17th Oct 2022 07:00
RNS Number : 016D Renalytix PLC 17 October 2022 160160
KineyIntelX Clinical Utility an Health Economics Valiate in Multiple Data Releases at American Society of Nephrology
Four presentations, incluing first clinical utility finings from multi-year real worl evience results from a major healthcare system unerscore160value of KineyIntelX8482 platform in improving cost economics for Meicare population
NEW YORK an SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Renalytix plc (NASDAQ: RNLX) (LSE: RENX) toay announce that four scientific presentations have been accepte at the upcoming American Society of Nephrology (ASN) Kiney Week (November 3-6, 2022) taking place in Orlano, Floria.
The presentations inclue a cost-effectiveness analysis that supports population-base KineyIntelX testing for prognosis of early stage Diabetic Kiney Disease (DKD) (stage G1-G3b) as a cost effective strategy for a Meicare population in comparison to stanar clinical management tools to treat DKD, as well as the first clinical utility finings from the multi-year real worl evience stuy at a major healthcare system with an emphasis on aressing isparities in healthcare access.
Scientific clinical an health economic presentations inclue:
Prognostic Risk Score for Kiney Disease Progression in African Americans Without Type 2 Diabetes by Nakarni GN, Takale D, Stapleton S, Fleming F, an Coca SG:
Data will be presente on the KineyIntelX platform in a cohort of African Americans (AAs) with non-iabetic CKD with an without the APOL1 risk genotype. The new moel with plasma sTNFR1, sTNFR2, an KIM-1 combine with clinical variables accurately risk-stratifie AAs with an without APOL1 risk genotype for kiney outcomes. Thursay, November 3, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Exhibit Hall, Orange County Convention Center.
Examining the Role of KineyIntelX in Aressing Health Inequity in CKD by Freeman BI, Paige RA, Spainhour MH, Bagwell BM, Houlihan JA, an Lor RW:
The KineyIntelX risk score was assesse for its ability to preict progressive ecline in kiney function in patients with T2D an early-stage CKD in a major healthcare system. Initial results suggest that espite similar meian eGFR an meian UACR levels, African American patients teste with KineyIntelX were three times more likely to be score as high risk. It is hope that with continue use in the setting, KineyIntelX may allow PCPs an healthcare systems to optimize the allocation of treatments an clinical resources to those at highest risk, beyon traitional clinical metrics an potentially improve equity in outcomes. Thursay November 3, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Exhibit Hall, Orange County Convention Center.
TNFR-1, TNFR-2, an KIM-1 Plasma Concentrations after COVID-19 an Association with Kiney Function by Chan L, Ananakrishnan N, Saha A, DeFronzo S, Mosoyan, Meliambro K, G, Wisnivesky J, Nakarni G, Stapleton S, Fleming F, Coca SG, an Azeloglu E:
KineyIntelX Biomarkers TNFR1, TNFR2, an KIM1 are associate with progression of kiney isease an these biomarkers have not been evaluate in patients who have recovere from COVID-19. In this stuy of patients who ha COVID-19 an recovere, at the baseline visit, KIM-1, TNFR-1, an TNFR-2 levels were highest in patients who were previously hospitalize an ha acute kiney injury (AKI) uring hospitalization. The egree of biomarker elevation was associate with lower kiney function more than one year post-COVID. Friay, November 4, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Exhibit Hall, Orange County Convention Center
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Prognostic Risk Assessment Test for Diabetic Kiney Disease G1-G3b in the Unite States by Cooper JT, Beltran K, Coca SG, an Schneier, JE:
The KineyIntelX risk score can assist primary care proviers in guiing resource utilization, prescription of new therapeutic agents an improve efficiency of care among physicians. The results conclue that population-base testing for prognosis of progression with KineyIntelX in a DKD G1-G3b population was a cost-effective strategy for a Meicare population incluing factors associate with quality of life improvements in comparison to prognosis relying on the stanar metrics of kiney function (eGFR) or albuminuria (UACR) alone, while use of KineyIntelX use in the commercial population was shown to be a ominant strategy compare to these stanar kiney metrics alone. Saturay, November , 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Exhibit Hall, Orange County Convention Center.
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About Kiney Disease
Kiney isease is a public health epiemic affecting over 80 million people globally.1160The Centers for Disease Control an Prevention estimates that 1% of U.S. aults, or over 37 million people2, have chronic kiney isease (CKD). Nearly 9% of people with CKD are in early stages 1-33. Despite its magnitue, early-stage (1-3) CKD is uneriagnose an unertreate, largely because it's asymptomatic at this time in the isease. As many as 9 in 10 aults with CKD, an 2 in aults with severe CKD o not know they have the conition.3
About Renalytix
Renalytix (NASDAQ: RNLX) (LSE: RENX) is an in-vitro iagnostics an laboratory services company that is the global founer an leaer in the new fiel of bioprognosis8482160for kiney health. The leaership team, with a combine 200+ years of healthcare an in-vitro iagnostic experience, has esigne its KineyIntelX laboratory evelope test to enable risk assessment for rapi progressive ecline in kiney function in ault patients with T2D an early CKD (stages 1-3). We believe that by unerstaning how isease will progress, patients an proviers can take action early to improve outcomes an reuce overall health system costs. For more information, visit160www.renalytix.com.
About KineyIntelX8482
KineyIntelX8482160is a laboratory evelope test emonstrate to be a reliable, bioprognostic8482160methoology that yiels a simple-to-unerstan, custom risk score, enabling preiction of which ault patients with T2D an early CKD (stages 1-3) are at low, intermeiate or high risk for rapi progressive ecline in kiney function. By combining information from KineyIntelX with newer cario- an reno-protective therapies, octors will have more information in etermining which patients are at higher versus lower risk for rapi isease progression an may be able to more appropriately target resources an guieline-recommene treatments to avance kiney health. KineyIntelX is supporte by a growing boy of clinical, utility an health economic stuies (incluing a valiation stuy of two large cohorts) an has a emonstrate a 72% improvement in preicting those patients who are at high risk for rapi progressive ecline in kiney function versus the current stanar of care (eGFR an UACR). KineyIntelX has receive Breakthrough Device Designation from the U.S. Foo an Drug Aministration an Renalytix has submitte for De Novo marketing authorization. To learn more about KineyIntelX an review the evience, visit160www.kineyintelx.com.
Forwar Looking Statements
Statements containe in this press release regaring matters that are not historical facts are "forwar-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 199, as amene. Examples of these forwar-looking statements inclue statements concerning: the potential benefits, incluing economic savings, of KineyIntelX, the potential for KineyIntelX to receive regulatory approval from the FDA, the commercial prospects of KineyIntelX, if approve, incluing whether an to what extent KineyIntelX will be successfully aopte by physicians an istribute an markete, our expectations regaring reimbursement ecisions an the ability of KineyIntelX to curtail costs of chronic an en-stage kiney isease, optimize care elivery, aress systemic inequalities an improve patient outcomes. Wors such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "intens," "plans," "seeks," an similar expressions are intene to ientify forwar-looking statements. We may not actually achieve the plans an objectives isclose in the forwar-looking statements, an you shoul not place unue reliance on our forwar-looking statements. Any forwar-looking statements are base on management's current views an assumptions an involve risks an uncertainties that coul cause actual results, performance, or events to iffer materially from those expresse or implie in such statements. These risks an uncertainties inclue, among others: that KineyIntelX is base on novel artificial intelligence technologies that are rapily evolving an potential acceptance, utility an clinical practice remains uncertain we have only recently commercially launche KineyIntelX an risks relating to the impact on our business of the COVID-19 panemic or similar public health crises. These an other risks are escribe more fully in our filings with the Securities an Exchange Commission (SEC), incluing the "Risk Factors" section of our annual report on Form 20-F file with the SEC on October 21, 2021, an other filings we make with the SEC from time to time. All information in this press release is as of the ate of the release, an we unertake no obligation to publicly upate any forwar-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as require by law.
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