16th Oct 2007 07:01
TyraTech, Inc.16 October 2007 Press Release 16 October 2007 TyraTech Inc. ("TyraTech" or "the Company") Launch and first order for TyraTech Crawling Insect Spray for the hospitality industry TyraTech Inc. (AIM: TYR), the pioneer of safer, effective and natural pesticideproducts, today announces the commercial launch of its Crawling Insect Spray,the first product from its TyraTech "Naturals" range. A division of one of the largest US food service distributors has signed aFlorida distribution agreement with TyraTech and has placed its first order forthe spray. The agreement will enable TyraTech to target hotels, restaurantchains, hospitals, schools and other facilities across Florida. The TyraTech Crawling Insect Spray uses a proprietary blend of natural plantoils to deliver a superior combination of potent broad-spectrum insect controlcoupled with improved safety to humans and animals. TyraTech's formulation isideal for use by the hospitality industry and other markets linked to inhabitedspaces that require effective and responsible pest control, ensuring commitmentto customer and public health. Commenting on the launch, Douglas Armstrong PhD, Chief Executive Officer ofTyraTech, said: "The US$30 billion global pesticide market has struggled todeliver products that meet the combined safety and efficacy requirements thatcommercial and institutional facilities face in their everyday businesspractices. With an established customer base and distribution channels into keymarkets, we have an ideal partner to bring our Crawling Insect Spray directly tothose industries demanding effective pest control action with an unsurpassedsafety profile." TyraTech's Crawling Insect Spray treats a range of common pests including:cockroaches, drain flies, fruit flies, ants, bed bugs, dust mites and spiders.Based on a proprietary blend of plant oils, the spray's active ingredientsselectively target sensitive receptors found only in invertebrates to ensurefast, effective pest control. Unlike synthetic chemical insecticides,TyraTech's product is safer for regular use in places of high human exposureincluding heavily trafficked public spaces as well as food preparation andstorage areas. The product can be used while people carry on their day-to-dayactivities, eliminating the need for quarantine or evacuation that is requiredwith many chemical pesticides. - Ends- For further information:TyraTech Inc.Douglas Armstrong PhD, Chief Executive Officer Tel: +1 (321) 409 7403 www.tyratech.comNomura Code SecuritiesCharles Walker/ Clare Terlouw Tel: +44 (0) 20 7776 1200 www.nomuracode.com Media enquiries:AbchurchHeather Salmond / Justin Heath Tel: +44 (0) 20 7398 [email protected] [email protected] www.abchurch-group.com About TyraTech, Inc. TyraTech is pioneering a new class of highly effective, non-toxic, pesticidesand anti-parasitic compounds to address global agriculture, horticulture,functional foods, healthcare and veterinary markets. Using a revolutionarychemoreceptor screening process, TyraTech has identified proprietary blends ofnatural oils that stimulate the reactions and biological behaviour of insectsand parasites so that they can be effectively repelled or killed. TyraTech'stechnology prevents the development of resistance and avoids the environmentalconcerns and human health risks of chemical solutions whilst still being atleast, if not more, effective. The Company's products have been validated through strong partnerships withmultinational conglomerates operating within a growing US$23 billion worldwidemarket that is being increasingly driven by environmental legislation andend-user demand. TyraTech continues to develop new product applications based on safe, naturalingredients with a broad range of partners around the world. www.tyratech.com This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: