6th Jul 2005 11:25
Concurrent Technologies PlcProduct LaunchProduct Range Strengthened in Defence, Aerospace, Scientific andTelecommunications SectorsConcurrent Technologies Plc (AIM: CNC), a leading manufacturer of high-endembedded computer products for critical applications in the defence,transportation, communications and industrial markets, announces the launch ofits latest VME single board computer, the VP 754/20x. This is ConcurrentTechnologies' highest performance PowerPC‚® product to date.The product is designed to address high-end processing requirements and willserve the defence, aerospace, scientific and telecommunications markets, inreal time applications such as radar and telephony networks. For harsherenvironments, especially those in defence and aerospace, wide temperature rangeversions of the product are available.The VP 754/20x is designed around the FreeScale‚® 1.4 GHz PowerPC‚® processor andsupports up to 1.25 GBytes of high reliability error-correcting memory. Theboard's low power requirements, support for multiple fast disk drives and highresolution graphics coupled with a very fast expansion interface allows usersto add their own interfaces to the product which make it an ideal processingengine in many applications.Glen Fawcett, Managing Director, Concurrent Technologies, commented:"The VP 754/20x further extends the Company's offering within its expanding VMErange of products, bringing advantages to new and existing customers of higherperformance and an extended range of operating environments. The board has manyapplications in the real-time processing arena and it shouldfurther increasepenetration into our key markets." 5 July 2005Contacts:Concurrent Technologies PLC 01206 752 626 Glen Fawcett, Managing Director Hansard Communications 0207 245 1100 Ben Simons All trademarks, registered trademarks and trade names used in this announcementare the property of their respective ownersENDCONCURRENT TECHNOLOGIES PLCRelated Shares:
Concurrent Technologies