6th Sep 2005 07:00
ARC Risk Management Group PlcDistribution Agreement in Japan via AIG International ServicesARC Risk Management Group Plc ("ARC") announces that its distribution partnerfor Japan, AIG International Services (a division of American InternationalGroup Inc), has secured agreement with JTB and JI Accident & Fire Insurance Cofor the immediate sale of the red24alert crisis response service to theircustomer bases.JTB is the largest travel agency in Japan and has 400 offices in 22 countries.Initially, however, red24 will be sold into the domestic market through JTB'snetwork of 321 branches, 414 sub-agencies and 6,819 affiliated agencies whichcombined accounts for some four million foreign holiday makers a year.JI Accident & Fire Insurance Co is a joint venture between AIU and JTB one ofthe largest insurance companies in Japan and has incorporated red24alert intoits product offering specifically to customers seeking protection whentravelling abroad. JI is expected to provide red24alert as a mandatory serviceto some of its customers and as a voluntary add-on to others.ARC is hopeful that the Japanese market will prove a rich one for red24alertand that the traditionally risk averse Japanese traveller will lead to therapid adoption of the product.Simon Wakeling, Director, ARC Risk Management Group Plc, commented:"This is an exciting development for red24 taking us into a major geographicalregion populated by prolific travellers who seek security and safety. Both JTBand JI are confident that red24alert suits a necessary market need and willcommence product marketing immediately." 6 September 2005Contact:ARC Risk Management Group Plc 020 8080 0218 Simon Wakeling, Director Hansard Communications 020 7245 1100 Nicholas Nelson Notes to editors:Red 24 provides information, advice and response on personal safety andsecurity issues covering 130 countries, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.ENDARC RISK MANAGEMENT GROUP PLCRelated Shares: