23rd Jun 2005 07:00
Landore Resources Limited23 June 2005 Landore Resources Limited ("Landore") Progress Report Highlights •Junior Lake-Lamaune Lake. A 3,500 metre diamond drilling program has commenced to test encouraging mineral occurrences identified by recent geological surveys. •Miminiska Lake. The recently completed drilling campaign succeeded in proving the depth extension of the targeted mineralised zones to a vertical depth of -250 metres with high grade gold intersected in most holes. The Junior Lake-Lamaune Lake properties are located in the province of Ontario,approximately 235 kilometres north-northeast of Thunder Bay and are situatedwithin the Caribou-O-Sullivan Greenstone Belt in the Wabigoon Subprovince. The Junior Lake property is host to a nickel-copper-platinum group elements(Ni-Cu-PGE) deposit ('B4-7' zone of 2.3 million tons at 0.87%Ni and 0.58%Cu), atleast 8 other Ni-Cu-PGE occurrences, a recently discovered gold occurrence('BAM' zone), several copper-zinc occurrences and a chromium occurrence. Theseoccurrences are hosted by several complex sequences of Archean-age supracrustaland intrusive rocks. In May 2004, a high-resolution, Aeroquest-AeroTEM, helicopter-borneelectromagnetic (EM) survey was flown over the entire 20 kilometre strike lengthof the Junior Lake and Lamaune Lake properties in search of additional Ni-Cu-PGEmineralization, successfully identifying at least twenty-five high conductancetargets. Follow up trenching and sampling on several of these targets confirmedthe presence of significant mineralisation with grab samples returning values ofup to 0.84% nickel, 2.7% copper and 850ppb palladium. A diamond drilling program totalling 3,500 metres of NQ sized core is currentlybeing conducted to test various targets within the prospective sequences. Coresamples have been sent to the assay laboratory and when full results areavailable a further report will be issued. Miminiska Lake. Landore recently completed a drill program comprising 13 NQdiamond drill holes totalling 3921 metres on its wholly owned Miminiska Lakeproperty located 115 kilometres east of Pickle Lake, Ontario. The drill programwas designed to test the down-dip and plunge extensions of iron formationhosting high-grade gold intersections returned from the previous drill campaignincluding 9.8 gpt over 3.5m in hole 0604-33, 132.1 gpt over 0.5 metres in hole0604-32 and 6.0 gpt over 3.5m in hole 0603-31. The current program succeeded in proving the depth extension of the targetedmineralized zones to a vertical depth of -250 metres with high-grade gold zonesintersected in most holes. The best intersections include 8.7 gpt Au over 0.6 min hole 0604-36, 6.6 gpt Au over 1.5 m in hole 0605-42 and 9.7 gpt Au over 1.1min hole 43. Drill hole 0604-37, designed to test the up-plunge extension ofmineralization in hole 0604-33, also intersected the target zone 80 metresup-plunge, returning an assay of 6.0 gpt Au over 2.0 metres. Significant Gold Assays: >1.0 gpt.------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drill Hole From To Intersection Gold Assay metres metres metres gpt------------------------------------------------------------------------------0604-35 62.0 64.0 2.0 3.8(includes) 62.0 63.0 1.0 6.4------------------------------------------------------------------------------0604-36 90.2 91.7 1.5 2.8(includes) 90.2 90.7 0.5 6.4 224.8 225.3 0.6 8.7------------------------------------------------------------------------------0604-37 87.3 91.2 2.0 6.0(includes) 90.0 90.9 0.9 11.1------------------------------------------------------------------------------0605-41 112.7 113.3 0.5 6.0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0605-42 333.8 335.2 1.4 6.6------------------------------------------------------------------------------0605-43 263.5 264.6 1.1 9.7------------------------------------------------------------------------------0605-44 263.3 264.0 0.7 5.0------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Results of the drilling on the Miminiska property continue to reveal theabundance of gold in the area. Consequently, Landore plans to conduct a detailedreview of all Miminiska drill hole data and continue with exploration of theeastern Uchi Subprovince in the vicinity of the Miminiska Lake property. For more information please contact Bill Humphries / Richard PrickettLandore Resources LimitedTel:07734 681262Tel 07775 651421 Simon RaggettStrand Partners LimitedTel: 020 7409 3494 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: