1st May 2014 07:00
1 May 2014
Gable Holdings Inc.
("Gable" or "the Company")
Regulatory Approval to Underwrite New Motor Classifications of Business in the UK
Gable Holdings Inc. (GAH.L), the European non-life insurance company, announces that it has received regulatory approval to underwrite the following Motor insurance classes in the UK market:
· Class 3: Land vehicles (other than rolling stock)
· Class 7: Goods in Transit
· Class 10: Motor vehicle liability
The Company anticipates that it will commence new business in these classes during the final quarter of 2014.
Commenting, William Dewsall, Chief Executive, said:
"We are delighted to advise the market that we have been approved in classes 3, 7 and 10 in the UK market. Gable has already received significant demand for niche products in motor from our brokers and producers in the UK where the market size is clearly substantial. We anticipate that we will be writing considerable levels of new business across a range of niche areas where we will design bespoke products to satisfy embedded demand from distribution networks in the UK. The market size for motor in the UK is enormous and we believe that there are various profitable opportunities available to Gable in this area of the market."
Gable Holdings Inc. William Dewsall, Chief Executive
| tel: +44 (0) 20 7337 7460 |
Panmure Gordon Fred Walsh / Atholl Tweedie, Corporate Finance Adam Pollock / Maisie Atkinson, Corporate Broking
| tel: +44 (0) 20 7886 2500 |
Gable Communications John Bick / Justine James | tel: +44 (0) 20 7193 7463 +44 (0)7872 061007 |
About Gable Holdings Inc
Gable is a European non-life insurance company underwriting a comprehensive range of specialist policies for the commercial sectors in UK, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark the Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Sweden. Gable benefits from a low-cost online underwriting platform and the Company has continued to successfully grow its business geographically whilst simultaneously exploiting a range of niche insurance products which exist across the EU.
Gable Holdings Inc is quoted on the London Stock Exchange's AIM market (ticker: GAH.L GAH.LN). For further information please visit www.gableholdings.com.
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