General Meeting was voted on by way of a poll and the results are set out below:
1. To receive and adopt the Company's annual accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2023
| 884,944,691 | 99.98% | 166,967 | 0.02% | 885,111,658 | 60.74% | 115,166 |
2. To approve the Annual Statement by the Chair of the Remuneration Committee and the Annual Report on Remuneration
| 862,727,229 | 97.49% | 22,194,947 | 2.51% | 884,922,176 | 60.73% | 304,648 |
3. To re-elect Phuthuma Nhleko as a Director.
| 838,137,353 | 94.71% | 46,827,233 | 5.29% | 884,964,586 | 60.73% | 262,184 |
4. To re-elect Rahul Dhir as a Director | 883,958,398 | 99.89% | 1,014,256 | 0.11% | 884,972,654 | 60.73% | 254,116 |
5. To re-elect Richard Miller as a Director. | 884,139,721 | 99.91% | 830,013 | 0.09% | 884,969,734 | 60.73% | 257,090 |
6. To re-elect Martin Greenslade as a Director. | 880,678,125 | 99.52% | 4,266,752 | 0.48% | 884,944,877 | 60.73% | 281,947 |
7. To re-elect Sheila Khama as a Director. | 877,905,030 | 99.20% | 7,063,837 | 0.80% | 884,968,867 | 60.73% | 257,957 |
8. To re-elect Mitchell Ingram as a Director. | 881,418,850 | 99.60% | 3,518,360 | 0.40% | 884,937,210 | 60.73% | 286,614 |
9. To re-elect Genevieve Sangudi as a Director. | 881,250,276 | 99.58% | 3,723,276 | 0.42% | 884,973,552 | 60.73% | 248,560 |
10.To re-elect Roald Goethe as a Director. | 819,165,560 | 92.57% | 65,773,475 | 7.43% | 884,939,035 | 60.73% | 287,789 |
11. To elect Rebecca Wiles as a Director. | 882,117,427 | 99.68% | 2,833,775 | 0.32% | 884,951,202 | 60.73% | 275,622 |
12. To re-appoint Ernst & Young LLP as auditor of the Company.
| 884,540,987 | 99.94% | 533,601 | 0.06% | 885,074,588 | 60.74% | 136,158 |
13. To authorise the Audit Committee to determine the remuneration of Ernst & Young LLP.
| 884,780,111 | 99.96% | 325,663 | 0.04% | 885,105,774 | 60.74% | 121,050 |
14. That the Board of Directors of the Company be authorised to allot shares in the Company and to grant rights to subscribe for or to convert any securities into shares in the Company.
| 856,020,928 | 99.55% | 3,898,260 | 0.45% | 859,919,188 | 59.01% | 25,307,636 |
*15. That the Company be and is hereby generally and unconditionally authorised to hold general meetings (other than Annual General Meetings) on no less than 14 clear days' notice
| 873,809,055 | 98.72% | 11,303,051 | 1.28% | 885,112,106 | 60.74% | 114,717 |
(1) * denotes a special resolution.
(2) Proxy appointments which gave discretion to the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting have been included in the "For" total of the appropriate resolution.
(3) A "Vote Withheld" is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes "For" or "Against" any resolution, nor in the calculation of the proportion of "Percentage of ISC voted" for any resolution.
(4) The percentage of votes "For" and "Against" any resolution is expressed as a percentage of votes validly cast for that resolution.
(5) The number of shares in issue at 6.00 p.m. on 14 May 2024 was 1,457,191, 019 ordinary shares of 10 pence each (the "Ordinary Shares") and at that time, Tullow did not hold any Ordinary Shares in treasury. The proportion of "Percentage of ISC voted" for any resolution is the total of votes "For" and "Against" in respect of that resolution expressed as a percentage of the ISC as described in this note (5).
(6) In accordance with LR 9.6.2, copies of the relevant ordinary and special resolutions passed at the meeting have been submitted to the FCA's National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available to view at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism. The full text of the resolutions passed at the Annual General Meeting can be found in the Notice of Annual General Meeting, which is available for inspection at the National Storage Mechanism and also on the Company's website at http://www.tullowoil.com.
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