20th Nov 2007 16:08
United Utilities PLC20 November 2007 Publication of Offering Circular The following offering circular has been approved by the UK Listing Authorityand is available for viewing: Offering Circular relating to United Utilities' multi-issuer €7,000,000,000 EuroMedium Term Note Programme. Each of United Utilities PLC and United UtilitiesWater PLC is an issuer under the Programme. To view the full document, please paste the following URL into the address barof your browser. http://www.rns-pdf.londonstockexchange.com/rns/1313i_-2007-11-20.pdf The documents incorporated by reference into the Offering Circular are availablefor inspection at the Document Viewing Facility of the UK Listing Authority. For further information, please contact Tom Fallon, Treasurer, United Utilities,on + 44 1925 237064. United Utilities' ordinary shares trade on the London Stock Exchange. DISCLAIMER - INTENDED ADDRESSEES Please note that the information contained in the Offering Circular may beaddressed to and/or targeted at persons who are residents of particularcountries (specified in the Offering Circular) only and is not intended for useand should not be relied upon by any person outside these countries and/or towhom the offer contained in the Offering Circular is not addressed. Prior torelying on the information contained in the Offering Circular you must ascertainfrom the Offering Circular whether or not you are part of the intendedaddressees of the information contained therein. Your right to access this service is conditional upon complying with the aboverequirement. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
United Utilities