27th Apr 2006 10:45
Cesky Telecom A.S.27 April 2006 CESKY TELECOM - Facts & Figures This document is intended for information purposes only. Although EESKY TELECOM,a.s. makes every effort to provide accurate information, we cannot acceptliability for any misprints or other errors. All financials in CZK million, unless specified otherwise. Results are presented under International Financial Reporting Standards. Allresults are consolidated, unless specified otherwise. Financial results 2004-2005 are audited. Results for 2005 include the impact of accounting policy changes made in Q4 2005 Year 2004 is restated, on a pro-forma basis, to include accounting policychanges as if they were applied in 2004, to allow for relevant year on yearcomparison of 2005 and 2004 Consolidated Income Statement Q1 2005 Q1 2006 YoY Q106/Q105 in % Revenues 1) 14 756 14 825 0,5%Internal expenses capitalized in fixed assets 118 190 61,0%Operating costs (7 715) (7 777) 0,8%Other operating expense (45) (44) (2,2%)Gain on sale of fixed assets 13 15 15,4%Impairment of fixed assets 0 (15) n.m. OIBDA 7 127 7 194 0,9% OIBDA margin 2) 48,5% 48,9% Depreciation and amortization (4 706) (4 173) (11,3%) Operating Income 2 421 3 021 24,8% Net financial income (expense) (124) (86) (30,6%) Income before taxes 2 297 2 935 27,8% Income taxes (630) (882) 40,0% Income from continuing operations 1 667 2 053 23,2% Minority interest 1 0 n.m. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Net income 1 668 2 053 23,1% 1) Business and recurring revenues 2) OIBDA margin = OIBDA / Business Revenues REVENUES - Fixed Line Business Q1 2005 Q1 2006 YoY Q106/Q105 in % Traditional Access 1) 2 991 2 779 (7,1%) Traditional Voice Services 2 684 2 560 (4,6%) Communication Traffic 1 629 1 364 (16,3%) - Domestic Traffic 2) 786 711 (9,5%) - Fixed to Mobile Traffic 535 397 (25,8%) - International Traffic 176 134 (23,9%) - Other Traffic 3) 132 122 (7,6%) Interconnection 4) 1 055 1 196 13,4% Internet & Broadband 777 768 (1,2%) Narrowband 387 192 (50,4%) Broadband 390 576 47,7% - Retail 5) 321 492 53,3% - Wholesale 6) 69 84 21,7% IT Services 24 108 350,0% Equipment Sales 7) 178 158 (11,2%) Data Services 1 108 1 049 (5,3%) Leased lines 679 609 (10,3%) Data services 8) 429 440 2,6% Other telco revenues 9) 218 122 (44,0%) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total business revenues 7 980 7 544 (5,5%) 1) Subscription and Connection Charges2) Local and National Calls3) Incl. Coin Payphones and Prepaid Cards4) Domestic and International, from Fixed and Mobile Traffic5) Incl. Broadband Content and VAS6) Carrier Broadband service7) Telephone Handsets and CPE for data services8) Incl. IP Connect and VPN9) Incl. Value Added Services (SMS, colour lines etc.) REVENUES - Mobile business Q1 2005 Q1 2006 YoY Q106/Q105 in % Service Revenues 6 672 7 082 6,1% Voice Services 5 365 5 524 3,0% Monthly fees 1 394 1 565 12,3% Traffic 1) 2 679 2 645 (1,3%) Interconnection 2) 1 292 1 314 1,7% Value Added Services 3) 962 1 106 15,0% Internet & Data 4) 305 378 23,9% Other revenues 5) 40 74 85,0% Equipment Sales 6) 339 384 13,3% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total business revenues 7 011 7 466 6,5% 1) Outbound Traffic and Roaming Abroad2) Inbound Traffic and Roaming Visitors, from Fixed and Mobile Traffic3) Incl. SMS & MMS and Content4) CDMA, GPRS, HSCSD, UMTS and ADSL5) Inc. IT Services6) Incl. Activation Fees OPERATING COSTS - Fixed Line Business Q1 2005 Q1 2006 YoY Q106/Q105 in % Supplies 1) 1 456 1 658 13,9% Interconnection 1 162 1 206 3,8% Cost of Goods Sold 73 83 13,7% Other Supplies 221 369 67,0% Personnel Expenses 2) 1 396 1 226 (12,2%) Subcontracts 1 342 1 218 (9,2%) Marketing and Sales 153 202 32,0% Network & IT repairs and maintenance 461 403 (12,6%) Rentals, Buildings and Vehicles 200 198 (1,0%) Utilities supplies 3) 147 158 7,5% Other Subcontracts 4) 381 257 (32,5%) Taxes 5) 69 49 (29,0%) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total Operating Costs 4 263 4 151 (2,6%) OPERATING COSTS - Mobile Business Q1 2005 Q1 2006 YoY Q106/Q105 in % Supplies 1) 2 122 2 359 11,2% Interconnection and Roaming 1 318 1 471 11,6% Cost of Goods Sold 721 742 2,9% Other Supplies 83 146 75,9% Personnel Expenses 2) 493 441 (10,5%) Subcontracts 1 044 972 (6,9%) Marketing and Sales 420 413 (1,7%) Network & IT repairs and maintenance 225 170 (24,5%) Rentals, Buildings and Vehicles 202 193 (4,5%) Utilities supplies 3) 51 71 39,0% Other Subcontracts 4) 146 125 (14,4%) Taxes 5) 108 178 64,8% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total Operating Costs 3 767 3 950 4,8% 1) Purchases and Cost of Sales2) Incl. Headcount Reduction Costs3) Material and Energy4) Incl. Consultancy Fees5) Incl. Provisions CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Q1 2005 Q1 2006 YoY Q106/Q105 in % Non-Current Assets 120 786 108 239 (10,4%) Intangible Assets 10 960 9 224 (15,8%) Goodwill 13 320 13 320 0,0% Property, plant and equipment and Investment property 96 038 85 205 (11,3%) Long-term financial assets and other non-current assets 468 490 4,6% Deferred tax assets 0 0 0,0% Current Assets 10 981 15 966 45,4% Inventories 751 653 (13,0%) Trade and other receivables 8 521 8 430 (1,1%) Current tax receivable 249 0 (100,0%) Short/term financial investments 65 3 293 n.m. Cash and cash equivalents 1 396 3 590 157,2% Non-current assets classified as held for sale 0 246 n.m._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Assets 131 767 124 451 (5,6%) Equity 90 460 97 032 7,3% Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 90 455 97 032 7,3% Minority interest 5 0 n.m. Non-Current Liabilities 23 844 17 721 (25,7%) Long-term financial debt 14 344 9 278 (35,3%) Deferred tax liabilities 6 088 5 271 (13,4%) Long/Term Provisions 1 834 2 060 12,3% Other long/term liabilities 1 578 1 112 (29,5%) Current Liabilities 17 463 9 698 (44,5%) Short-term financial debt 8 501 326 (96,2%) Trade and Other payables 4 858 5 507 13,4% Current tax payable 793 691 (12,8%) Short/term provisions and other liabilities 3 311 3 174 (4,1%) Liabilities associated with non-current assets clasiffied as 0 0 n.m.held for sale_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Equity and Liabilities 131 767 124 451 (5,6%) CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Q1 2005 Q1 2006 YoY Q106/Q105 in % Interest paid (47) 0 (100,0%) Interest received 17 21 23,5% Income tax paid (634) (769) 21,3%Cash Generated from Operating Activities 5 472 5 478 0,1% Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible (1 624) (2 177) 34,1% assets Purchase of marketable securities 0 0 0,0% Purchase of financial investments 0 0 0,0% Disposal of property, plant and equipment 16 34 112,5% Proceeds from marketable securities 125 0 (100,0%) Proceeds from investments 0 0 0,0% Dividends received 0 0 0,0% Grant of loan 0 (3 297) n.m.Net cash used in investing activities (1 483) (5 440) 266,8% Free cash flow I 1) 3 864 3 335 (13,7%)Free cash flow II 2) 3 894 3 314 (14,9%) Net cash outflow before financing 3 989 38 (99,0%)Net cash from financing activities (3 093) 0 (100,0%) Effect of exchange rate changes 6 (1) n.m. Net cash increase / (decrease) 896 38 n.m. 1) Net operating cash plus Net investing cash excl. Marketable securities, Financial investments,Dividends and Loan 2) Net operating cash excl. Interest paid and received plus Net investing cash excl. Marketablesecurities, Financial investments, Dividends and Loan BALANCE SHEET - Fixed Line Business Q1 2005 Q1 2006 YoY Q106/Q105 in % Non-Current Assets 108 620 98 142 (9,6%) Intangible Assets 2 492 1 512 (39,3%) Property, plant and equipment and Investment property 76 282 66 791 (12,4%) Long-term financial assets and other non-current assets 29 846 29 839 (0,0%) Deferred tax assets 0 0 0,0% Current Assets 5 519 9 738 76,5% Inventories 288 212 (26,4%) Trade and other receivables 5 071 4 877 (3,8%) Current tax receivable 0 0 0,0% Short/term financial investments 82 3 297 n.m. Cash and cash equivalents 78 1 352 n.m. Non-current assets classified as held for sale 0 246 n.m._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Assets 114 138 108 126 (5,3%) Equity 77 420 84 868 9,6% Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 77 420 84 868 9,6% Minority interest 0 0 0,0% Non-Current Liabilities 22 063 17 244 (21,8%) Long-term financial debt 14 344 9 278 (35,3%) Deferred tax liabilities 3 221 3 273 1,6% Long/Term Provisions 2 920 3 584 22,7% Other long/term liabilities 1 578 1 108 (29,8%) Current Liabilities 14 655 6 014 (59,0%) Short-term financial debt 8 485 317 (96,3%) Trade and Other payables 3 700 3 799 2,7% Current tax payable 791 377 (52,3%) Short/term provisions and other liabilities 1 679 1 521 (9,4%) Liabilities associated with non-current assets clasiffied 0 0 0,0%as held for sale_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Equity and Liabilities 114 138 108 126 (5,3%) BALANCE SHEET - Mobile Business Q1 2005 Q1 2006 YoY Q106/Q105 in % Non-Current Assets 25 827 24 543 (5,0%) Intangible Assets 5 539 5 901 6,5% Property, plant and equipment and Investment property 20 180 18 475 (8,4%) Long-term financial assets and other non-current assets 108 166 53,3% Deferred tax assets 0 0 0,0% Current Assets 6 283 6 436 2,4% Inventories 462 441 (4,6%) Trade and other receivables 4 297 3 819 (11,1%) Current tax receivable 249 0 (100,0%) Short/term financial investments 2 1 (34,4%) Cash and cash equivalents 1 272 2 175 70,9% Non-current assets classified as held for sale 0 0 0,0%_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Assets 32 110 30 979 (3,5%) Equity 25 918 24 347 (6,1%) Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 25 918 24 347 (6,1%) Minority interest 0 0 0,0% Non-Current Liabilities 1 949 1 627 (16,5%) Long-term financial debt 0 0 0,0% Deferred tax liabilities 1 936 1 613 (16,7%) Long/Term Provisions 0 11 0,0% Other long/term liabilities 13 2 n.m. Current Liabilities 4 243 5 005 18,0% Short-term financial debt 17 8 (50,2%) Trade and Other payables 2 266 3 035 34,0% Current tax payable 0 314 n.m. Short/term provisions and other liabilities 1 960 1 648 (15,9%) Liabilities associated with non-current assets clasiffied 0 0 0,0%as held for sale_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Equity and Liabilities 32 110 30 979 (3,5%) OPERATIONAL DATA - Fixed Line Business Q1 2005 Q1 2006 YoY Q106/Q105 in %Telephone lines in operation (incl. ISDN channels), 3 307 3 073 (7,1%)e.o.p. (x 1000) Business (incl. service lines and payphones) (x 1000) 1 054 973 (7,7%) Residential (x 1000) 2 253 2 100 (6,8%) - PSTN lines (x 1000) 2 800 2 607 (6,9%) - ISDN channels (x 1000) 481 441 (8,5%) - Payphones in operation, e.o.p. (x 1000) 26 26 (1,3%) - ADSL connections (x1000) 127 338 166,6% Internet IOL customers, e.o.p. (x 1000) 1) 1 075 1 320 22,8% Total outbound minutes (x 1 000 000) 1 952 1 372 (29,7%) Local 607 521 (14,0%) LD 178 188 5,9% International 33 32 (1,2%) Fixed to Mobile 90 83 (7,8%) Internet 977 455 (53,4%) Other 68 92 35,5% Total inbound minutes off-net (x 1 000 000) 500 520 4,0% Domestic 448 469 4,7% International 52 51 (1,9%) Avg. monthly minutes of use per customer 2) 239 203 (15,2%) EESKY TELECOM employees, e.o.p. 8 624 7 572 (12,2%)Lines per fixed line employee, e.o.p. 383 406 5,8%Other subsidiaries employee, e.o.p. 36 61 69,4% OPERATIONAL DATA - Mobile Business Q1 2005 Q1 2006 YoY Q106/Q105 in %EOP registered customers (x 1000) 3) 4 326 4 695 8,5%contract customers 4) 1 145 1 643 43,5%prepaid customers 3) 4) 3 181 3 052 (4,1%) Data customers 105 147 40,0%GPRS Flat fee customers (x 1000) 62 68 9,7%CDMA customers (x 1000) 43 79 83,7% Churn rate blended (monthly average for quarter) 2,4% 2,2% (8,3%) ARPU blended (in CZK; monthly average) 5) 484 490 1,2%contract ARPU (in CZK) 1 237 996 (19,5%)prepaid ARPU (in CZK) 233 226 (3,0%)data ARPU blended (in CZK) 6) 96 106 10,4%non-SMS data ARPU as a % of data ARPU - blended 36% 39% 2,6% Total minutes - outbound & inbound (x 1 000 000) 1 087 1 330 22,4%MOU per customer blended (monthly average) 7) 83 96 15,7% Total number of SMS (x 1 000 000) 598 690 15,4% Eurotel employees (all staff), e.o.p. 2 496 2 483 (0,5%) 1) Paid access (IOL), free access (Quick.cz) and Internet Express (Eesky Telecom)2) Inbound + outbound3) As of 30 June 2005, Eurotel changed its methodology of GSM prepaid customers calculation (GSMprepaid customer = customer who recharged within last 13 months);for comparative purposes we adjusted number of prepaid customers as at FY 2004 and Q1 20054) GSM, NMT and CDMA customers5) ARPU Mobile = Average mobile service revenue excl. roaming visitors per customer month; based onnew methodology of GSM prepaid customers calculation (see Note 3)6) data = Value added services + Internet & Data7) Avg. monthly minutes of use per customer = In + outbound; based on new methodology of GSM prepaidcustomers calculation (see Note 3) OPERATIONAL DATA - Fixed Line Business Q1 2005 Q2 2005 Q3 2005 Q4 2005 Q1 2006 Telephone lines in operation (incl. ISDN channels), 3 307 3 249 3 189 3 126 3 073e.o.p. (x 1000) Business (incl. service lines and payphones) (x 1000) 1 054 1 029 1 005 998 973 Residential (x 1000) 2 253 2 220 2 183 2 128 2 100 - PSTN lines (x 1000) 2 800 2 757 2 706 2 652 2 607 - ISDN channels (x 1000) 481 466 457 449 441 - Payphones in operation, e.o.p. (x 1000) 26 26 26 25 26 - ADSL connections (x1000) 127 163 210 274 338 Internet IOL customers, e.o.p. (x 1000) 1) 1 075 1 118 1 171 1 244 1 320 Total outbound minutes (x 1 000 000) 1 952 1 664 1 381 1 410 1 372 Local 607 542 460 521 521 LD 178 172 165 184 188 International 33 34 32 32 32 Fixed to Mobile 90 93 86 85 83 Internet 977 753 570 518 455 Other 68 70 68 69 92 Total inbound minutes off-net (x 1 000 000) 500 502 458 504 520 Domestic 448 445 411 461 469 International 52 57 47 43 51 Avg. monthly minutes of use per customer 2) 251 220 190 202 203 EESKY TELECOM employees, e.o.p. 8 624 7 935 7 743 7 524 7 572Lines per fixed line employee, e.o.p. 383 409 412 415 406Other subsidiaries employee, e.o.p. 36 35 37 45 61 OPERATIONAL DATA - Mobile Business Q1 2005 Q2 2005 Q3 2005 Q4 2005 Q1 2006 EOP registered customers (x 1000) 3) 4 326 4 420 4 489 4 676 4 695contract customers 4) 1 145 1 269 1 388 1 546 1 643prepaid customers 3) 4) 3 181 3 151 3 101 3 130 3 052 Data customers 105 114 121 137 147GPRS Flat fee customers (x 1000) 62 65 67 67 68CDMA customers (x 1000) 43 49 54 70 79 Churn rate blended (monthly average for quarter) 2,4% 1,2% 1,2% 1,2% 2,2% ARPU blended (in CZK; monthly average) 5) 484 522 519 514 490contract ARPU (in CZK) 1 237 1 235 1 137 1 078 996prepaid ARPU (in CZK) 233 247 254 243 226data ARPU blended (in CZK) 6) 96 98 104 110 106non-SMS data ARPU as a % of data ARPU - blended 36% 38% 41% 40% 39% Total minutes - outbound & inbound (x 1 000 000) 1 087 1 213 1 243 1 307 1 330MOU per customer blended (monthly average) 7) 83 94 94 97 96 Total number of SMS (x 1 000 000) 598 603 633 685 690 Eurotel employees (all staff), e.o.p. 2 496 2 500 2 466 2 490 2 483 1) Paid access (IOL), free access (Quick.cz) and Internet Express (Eesky Telecom)2) Inbound + outbound3) As of 30 June 2005, Eurotel changed its methodology of GSM prepaid customers calculation (GSMprepaid customer = customer who recharged within last 13 months);for comparative purposes we adjusted number of prepaid customers as at FY 2004 and Q1 20054) GSM, NMT and CDMA customers5) ARPU Mobile = Average mobile service revenue excl. roaming visitors per customer month; based onnew methodology of GSM prepaid customers calculation (see Note 3)6) data = Value added services + Internet & Data7) Avg. monthly minutes of use per customer = In + outbound; based on new methodology of GSM prepaidcustomers calculation (see Note 3) This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: