15th Apr 2013 07:26
April 4, 2013
The General Manager BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeeboy Towers Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai- 400 001 Fax No.: 22722037/39/41/61/3121/3719 BSE Scrip Code: 500390
| The Manger National Stock Exchange of India limited Plaza, 5th Floor, Plot no.C/1, G Block Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai- 400 051 Fax No.: 26598237/38 NSE Scrip Symbol: RELINFRA
Dear Sir
Sub: Compliance Report on Corporate Governance for the quarter ended March 31, 2013
Pursuant to Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement entered into with the Stock Exchanges, we submit herewith Compliance Report on Corporate Governance for the quarter ended March 31, 2013
We confirm that the Company is in compliance with the provisions of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement.
Yours faithfully
For Reliance Infrastructure Limited
Ramesh Shenoy
Company Secretary
Encl: As above
Quarterly Compliance Report on Corporate Governance
Name of the Company: Reliance Infrastructure Limited
Quarter ended on: March 31, 2013
Particulars | Clause of Listing Agreement | Compliance status (Yes / No / N.A.) | Remarks
I. Board of Directors | 49 (I) | ||
(A) Composition of Board | 49 (IA) | Yes | |
(B) Non-executive Directors' compensation & disclosures | 49 (IB) | Yes | |
(C) Other provisions as to Board & Committees | 49 (IC) | Yes | |
(D) Code of Conduct | 49 (ID) | Yes | |
II. Audit Committee | 49 (II) | ||
(A) Qualified & Independent Audit Committee | 49 (IIA) | Yes | |
(B) Meeting of Audit Committee | 49 (IIB) | Yes | |
(C) Powers of Audit Committee | 49 (IIC) | Yes | |
(D) Role of Audit Committee | 49 (IID) | Yes | |
(E) Review of Information by Audit Committee | 49 (IIE) | Yes | |
III. Subsidiary Companies | 49 (III) | Yes | |
IV. Disclosures | 49 (IV) | ||
(A) Basis of related party transactions | 49 (IV A) | Yes | |
(B) Disclosure of Accounting Treatment | 49 (IV B) | N.A. | |
(C) Board Disclosures - Risk Management | 49 (IV C) | Yes | |
(D) Proceeds from public issues, rights issues, preferential issues etc. | 49 (IV D) | N.A. | |
(E) Remuneration of Directors | 49 (IV E) | Yes | |
(F) Management | 49 (IV F) | Yes | |
(G) Shareholders | 49 (IV G) | Yes | |
V. CEO / CFO Certification | 49 (V) | Yes | |
VI. Report on Corporate Governance | 49 (VI) | Yes | |
VII. Compliance | 49 (VII) | Yes |
For Reliance Infrastructure Limited
Ramesh Shenoy
Company Secretary
April 4, 2013
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