14th Nov 2024 12:51
National Westminster Bank Plc
Publication of Prospectus
The following prospectus has been approved by the UK Financial Conduct Authority and is available for viewing:
Prospectus of National Westminster Bank Plc €25,000,000,000 Global Covered Bond Programme unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed as to payments of interest and principal by NatWest Covered Bonds Limited Liability Partnership, dated 14 November 2024 (the "Prospectus").
To view the full document, please paste the following URL into the address bar of your browser.
A copy of the above Prospectus will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at:
For further information, please contact:
Scott Forrest
Head of NatWest Treasury DCM
Tel: +44 (0)7447 455 969
This announcement is a communication to the market. Nothing in this announcement constitutes an offer of securities for sale in the United States or any other jurisdiction. This announcement does not constitute a prospectus or a prospectus equivalent document.
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Likewise, the information contained in the Prospectus may be addressed to and/or targeted at persons who are residents of particular countries (specified in the Prospectus) only and is not intended for use and should not be relied upon by any person outside these countries and/or to whom the offer contained in the Prospectus is not addressed. Prior to relying on the information contained in the Prospectus you must ascertain from the Prospectus whether or not you are part of the intended addressees of the information contained therein.
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Legal Entity Identifier: National Westminster Bank Plc - 213800IBT39XQ9C4CP71
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