1st Aug 2014 07:47
Renewal of Property & Casualty Insurance Policy
On July 31, 2014, the Board of Directors of Samsung Electronics authorized the purchase of Property & Casualty insurance policy from Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.
▫ Details
1. Date of purchase: August 1, 2014
2. Amount of insurance premium: KRW 125.83 billion
3. Contract term: August 1, 2014 ~ July 31, 2015 (1 year)
4. Purpose: To cover damage or loss from fire or other accidents at our domestic business sites.
※ This disclosure is in accordance with the Korean Fair Trade Act, which mandates a
purchaser of insurance policy to disclose the transaction in case the transaction is
worth more than KRW 5billion and the insurance company involved is the
purchaser's financial affiliate.
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