18th Nov 2010 07:00
Central African Gold Plc / Ticker: CAN / Market: AIM / Sub-sector: Gold Mining
18 November 2010
Central African Gold Plc ('CAG' or 'the Company')
Proposed cancellation of admission to trading on AIM
Central African Gold Plc, the AIM quoted gold mining and exploration company, today announces that, following completion of the comprehensive strategic review, previously announced on 15 July 2010, it is the intention of the board of directors of CAG ('the Board') to seek shareholder approval to cancel admission of the Company's ordinary shares of 0.1 pence each to trading on AIM and to re-register as a private limited company (together, 'the Proposals').
The Board has considered the ongoing costs, management time and regulatory and reporting requirements of maintaining its admission to AIM and believes that these costs and requirements can no longer be justified, particularly in light of the current liquidity and market capitalisation of the Company, as well as CAG's new ownership structure (whereby NDM (UK) Limited ('NDM UK'), a wholly owned subsidiary of New Dawn Mining Corp. ('NDM'), a Toronto Stock Exchange gold exploration and production company, holds 88.68 per cent. of the Company's issued share capital).
Accordingly, a circular ('the Circular') and notice of general meeting ('the GM') will be sent to shareholders, requesting that shareholders approve the Proposals, at the GM, later this quarter.
NDM UK has indicated to the Board that it will vote in favour of the Proposals at the GM. Accordingly, the Board anticipates that the Proposals will be approved at the GM, as the requisite approval threshold is 75 per cent. of votes cast by shareholders at the GM.
Further details on the precise structure of the Proposals and on the implications for shareholders of the Proposals becoming effective will be announced in due course and will be included in the Circular to be sent to shareholders later this quarter.
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For further information please visit www.centralafricangold.comor contact:
Roy Pitchford / Ian Saunders | Central African Gold Plc | Tel: +44(0)77 9390 9985 Tel: +1 (416) 585 7890 |
Stuart Faulkner / James Spinney |
Strand Hanson Limited |
Tel: +44(0)20 7409 3494 |
Hugo de Salis / Felicity Edwards |
St Brides Media and Finance Ltd |
Tel: +44(0)20 7236 1177
Notes to Editors
Central African Gold Plc is a gold mining company with a portfolio of production, development and exploration assets in Zimbabwe, where the Company operates through two subsidiaries, Falcon Gold Zimbabwe Limited (84.7 per cent. owned) and Olympus Gold Mines Limited (100 per cent. owned). Through these subsidiaries, CAG has five main gold mines, the Dalny, Old Nic, Golden Quarry, Venice and Camperdown mines, which are located in the highly prospective Kadoma, Shurugwi and Bulawayo gold regions in Zimbabwe.
The Company's 88.68 per cent. shareholder is NDM UK, a wholly owned subsidiary of NDM, a gold company with a broad portfolio of production and exploration assets, also in Zimbabwe. NDM owns and operates the Turk and Angelus Mines in the upper southwest area of Zimbabwe, which it believes have the potential to produce an estimated 35,000 to 50,000 ounces of gold per annum. It is NDM's objective to orchestrate the development of CAG's mining operations and exploration portfolio, as well as its own, to become a mid-tier gold producer focussed in Zimbabwe, with a consolidated annualised gold production to between 50,000 and 60,000 ounces within the next 18 to 24 months, increasing to 100,000 ounces within four to five years.
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