3rd Dec 2013 07:00
3 December 2013
The Conygar Investment Company PLC, announces its results for the year ended 30 September 2013.
· Net asset value per share increased by 5.2% to 174.6p (2012: 165.9p). EPRA NAV per share increased by 4.8% to 174.9p (2012: 166.9p).
· Pre-tax profit for the year £7.74 million compared with £7.46 million last year.
· Net debt of £38.9 million representing gearing of 25.1% against net asset value and 23.6% on loan to value basis.
· Share buy back: the Group acquired 4.3% of its ordinary share capital at a weighted average price of 96.8p per share.
· Total cash and undrawn committed facilities exceed £50 million.
· Investment property portfolio valuation up 2% in the second half of 2013 as property market outside of London shows signs of recovery.
· Obtained planning permission in respect of the 60,000 square foot Sainsbury's retail food store and 835 residential plots in Haverfordwest.
· Contracts exchanged with Marston's to sell 0.7 acres for a pub and restaurant at Pembroke Dock. Significant first step in post-planning phase of development.
· Obtained planning consent at Parc Cybi Business Park, Holyhead for a 200 space truck stop and logistics depot.
Summary Group Net Assets As At 30 September 2013
Per Share | ||
£'m | p | |
Investment Properties | 164.8 | 185.5 |
Development Projects | 32.2 | 36.2 |
Cash | 31.6 | 35.6 |
Other Net Liabilities | (4.1) | (4.6) |
224.5 | 252.7 | |
Bank Loans | (69.4) | (78.1) |
155.1 | 174.6 |
Robert Ware, Chief Executive, commented:
"Following the turbulent years since the financial crisis, there is now some cause for optimism, as there are definite signs of a recovery and improved market sentiment. This goodwill is beginning to extend outside London, which is benefitting our investment portfolio and we are definitely seeing an upturn in transactional activity, particularly at the occupier level. It is too early to predict the scale of the upturn, as any recovery remains fragile, but the last six months have seen an encouraging improvement.
Conygar remains well funded, cash generative and able to invest, so we are well positioned to take advantage of any market improvement. Our pipeline of development projects are also benefitting from this improved market sentiment and several of these projects are poised to start delivering on their potential.
We continue to grow net asset value per share and this growth should be enhanced further with progress in the development portfolio and as the anticipated recovery starts to take hold."
The Conygar Investment Company PLC
Robert Ware: 020 7258 8670
Peter Batchelor: 020 7258 8670
Liberum Capital Limited (Nominated Adviser)
Chris Bowman: 020 3100 2000
Richard Bootle: 020 3100 2000
Tim Graham: 020 3100 2000
Temple Bar Advisory (Public Relations)
Alex Child-Villiers: 07795 425580
Chairman's & Chief Executive's Statement
We are pleased to present the Group's results for the year ended 30 September 2013.
Net asset value per share increased by 5.2% to 174.6p from 165.9p last year and to 174.9 on an EPRA basis. The major components driving that growth are the profit after tax of £6.2 million and the share buy back programme which added 3 pence per share or 1.9%. The profit before taxation for the year was £7.7 million (2012: £7.5 million) with net property income of £12.9 million (2012: £13.4 million) before financing and overheads.
Net asset value as at 30 September 2013 was £155.1 million compared with £154.0 million at 30 September 2012. During the year, the Group spent £3.9 million on share buy backs and paid a dividend of £1.2 million and excluding these, net asset value increased by 4%.
The Group's investment properties as at 30 September 2013 were independently valued at £164.8 million (2012: £176.0 million), a flat valuation overall for the year on a like for like basis. However, having fallen by nearly 2% at 31 March 2013, we have seen a recovery in the second half of 2013 which reflects an improved sentiment towards property assets outside London and the South East.
The Group had cash balances of £31.6 million (2012: £31.5 million) at the year end and bank debt of £70.5 million (2012: £80.9 million) which is net gearing of 25.1% or 23.6% on a loan to value basis. The Group generates around £3.3 million pa cash from operations which funds development expenditure and capital expenditure on the investment property portfolio.
The business continued to make good progress during the year. Of particular note was the submission of the planning application for our development at Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire to build 835 residential properties and a 60,000 square feet Sainsbury's retail food store. In September 2013, we were pleased to announce that the Council had resolved to grant planning permission which will be formally granted upon the signing of a section 106 agreement. This is a major hurdle cleared and we can now work upon the detail of finalising the infrastructure and associated conditions to enable the completion of the conditional sale of the 9 acre site to Sainsbury's. Whilst the final terms of that agreement must remain confidential, the Sainsbury's funds, once received, will enable us to complete all the infrastructure works on the entire site which will provide a catalyst for residential development on the remaining 84 acres.
In May 2013, we announced that conditional contracts had been exchanged with Marston's to sell 0.7 acres at Pembroke Dock for a family pub and restaurant. Aside from being the first step in the post-planning phase, this has also generated interest from other commercial and retail operators in the site. In addition, we have begun exploratory engineering works in the harbour which is another step towards construction.
At Parc Cybi Business Park, Holyhead, we have obtained planning consent for a 200 space truck stop with associated amenities and entered into an agreement with the Welsh Government for the grant of a 999 year lease over 14 developable acres for the truck stop, logistics depot and service units. We have also exercised an option to acquire a further 12 acres of land for which we have already acquired planning consent for 110,000 square feet of distribution warehousing and 30,000 square feet of offices and we are in talks with several potential occupiers. This is in no small way due to the proposed construction of the Wylfa B nuclear power station, which looks increasingly likely, following recent events regarding the construction of Hinkley Point.
Our other development projects all continue to progress and in particular, the developments at Holyhead Waterfront and Fishguard Waterfront, where the section 106 agreements are nearly finalised and discussions with various interested parties continue to move forward.
Overall, the development pipeline is now making excellent progress and whilst it has been frustrating at times, all our projects have obtained planning consents. Our careful approach means that expenditure to date is only £32.2 million and we are not committed to any speculative projects. We remain on course to deliver projects, comprising more than 2,000 residential units, 1,400 marina berths and in excess of 400,000 square feet of commercial and retail development. Our downside risk is managed whilst the upside potential is significant.
The Group's investment properties continue to progress albeit the valuation remained flat over the year. The commercial property market outside London appears to have recovered slightly with our year end valuation recovering the losses in the first half of 2013. It is a trend we hope will continue, whilst acknowledging that any recovery is still in its infancy.
The contracted annual rent roll is £14.4 million as at 30 September 2013, which is £1.4 million lower than at 30 September 2012, mainly owing to a number of disposals in the year. We continue to work hard at letting vacant space, retaining tenants and pushing down irrecoverable property costs. Our average unexpired lease length has risen slightly to 4.8 years, from 4.5 years at 30 September 2012, reflecting numerous lease renewals. The portfolio vacancy rate is 16.7% which is up from last year's 10.4%. This is disappointing but not unexpected. The main additional vacancy arises from expiring leases at Maidenhead and Worcester which were not renewed. However, several negotiations are in progress which will hopefully reduce this. We are also refurbishing some empty floors at Norfolk House, Birmingham which will create desirable space close to the New Street Station redevelopment. So, whilst vacancy rates will rise in the short term, we expect a reduction as the market recovers. We made six disposals in the year realising £12.7 million of net sales proceeds. All sales were approximately at valuation and we will continue to recycle assets to release capital for other opportunities.
Our investment property portfolio continues to generate surplus cash flow which helps fund the pipeline of development projects which should deliver strong returns in the medium term.
In April 2013, we secured a refinancing of our TOPP portfolio with an £11 million three year loan from The Royal Bank of Scotland. This completes our refinancing of the entire investment property portfolio begun in 2011. The market for real estate debt is still difficult, in particular for secondary assets outside London which require significant and active management, so we are pleased to have obtained good financing at reasonable rates with lenders with whom we have a long-standing relationship. We will continue to seek out good sources of finance.
At 30 September 2013, the Group had cash of £31.6 million available to pursue investment opportunities and in addition, the Group could draw down a further £20 million from our committed bank facility with Lloyds Banking Group. The business is well funded and the balance sheet healthy.
The Board is pleased to recommend a final dividend of 1.5p per ordinary share in respect of the year ended 30 September 2013 to be paid on 13 February 2014 to shareholders on the register at 10 January 2014. This is an increase of 20% over last year. Our dividend policy remains unchanged with most profits retained for reinvestment in the business.
Share Buy Back
During the year, the Group acquired 4,009,838 ordinary shares representing 4.3% of its ordinary share capital, at a weighted average price of 96.8p per share. This cost approximately £3.9m and, as a result of the buy backs, net asset value per share has been enhanced by approximately 3 pence per share or 1.9%. The Group will seek to renew the buy back authority at the forthcoming AGM because, whilst our shares no longer trade at such a significant discount to underlying net asset value, we consider it to be a useful capital management tool which has been used to great advantage in the last few years. In total, the Group has acquired 34,567,819 shares at an average price of 107.0 pence per share since December 2010.
Following the turbulent years since the financial crisis, there is now some cause for optimism, as there are definite signs of a recovery and improved market sentiment. This goodwill is beginning to extend outside London, which is benefitting our investment portfolio and we are definitely seeing an upturn in transactional activity, particularly at the occupier level. It is too early to predict the scale of the upturn as any recovery remains fragile but the last six months have seen an encouraging improvement.
Conygar remains well funded, cash generative and able to invest, so we are well positioned to take advantage of any market improvement. Our pipeline of development projects are also benefitting from this improved market sentiment and several of these projects are poised to start delivering on their potential.
We continue to grow net asset value per share and this growth should be enhanced further with progress in the development portfolio and as the anticipated recovery starts to take hold.
NJ Hamway R T E Ware
Chairman Chief Executive
Strategic Report
The Group Strategic Report provides a review of the entire business for the financial year; discusses the group financial position at the year end and explains the principal risks and uncertainties facing the business and how we manage those risks. We also outline the Group's business model and strategy.
Strategy and Business Model
Conygar is an AIM quoted property investment and development group dealing primarily in UK property. Our aim is to invest in property assets and companies where we can add significant value using our property management, development and transaction structuring skills.
The business operates two major strands being the property investment side and the development project side. The investment property portfolio generates surplus cash flow whilst at the same time we are creating a pipeline of exciting development projects that are well positioned to deliver good returns in the medium term. We focus upon positive cash flow and will utilise modest levels of gearing to enhance returns where necessary. Assets are recycled to release capital as opportunities present themselves and we will continue to buy back shares where appropriate. The group is content to hold cash and adopt a patient strategy unless there is a compelling reason to invest.
Position of company at the year end
The Group maintained its strong position at the year end with good underlying earnings, positive cash flow and investment property values showing signs of some recovery. The development pipeline is also starting to show signs of progress and we expect to commence construction at several locations within the next twelve months. The balance sheet also remains strong with cash of £31.6 million and bank debt of £70.5 million giving a net gearing of 25.1%. The Group has adequate resources to maintain and develop its business whilst managing downside risk and the balance sheet is robust.
Events since the balance sheet date
There were no significant events since the balance sheet date.
Summary of Group Net Assets
The Group net assets as at 30 September 2013 may be summarised as follows:
Per Share | |||
£'m | P | ||
Investment Properties | 164.8 | 185.5 | |
Development Projects | 32.2 | 36.2 | |
Cash | 31.6 | 35.6 | |
Other Net Liabilities | (4.1) | (4.6) | |
224.5 | 252.7 | ||
Bank Loans | (69.4) | (78.1) | |
155.1 | 174.6 |
Investment properties
Summary of portfolio
2013 | 2012 | |
Valuation at 30 September | £164,765,000 | £175,995,000 |
Number of properties | 45 | 48 |
Contracted rent (pa) | £14,355,810 | £15,766,763 |
Current ERV (pa) | £16,859,125 | £17,549,979 |
Net initial yield | 7.48% | 8.22% |
Equivalent yield | 8.99% | 9.15% |
Reversionary yield | 9.54% | 9.48% |
ERV of vacant units (pa) | £2,815,274 | £2,136,042 |
Vacancy rate | 16.70% | 10.40% |
Average unexpired lease lengths | 4.80 years | 4.50 years |
Asset management
At 30 September 2013, the contracted rent for the investment property portfolio was £14.4 million with an ERV of £16.9 million, the reduction from 2012 being mainly attributable to property disposals in the year. The ERV of vacant space is £2.8 million of which Geoffrey House, Maidenhead; Blackpole Trading Estate, Worcester; Advantage, Reading and Brunswick Point, Leeds account for the majority. The overall vacancy rate in the portfolio is 16.70% up from 10.40% in 2012, the increase arising from expiring leases at Maidenhead and Worcester that were not renewed. These are being addressed as priorities for the management of the portfolio with a number of options available. The average unexpired lease length increased to 4.80 years from 4.50 years at 30 September 2012, mostly due to lease renewals and new lettings in the period.
Whilst tenants remain under pressure, there has been good progress on asset management and there are signs of improving sentiment in the occupier market with a considerable number of enquiries received in the last few months, many of which we hope to convert to letting. We maintain good communication with tenants where leases are shortening or where breaks are impending. We are fortunate that our arrears remain low and that 95% - 97% of rent is collected within ten days of a quarter.
In terms of lettings, we agreed new lettings contributing £579,136 pa of new income at or around ERV and we agreed lease renewals retaining £1,650,560 pa of income, again at or around ERV.
The highlights include:
· A 4 year lease extension to the Scottish Care Inspectorate at Compass House, Dundee at the existing rent of £380,000 pa in return for a twelve month rent free period. Lease expiry is now 19 April 2023.
· A five year lease extension at Ashby Park, Ashby de la Zouch let to Ceva Logistics Limited at a rent of £357,000 pa. This lease now expires on 10 July 2019.
· Two leases agreed with Amtek Investments UK Limited at Freebournes Drive, Witham at a total rent of £420,000 pa. These leases expire on 3 June 2022 and are subject to a twelve month rent free period.
· Letting the 2nd floor and part 3rd floor at Advantage, Reading to Acquia at a rent of £149,047 pa. This is a five year lease subject to a sixteen month rent free period.
· Creating a single unit from three previous units at York House, Felixstowe and letting it to Poundland at a rent of £120,000 pa. This new lease is for a ten year term subject to a twelve month rent free period.
The Group disposed of six investment properties during the year at Crystal Drive, Oldbury; Brook Point, Whetstone; Simpson Parkway, Livingston; and 3 buildings at The Links, Warrington. Total net sale proceeds were £12.7 million, generating a small loss to valuation of £307,000 mostly attributable to professional and other sale fees. We will continue to dispose of assets as opportunities arise and where no further value can be added by the Group.
The investment property portfolio has been independently valued by Jones Lang LaSalle at £164.8 million as at 30 September 2013. The investment property portfolio increased in value by 0.4% on a like for like basis, however the valuation increased by 2% from the half year recovering losses in that period which is an encouraging sign. The investment property market outside central London appears to have recovered slightly and sentiment has improved, which we hope will translate into increased value. Assets require active management to protect income and value and we are seeing an increase in potential transactions which must be a positive sign.
Capital Expenditure
We incurred £1 million of capital expenditure during 2013, which was fully financed from our existing cash flow. We are undertaking refurbishment of some of the space within the Edinmore portfolio, in particular at Norfolk House, Birmingham where, having refurbished the vacant 2nd floor, we are looking at refurbishing the 3rd floor. We are also carrying out small refurbishments of space elsewhere to optimise the chances of letting. We are also resurfacing the car park at the Brunel Centre, Bletchley at a cost of approximately £600,000, although Sainsbury's have agreed to contribute 30% of the cost as part of our joint arrangements with them. Whilst there will always be a level of refurbishment work required throughout the portfolio, as at 30 September 2013 the Group had no contractual capital expenditure commitments in excess of £1,000,000.
Development projects
We submitted a planning application for our development at Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire to build 835 residential properties and a 60,000 square feet Sainsbury's retail food store and in September 2013, the Council resolved to grant planning permission which will be formally granted upon the signing of a section 106 agreement and planning conditions. We can now work upon the detail of finalising the infrastructure and associated conditions to enable the conditional sale of the 9 acre site to Sainsbury's to complete. Whilst the final terms of that agreement must remain confidential, the receipt from the Sainsbury's sale will enable us to complete all the infrastructure works on the entire site and provide a catalyst to residential development.
In addition, we are continuing to work upon the project to re-develop the riverside area of the town centre, creating a further 74,000 square feet of mixed use space.
Holyhead Waterfront
We have planning permission for this project which includes plans for 326 apartments and townhouses, a 500 berth marina, 50,000 square feet of retail, leisure, restaurants, hotel and office space, with a very flexible design layout, in a prime location overlooking the marina. We are also making a provision for various local amenities and visitor attractions. The site covers in excess of half a mile of water frontage and is being developed jointly with Stena Line Ports Limited.
We are close to finalising the section 106 planning agreement and planning conditions. We continue discussions with various parties with respect to both the residential and commercial elements of the scheme. The undoubted boost to the local economy provided by the recent commitment of Hitachi to develop the multi-billion pound new Wylfa nuclear power station will certainly help our scheme.
Parc Cybi Business Park, Holyhead
We continue to market our logistics development site at Parc Cybi, and we are in discussions with several potential occupiers.
The logistics development comprising 140,000 square feet of office and distribution warehousing will be complemented by our plans to create a transport hub and 200 space lorry park facility to support the port of Holyhead on an adjacent 14 acre site for which we have now obtained planning consent. We have entered into an agreement with the Welsh Government for the grant of a 999 year lease over 14 developable acres for the truck stop, logistics depot and service units. We have also exercised an option to acquire a further 12 acres of land for the distribution warehousing and offices and hold an option on a further 5 acres for a logistics hub.
Fishguard Waterfront
The main elements of the scheme include a 450 berth marina with workshops, stores and ancillary facilities; 253 new residential apartments incorporating extensive landscaped gardens and a 19 acre platform for the potential expansion of the existing Stena Line port. We are refining the design and layout of the platform which produces significant capital cost savings.
We have finalised the section 106 planning agreement with the local authority, which should be signed shortly. Negotiations continue with the various landowners; Stena Line, Pembrokeshire County Council and The Crown Estate, who own the relevant surrounding harbour area. We continue to pursue the availability of EU backed Welsh Government infrastructure funds which would greatly improve the viability of the development from a funding perspective.
Fishguard Lorry Stop and Distribution Facility
This 11 acre lorry stop and distribution park project consists of a secure 24 hour truck stop together with approximately 190 spaces for tractor and trailers, vehicle refuelling and wash facilities, plus an amenity building. There will also be around 30,000 square feet of industrial and warehousing units to support the lorry stop. Planning consent has been obtained and the necessary site acquired. Discussions continue with both hauliers and the port operator, Stena Line. It remains our intention to commence development once we have secured sufficient pre-lets.
Pembroke Dock Waterfront
In May 2013, we announced that conditional contracts had been exchanged with Marston's to sell 0.7 acres at Pembroke Dock for a family pub and restaurant. An important and encouraging first step in the post-planning phase, it has generated interest from other commercial and retail operators in the site.
We have also commenced test drilling and engineering works in the harbour which is another step towards construction. Finally, we continue to negotiate with the Welsh Government with respect to EU based infrastructure funding support.
King's Lynn, Norfolk
This 6 acre residential development opportunity has planning permission for 94 dwellings near to King's Lynn, Norfolk. In addition to the residential development, the site offers some potential for mixed or commercial uses, subject to planning.
We have been appointed by Conwy Council, North Wales as their preferred developers to explore the possibility of providing a 90,000 sq ft supermarket on the Council's land at Llandudno Junction.
Summary of Development Projects
The expenditure in the year on our development land bank amounted to £1.4 million. Our total investment to date is now £32.2 million at cost (analysed below) or 36.3p per share. We will continue to progress these projects in a risk-averse manner and to avoid any speculative development. To date, we have had good success in securing planning consents and several of the projects are beginning to advance. In particular, we are pleased at the potential success at Haverfordwest but also at the improved signs of activity elsewhere.
We remain on target to deliver projects comprising more than 2,000 homes (of which 1,200 are waterside), 1,400 marina berths and in excess of 400,000 square feet of commercial and retail development.
As previously stated, it is our intention to introduce third party valuations as soon as it is practical to do so. We remain confident that there is significant upside in these projects which will become evident over the medium term.
2013 | 2012 | |
£'m | £'m | |
Haverfordwest | 15.32 | 15.26 |
Holyhead Waterfront | 9.34 | 8.74 |
Pembroke Dock Waterfront | 4.87 | 4.47 |
King's Lynn | 0.83 | 0.83 |
Fishguard Waterfront | 0.86 | 0.76 |
Fishguard Lorry Stop | 0.58 | 0.52 |
Parc Cybi, Holyhead | 0.44 | 0.22 |
Total investment to date | 32.24 | 30.80 |
Financial review
Net Asset Value
The net asset value at the year end was £155.1 million (2012: £154.0 million) representing a 0.7% increase in the period. The primary movements were £12.9 million net rental income and £3.9 million spent on purchasing own shares. Excluding the amounts incurred purchasing own shares and paying dividends, net asset value increased 4% in the year.
On an EPRA basis, the net asset value is:
2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | |
£'m | £'m | £'m | £'m | £'m | |
Net asset value | 155.1 | 154.0 | 158.5 | 176.6 | 160.9 |
Preference share liability | - | - | 7.4 | 13.3 | 12.6 |
Diluted net asset value | 155.1 | 154.0 | 165.9 | 189.9 | 173.5 |
Fair value of hedging instruments | 0.2 | 0.9 | 1.4 | 5.0 | 4.4 |
EPRA net asset value | 155.3 | 154.9 | 167.3 | 194.9 | 177.9 |
EPRA NAV per share | 174.9p | 166.9p | 153.9p | 150.1p | 138.2p |
Basic NAV per share | 174.6p | 165.9p | 155.2p | 150.5p | 138.5p |
Diluted NAV per share | 174.6p | 165.9p | 152.7p | 146.3p | 134.8p |
The EPRA net asset value is calculated on a fully diluted basis and excludes the impact of hedging instruments as these are held for long term benefit and not expected to crystallise at the balance sheet date.
The NNNAV or "triple net asset value" is the net asset value taking into account asset revaluations, the mark to market costs of debt and hedging instruments and any associated tax effect. Our investment properties are carried on our balance sheet at independent valuation and there is no associated tax liability. Our development and trading assets are carried at the lower of cost and net realisable value. We have not sought to value these assets as, in our opinion, they are at too early a stage in their development to provide a meaningful figure, so cost is equated to fair value for these purposes. On this basis, there is no material difference between our stated net asset value and NNNAV.
The Group's investment properties were independently valued by Jones Lang LaSalle as at 30 September 2013. In their opinion, the open market value of the investment property portfolio was £164.8 million. The total portfolio increased in value by £0.7m over the year.
Cash flow
The Group generated £3.3 million cash in operating activities (2012: £4.1 million generated), of which £1.0 million was incurred as expenditure on development and trading properties.
The Group generated a further £12.7 million cash from the sale of investment properties, spent £1.3 million on the acquisition of investment properties, drew down £11 million and repaid £21.4 million in bank loans and spent £3.9 million on the purchase of own shares resulting in an overall cash inflow of £0.1 million during the year.
Net Income From Property Activities
2013 | 2012 | |
£'m | £'m | |
Rental income | 16.0 | 16.2 |
Direct property costs | (3.1) | (2.8) |
Rental surplus | 12.9 | 13.4 |
Sale of investment properties | 12.9 | 4.1 |
Cost of investment properties sold | (13.2) | (3.7) |
(Loss) / gain on sale of investment properties | (0.3) | 0.4 |
Total net income arising from property activities | 12.6 | 13.8 |
Administrative Expenses
The administrative expenses for the year ended 30 September 2013 were £2.7 million, an increase of 10.8% from the previous year. The primary reasons for this are certain increased costs in respect of marketing together with some additional staff costs. The majority of other costs arise as a result of the Group being quoted on AIM with no significant changes in 2013.
At 30 September 2013, the Group had cash of £31.6 million. The Group also has unutilised facilities of £20 million with Lloyds Banking Group.
The bank debt at 30 September 2013 was £70.5 million. The gearing is 45.5% and loan to value is 42.8% excluding cash.
The interest rate risk on the facility continues to be managed by way of interest rate swaps and interest rate caps. Aside from reducing the on-going interest rate charge in the income statement, all of our external bank debt is fully hedged and the weighted average cost of all debt including margin is 4.2%. The fair value of these derivative financial instruments is provided for in full on the balance sheet. As at 30 September 2013, 100% (2012: 100%) of the Group's bank borrowings were hedged.
The finance costs for the year amounted to £3.7 million (2012: £3.3 million), primarily consisting of £3.1 million bank loan interest (2012: £2.7 million). Finance income amounted to £0.5 million (2012: £0.1 million) reflecting the low returns on short term cash deposits. As a matter of policy, the Group retains instant access to all cash deposits so it is readily available for use in the business.
As at 30 September 2013, TAPP Property Limited maintained a facility with Lloyds Banking Group of up to £78,000,000 (2012: £78,000,000) under which £41,058,000 (2012: £49,387,000) had been drawn down. This facility is repayable on or before 27 January 2015 and is secured by fixed and floating charges over the assets of the TAPP Property Limited group and the Lamont companies. The facility is subject to a maximum loan to value covenant of 70% and an interest cover ratio covenant of 150%.
As at 30 September 2013, Conygar Dundee Limited, Conygar Hanover Street Limited, Conygar Stafford Limited and Conygar St Helens Limited jointly maintained a facility with Barclays Bank PLC of up to £19,212,000 (2012: £20,000,000) of which £19,212,000 (2012: £20,000,000) had been drawn down. This facility is repayable on or before 20 August 2016 and is secured by fixed and floating charges over the assets of Conygar Dundee Limited, Conygar Hanover Street Limited, Conygar Stafford Limited and Conygar St Helens Limited. The facility is subject to a maximum loan to value covenant of 58% and an interest cover ratio covenant of 225%.
In April 2013, we secured a refinancing of the TOPP portfolio with an £11 million loan from The Royal Bank of Scotland, of which £10,242,000 was outstanding at 30 September 2013. This facility is repayable on or before 3 April 2016 and is secured by fixed and floating charges over the assets of the TOPP Property Limited group. The facility is subject to a maximum loan to value covenant of 55%, interest cover ratio covenant of 225% and a debt to rent cover ratio covenant of 7:1.
As at 30 September 2012, TOPP Property Limited maintained a facility with Capita of £35,267,000 of which £11,538,000 had been drawn down. This facility was repaid in full on 18 January 2013.
The tax charge for the year of £1.5 million on the pre-tax profit of £7.7 million represents an effective tax charge of 19% (2012: 24%). Tax is payable at the full UK corporation tax rate of 23.5% on net rental income after deduction of finance costs and administrative expenses. There is no tax payable in respect of investment property capital gains or any valuation uplift, which is the main reason for the low effective tax rate in the current year.
Capital management
Capital Risk Management
The Group's objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the Group's ability to continue as a going concern in order to provide returns for shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders and to maintain an optimal capital structure to reduce the cost of capital.
While the Group does not have a formally approved gearing ratio, the objective above is actively managed through the direct linkage of borrowings to specific property. The Group seeks to ensure that secured borrowing stays within agreed covenants with external lenders.
Treasury Policies
The objective of the Group's treasury policies is to manage the Group's financial risk, secure cost effective funding for the Group's operations and to minimise the adverse effects of fluctuations in the financial markets on the value of the Group's financial assets and liabilities, on reported profitability and on the cash flows of the Group.
The Group finances its activities with a combination of bank loans (£70.5 million), cash and short term deposits (£31.6 million). Other financial assets and liabilities, such as trade receivables and trade payables, arise directly from the Group's operations. The Group may also enter into derivative transactions to manage the interest rate risk arising from the Group's operations and its sources of finance. Derivative instruments may be used to change the economic characteristics of financial instruments in accordance with the Group's treasury policies. Interest rate swaps and interest rate caps amount to an economic hedge of £71.4 million (2012: £65.8 million) of the total loan drawdowns of £70.4 million (2012: £80.9 million) for cashflows to 20 August 2016, but no hedge accounting is used.
The management of cash and similar instruments is monitored weekly with summary cash statements produced on a fortnightly basis and discussed regularly in management and Board meetings. The overall aim is to provide sufficient liquidity to meet the requirements of the business in terms of funding developments and potential acquisitions. Surplus funds are invested with a broad range of institutions with a range of maturities up to a maximum of 180 days. At any point in time, at least half of the Group's cash is held on instant access or short term deposit of less than 30 days.
Dividend policy
The Board is pleased to recommend a final dividend of 1.5p per ordinary share in respect of the year ended 30 September 2013 to be paid on 13 February 2014 to shareholders on the register on 6 December 2013. This is an increase of 20% over last year. Our dividend policy is unchanged in that we aim to provide some income return to shareholders but for the most part retain profits for reinvestment in the business. Our primary focus is upon growth in net asset value per share.
Share buy backs
The Group has made extensive use of its share buy back authorities over the last three years utilising surplus cash not required elsewhere in the business and acquiring 34,567,819 shares at a discount to net asset value.
During the year, the Group acquired 4,009,838 ordinary shares representing 4.3% of its ordinary share capital, at a weighted average price of 96.8p per share. This cost £3.9 million and, as a result of the buy backs, net asset value per share has been enhanced by approximately 3 pence per share or 1.9%. The Group will seek to renew the buy back authority at the forthcoming AGM and will continue to utilise it as and when it makes sense to do so and certainly whenever our shares trade at a significant discount to our underlying net asset value.
For the year ended 30 September 2013
Note | Year Ended 30 Sep 13 £'000 | Year Ended 30 Sep 12 £'000 |
Rental income | 15,904 | 15,807 |
Other property income | 90 | 380 |
Revenue | 15,994 | 16,187 |
Direct costs of: | ||
Rental income | 3,102 | 2,745 |
Direct Costs | 3,102 | 2,745 |
Gross Profit | 12,892 | 13,442 |
Income from trading investments | 41 | 117 |
Share of results of joint ventures 13 | 38 | 24 |
(Loss) / gain on sale of investment properties 12 | (307) | 431 |
Movement on revaluations of investment properties 12 | 662 | 354 |
Other gains and losses 6 | 283 | (1,259) |
Administrative expenses | (2,722) | (2,456) |
Operating Profit 3 | 10,887 | 10,653 |
Finance costs 7 | (3,689) | (3,306) |
Finance income 7 | 538 | 110 |
Profit Before Taxation | 7,736 | 7,457 |
Taxation 8 | (1,525) | (1,810) |
Profit And Total Comprehensive Income For The Year | 6,211 | 5,647 |
Attributable to: | ||
- equity shareholders | 6,211 | 5,647 |
- minority shareholders | - | - |
6,211 | 5,647 | |
Basic earnings per share 10 | 6.88p | 5.60p |
Diluted earnings per share 10 | 6.88p | 5.60p |
All of the activities of the Group are classed as continuing.
CONSOLIDATED Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year ended 30 September 2013
Attributable to the equity holders of the Company
Share Capital | Share Premium | Capital Redemption Reserve | Merger Reserve | Equity Reserve | Treasury Shares | Retained Earnings | Total | Non-Controlling Interests | Total Equity | ||
£'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | ||
Group | |||||||||||
At 1 October 2011 | 6,169 | 130,973 | - | 7,640 | 650 | (24,649) | 37,682 | 158,465 | 20 | 158,485 | |
Changes in equity for the year ended 30 September 2012 | |||||||||||
Profit for the year | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5,647 | 5,647 | - | 5,647 | |
Total comprehensive income for the year | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5,647 | 5,647 | - | 5,647 | |
Dividend paid | - | - | - | - | - | - | (1,123) | (1,123) | - | (1,123) | |
Preference share conversion | 1 | 37 | - | (3) | - | - | - | 35 | - | 35 | |
Preference share redemption | - | - | 323 | (7,637) | (650) | - | 7,340 | (624) | - | (624) | |
Purchase of own shares | - | - | - | - | - | (8,463) | - | (8,463) | - | (8,463) | |
Cancellation of treasury shares |
(495) |
- |
495 |
- |
- |
11,275 |
(11,275) |
- |
- |
- | |
Reclassification of reserves |
- |
(6,993) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
6,993 |
- |
- |
- | |
At 30 September 2012 | 5,675 | 124,017 | 818 | - | - | (21,837) | 45,264 | 153,937 | 20 | 153,957 | |
Changes in equity for year ended 30 September 2013 |
| ||||||||||
At 1 October 2012 | 5,675 | 124,017 | 818 | - | - | (21,837) | 45,264 | 153,937 | 20 | 153,957 | |
Profit for the year | - | - | - | - | - | - | 6,211 | 6,211 | - | 6,211 | |
Total comprehensive income for the year |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- | 6,211 | 6,211 | - | 6,211 | |
Dividend paid | - | - | - | - | - | - | (1,160) | (1,160) | - | (1,160) | |
Purchase of own shares | -
| -
| - | -
| -
| (3,883) | -
| (3,883) | - | (3,883) | |
Cancellation of treasury shares | (750) | - | 750 | - | - | 15,547 | (15,547) | - | - | - | |
At 30 September 2013 | 4,925 | 124,017 | 1,568 | - | - | (10,173) | 34,768 | 155,105 | 20 | 155,125 | |
At 30 September 2013
Company Number: 4907617
| Note | 30 Sep 2013 £'000 | 30 Sep 2012 £'000 | |
| Non-Current Assets | ||||
| Property, plant and equipment | 11 | 97 | 153 | |
| Investment properties | 12 | 164,765 | 175,995 | |
| Investment in joint ventures | 13 | 5,987 | 5,523 | |
| Goodwill | 15 | 3,173 | 3,173 | |
| 174,022 | 184,844 | |||
| |||||
| Current Assets | ||||
| Trading Investments | 16 | - | 1,257 | |
| Development and trading properties | 17 | 23,080 | 22,106 | |
| Trade and other receivables | 18 | 4,332 | 3,763 | |
| Cash and cash equivalents | 31,629 | 31,515 | ||
| 59,041 | 58,641 | |||
| Total Assets | 233,063 | 243,485 | ||
| |||||
| Current Liabilities | ||||
| Trade and other payables | 19 | 5,511 | 6,412 | |
| Bank loans | 20 | 1,057 | 12,286 | |
| Tax liabilities | 2,841 | 2,435 | ||
| 9,409 | 21,133 | |||
| Non-Current Liabilities | ||||
| Bank loans | 20 | 68,299 | 67,456 | |
| Derivatives | 27 | 230 | 939 | |
| 68,529 | 68,395 | |||
| Total Liabilities | 77,938 | 89,528 | ||
| |||||
| Net Assets | 155,125 | 153,957 | ||
| |||||
| Equity | ||||
| Called up share capital | 22 | 4,925 | 5,675 | |
| Share premium account | 124,017 | 124,017 | ||
| Capital redemption reserve | 1,568 | 818 | ||
| Treasury shares | 23 | (10,173) | (21,837) | |
| Retained earnings | 34,768 | 45,264 | ||
| |||||
| Equity Attributable to Equity Holders | 155,105 | 153,937 | ||
| Non-controlling interests | 20 | 20 | ||
| |||||
| 155,125 | 153,957 | |||
| |||||
For the year ended 30 September 2013
Year Ended 30 Sep 13 £'000 | Year Ended 30 Sep 12 £'000 | |
Cash Flows From Operating Activities | ||
Operating profit | 10,887 | 10,653 |
Depreciation and amortisation | 86 | 196 |
Share of results of joint ventures | (38) | (24) |
Other gains and losses | (621) | 1,341 |
Loss / (gain) on sale of investment properties | 307 | (431) |
Movement on revaluation of investment properties | (662) | (354) |
Dividend income | (41) | (117) |
Cash Flows From Operations Before Changes In Working Capital | 9,918 | 11,264 |
Change in trade and other receivables | (569) | (1,149) |
Change in land, development and trading properties | (974) | (1,327) |
Change in trade and other payables | (842) | (1,703) |
Cash Generated From Operations | 7,533 | 7,085 |
Finance costs | (3,155) | (2,621) |
Finance income | 85 | 110 |
Tax paid | (1,118) | (434) |
Cash Flows Generated From Operating Activities | 3,345 | 4,140 |
Cash Flows From Investing Activities | ||
Acquisition of and additions to investment properties | (1,327) | (40,247) |
Disposal of trading investments | 879 | - |
Sale proceeds of investment properties | 12,748 | 4,047 |
Investment in joint ventures | 27 | (33) |
Purchase of plant and equipment | (2) | - |
Leasehold improvements | - | (1) |
Dividend income | 41 | 117 |
Cash Flows Generated From / (Used In) Investing Activities | 12,366 | (36,117) |
Cash Flows From Financing Activities | ||
Bank loans drawn down | 11,000 | 53,000 |
Bank loans repaid | (21,413) | (6,827) |
Dividend paid | (1,160) | (1,123) |
Preference share redemption | - | (8,081) |
Purchase of own shares | (3,882) | (7,924) |
Re-couponing of interest rate swaps | (88) | (1,177) |
Purchase of interest rate cap | (54) | (50) |
Cash Flows (Used In) / Generated From Financing Activities | (15,597) | 27,818 |
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents | 114 | (4,159) |
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 October | 31,515 | 35,674 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents at 30 September | 31,629 | 31,515 |
For the year ended 30 September 2013
1. The financial information set out in this announcement is abridged and does not constitute statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2013 but is derived from those financial statements. The financial information is not audited. The auditors have reported on the statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2013, their report was unqualified and did not contain statements under sections 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006, and these will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's annual general meeting. The financial information has been prepared using the recognition and measurement principle of IFRS.
2. The comparative financial information for the year ended 30 September 2012 was derived from information extracted from the annual report and accounts for that period, which was prepared under IFRS and which has been filed with the UK Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on those accounts, their report was unqualified and did not contain statements under sections 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.
3. Operating PROFIT
Operating profit is stated after charging:
Year ended | Year ended | |
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Audit services - fees payable to the parent company auditors for the audit of the company and the consolidated financial statements | 24 | 24 |
Other services - fees payable to the company auditor for the audit of the company's subsidiaries pursuant to legislation. | 53 | 53 |
Other services - fees payable to the company auditor for tax services | 20 | 20 |
Depreciation of owned assets | 32 | 29 |
Lease amortisation | 27 | 27 |
Operating lease rentals - land and buildings | 167 | 166 |
Movement on provision for doubtful debts | (12) | (94) |
The aggregate payroll costs of the above were:
Year ended | Year ended | |
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Wages and salaries | 1,239 | 1,204 |
Social security costs | 159 | 157 |
1,398 | 1,361 |
The average monthly number of persons, including executive directors, employed by the Company during the year was nine (2012 - seven).
Year ended | Year ended | |
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Emoluments (excluding pension contributions) | 994 | 950 |
Emoluments of highest paid director | 323 | 300 |
The board of directors comprise the only persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Group.
| Year ended 30 Sep 13 £'000 | Year ended 30 Sep 12 £'000 |
Movement in fair value of interest rate swaps | 621 | (796) |
Loss arising on sale of trading investments | (370) | (545) |
Other provision | 32 | 82 |
283 | (1,259) |
Year ended | Year ended | |
Finance Income | 30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Bank interest and interest receivable | 538 | 110 |
Finance Costs | ||
Bank loans | (3,129) | (2,656) |
Loan repayment costs | (26) | (99) |
Amortisation of arrangement fees | (534) | (438) |
Notional interest on preference shares | - | (113) |
(3,689) | (3,306) |
(a) Analysis of charge in the year
Year ended 30 Sep 13 £'000 | Year ended 30 Sep 12 £'000 | |
UK Corporation tax based on the results for the period | 1,752 | 1,698 |
(Over) / under provision in prior periods | (227) | 112 |
Current tax | 1,525 | 1,810 |
Deferred tax | - | - |
1,525 | 1,810 | |
(b) Factors affecting tax charge | ||
The tax assessed on the profit for the year differs from the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of 23.5% (2012 - 25%) |
Year ended 30 Sep 13 £'000 | Year ended 30 Sep 12 £'000 | |
Profit before taxation | 7,736 | 7,457 |
Profit multiplied by rate of tax | 1,818 | 1,864 |
Effects of: | ||
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes | 37 | 66 |
UK dividend income | (10) | (29) |
(Over) / under provision in prior periods | (227) | 112 |
Joint venture profits not taxable | (9) | (6) |
Gains not subject to UK taxation | 72 | (108) |
Revaluation gains not taxable | (156) | (89) |
Tax charge for the year | 1,525 | 1,810 |
The directors have recommended a final dividend of 1.5 pence per ordinary share in respect of the year ended 30 September 2013 (2012 - 1.25 pence). This final dividend will amount to £1,332,000 (2012: £1,160,000), if approved at the AGM. In accordance with IFRS, it has not been included as a liability in the financial statements.
The calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based on the profit after tax attributable to equity shareholders of £6,211,000 (2012 - £5,647,000) and on the number of shares in issue being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period of 90,223,107 (2012 - 100,847,230). The diluted earnings per share calculation is based on profit for the year of £6,211,000 (2012 - £5,647,000) and on 90,245,450 (2012 - 100,848,260) ordinary shares. The diluted ordinary shares are calculated as follows:
2013 | 2012 | |
No. | No. | |
Basic weighted average number of shares | 90,223,107 | 100,847,230 |
Diluting potential ordinary shares:Employee share options |
22,343 |
1,030 |
Total diluted | 90,245,450 | 100,848,260 |
Group & Company | Premises Lease £'000 | Office Equipment £'000 | Furniture & Fittings £'000 | Total
£'000 |
Cost | ||||
At 1 October 2011 | 156 | 61 | 95 | 312 |
Additions | 1 | - | - | 1 |
At 30 September 2012 and 1 October 2012 | 157 | 61 | 95 | 313 |
Additions | - | 2 | - | 2 |
At 30 September 2013 | 157 | 63 | 95 | 315 |
Depreciation / Amortisation | ||||
At 1 October 2011 | 31 | 39 | 34 | 104 |
Provided during the year | 27 | 11 | 18 | 56 |
At 30 September 2012 and 1 October 2012 | 58 | 50 | 52 | 160 |
Provided during the year | 27 | 12 | 19 | 58 |
At 30 September 2013 | 85 | 62 | 71 | 218 |
Net book value at 30 September 2013 | 72 | 1 | 24 | 97 |
Net book value at 30 September 2012 | 99 | 11 | 43 | 153 |
£'000 | Long Leasehold
£'000 | Reverse Lease Premiums £'000 | Total
£'000 | |
Valuation at 1 October 2011 | 96,886 | 41,809 | 455 | 139,150 |
Additions | 39,937 | 20 | 290 | 40,247 |
Disposals | (3,616) | - | - | (3,616) |
Reverse lease premium amortisation | - | - | (140) | (140) |
Movement on revaluation | 949 | (595) | - | 354 |
Valuation at 30 September 2012 | 134,156 | 41,234 | 605 | 175,995 |
Additions | 1,015 | 7 | 305 | 1,327 |
Disposals | (4,950) | (8,105) | - | (13,055) |
Reverse lease premium amortisation | - | - | (164) | (164) |
Movement on revaluation | 232 | 430 | - | 662 |
Valuation at 30 September 2013 | 130,453 | 33,566 | 746 | 164,765 |
The historical cost of properties held at 30 September 2013 is £225,878,000 (2012: £244,847,000).
The properties were valued by Jones Lang LaSalle, independent valuers not connected with the Group, at 30 September 2013 at market value in accordance with the Practice Statements contained in the RICS Appraisal and Valuation Standards published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors which conform to international valuation standards. The valuations are arrived at by reference to market evidence of transaction prices and completed lettings for similar properties. The properties have been valued individually and not as part of a portfolio and no allowance has been made for expenses of realisation or for any tax which might arise. They assume a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm's length transaction. The valuations reflect usual deductions in respect of purchaser's costs and SDLT as applicable at the valuation date. The independent valuer makes various assumptions including future rental income, anticipated void cost, the appropriate discount rate or yield.
The Group has pledged £91,305,000 (2012 - £102,550,000) of investment property to secure Lloyds Banking Group debt facilities, £30,575,000 (2012 - £31,805,000) to secure Royal Bank of Scotland debt facilities and £42,875,000 (2012 - £42,360,000) to secure Barclays Bank PLC debt facilities. Further details of these facilities are provided in note 27.
The property rental income earned from investment property, which is leased out under operating leases amounted to £15,994,000 (2012 - £16,187,000).
Gain on sale of investment properties | 30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Gross proceeds on sales of investment properties | 12,890 | 4,126 |
Costs of sales | (142) | (79) |
Net proceeds on sales of investment properties | 12,748 | 4,047 |
Book value | (13,055) | (3,616) |
(Loss) / gain on sale | (307) | 431 |
Sensitivity Analysis:
Movement in equivalent yield
If the equivalent yield compresses by 0.5% to 8.49% then the portfolio valuation increases by approximately 6.3%. It reduces by approximately 5.7% if the equivalent yield increases by 0.5% to 9.49%.
Movement in ERV
If ERV's increase by 5% then the portfolio valuation increases by approximately 4% whilst falling by approximately 3.9% if ERV's decrease by 5%.
If the void periods assumed in the valuation are decreased by 6 months then the portfolio valuation would increase by approximately 1.9%. If void periods increase by 6 months then the portfolio valuation would decrease by approximately 1%.
Material Contractual Obligation
At 30 September 2013, TOPP Bletchley Limited was jointly obligated with Sainsbury's to resurface the car park at the Brunel Centre, Bletchley at a cost of approximately £600,000.
Joint Ventures
30 Sep 13 £'000 | 30 Sep 12 £'000 | |
At 1 October 2012 | 5,523 | 5,466 |
Share of profit retained by joint ventures | 38 | 24 |
Investment in joint venture | 426 | 33 |
At 30 September 2013 | 5,987 | 5,523 |
The Group has a 50% interest in a joint venture, Conygar Stena Line Limited, which is a property development company. It also has a 50% interest in a joint venture, CM Sheffield Limited, which is a property trading company.
Loans to Joint Ventures
30 Sep 13 £'000 | 30 Sep 12 £'000 | ||
Conygar Stena Line Limited | 6,557 | 5,652 | |
CM Sheffield Limited | 2 | 2 | |
6,559 | 5,654 |
In accordance with IAS 19, the loans to joint ventures have not been disclosed separately on the balance sheet as the investments in joint ventures are net liabilities when the loans are excluded.
The following amounts represent the Group's 50% share of the assets and liabilities, and results of the joint ventures. They are included in the balance sheet and income statement:
Year ended 30 Sep 13 £'000 | Year ended 30 Sep 12 £'000 | |
Assets | ||
Current assets | 6,019 | 5,538 |
6,019 | 5,538 | |
Liabilities | ||
Current liabilities | (32) | (15) |
(32) | (15) | |
Net Assets | 5,987 | 5,523 |
Operating profit | 38 | 24 |
Finance income | - | - |
Profit before tax | 38 | 24 |
Tax | - | - |
Profit after tax | 38 | 24 |
There are no contingent liabilities relating to the Group's interest in joint ventures, and no contingent liabilities of the ventures themselves.
Group | Company | |||
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | 30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | |
£'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | |
At 1 October 2012 and 30 September 2013 | - | - | 3,218 | 3,218 |
The principal companies in which the Company's interest is more than 10% are as follows:
Company name | Principal activity | Country of registration | % of Equity held |
Conygar Holdings Ltd | Holding Company | England | 100% |
Martello Quays Limited | Property trading and development | England | 100% |
Conygar Wales PLC | Holding Company | England | 60%* |
Conygar Bedford Square Ltd | Property trading and development | England | 100%* |
Conygar Properties Ltd | Property trading and development | England | 100%* |
Conygar Developments Ltd | Property trading and development | England | 100%* |
Conygar Strand Ltd | Property trading and development | England | 100%* |
Conygar Hanover Street Ltd | Property investment | England | 100%* |
The Advantage Property Income Trust Ltd | Property investment | Guernsey | 100%* |
TAPP Property Ltd | Property investment | Guernsey | 100%* |
TOPP Holdings Ltd | Property investment | Guernsey | 100%* |
TAPP Maidenhead Ltd | Property investment | Guernsey | 100%* |
TOPP Bletchley Ltd | Property investment | Guernsey | 100%* |
TOPP Property Ltd | Property investment | Guernsey | 100%* |
Conygar Stena Line Ltd | Property trading and development | England | 50%* |
CM Sheffield Ltd | Property trading and development | England | 50%* |
Conygar Haverfordwest Ltd | Property trading and development | England | 100%* |
Conygar Advantage Ltd | Holding company | Guernsey | 100%* |
Conygar Stafford Ltd | Property investment | England | 100%* |
Conygar Dundee Ltd | Property investment | England | 100%* |
Conygar St Helens Ltd | Property investment | England | 100%* |
Conygar Sunley Ltd | Property investment | England | 100%* |
Lamont Property Acquisition (Jersey) I Ltd | Property investment | Jersey | 100%* |
Lamont Property Acquisition (Jersey) II Ltd | Property investment | Jersey | 100%* |
Lamont Property Acquisition (Jersey ) III Ltd | Property investment | Jersey | 100%* |
| |||
Lamont Property Acquisition (Jersey) IV Ltd | Property investment | Jersey | 100%* |
Lamont Property Acquisition (Jersey) V Ltd | Property investment | Jersey | 100%* |
Lamont Property Acquisition (Jersey) VII Ltd | Property investment | Jersey | 100%* |
* Indirectly owned
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
At 1 October 2012 and 30 September 2013 | 3,173 | 3,173 |
The goodwill arose upon the acquisition of the non-controlling interests in Martello Quays Limited and represents the excess of the consideration over the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired. The goodwill has been wholly allocated to the development project within Martello Quays Limited, which is considered to represent a single income and cash generating unit. Management analysis indicates that the net present value of the project exceeds its carrying value and therefore no impairment is appropriate.
IFRS requires management to undertake an annual test for impairment of indefinite lived assets, such as goodwill, and to test for impairment if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. Impairment testing is an area involving management judgment, requiring assessment as to whether the carrying value of the assets can be supported by the net present value of future cash flows derived from such assets using cash flow projections which have been discounted at an appropriate rate. In calculating the net present value of the future cash flows, certain assumptions are required to be made in respect of highly uncertain matters including management's expectations of:
- Timing and quantum of future capital expenditure;
- Timing and quantum of future revenue streams; and
- The selection of discount rates to reflect the risks involved.
The Group prepares and approves formal five year forecasts for Martello Quays Limited which are used in the value in use calculations. Five years is considered to be the optimum period for a meaningful forecast and takes into account available sources of both internal and external information. The Group's review includes the key assumptions related to sensitivity in the cash flow projections.
The impairment review is based upon value in use calculations. The period of review is five years and it is assumed that no growth occurs over the period. A range of pre-tax risk adjusted discount rates (5-15%) were used in order to reflect inherent uncertainties and to produce a sensitivity analysis.
Key assumptions used in value in use calculations
- Valuation of completed construction
The valuation of the completed construction is based upon current knowledge of the local market utilising both internal and external sources of information and evidence.
- Budgeted capital expenditure
The cash flow forecasts for capital expenditure are based upon on past experience and estimates provided from both internal and external sources.
- Pre-tax risk adjusted discount rate
The discount rate applied to the cash flows is generally based upon the risk free rate for ten year government bonds adjusted for a risk premium to reflect the systematic risk of the project, likely cost of funding and underlying uncertainties.
Sensitivity to changes in assumptions
Management believes that no reasonably possible change in any of the above key assumptions would cause the carrying value of the project to exceed its recoverable amount.
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | ||
£'000 | £'000 | ||
At 1 October 2012 | 1,257 | 1,802 | |
Additions | - | - | |
Disposals | (1,257) | - | |
Loss on fair value revaluation | - | (545) | |
At 30 September 2013 | - | 1,257 |
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Properties held for resale or development | 23,080 | 22,106 |
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Trade receivables | 1,217 | 1,155 |
Provision for doubtful debts | (125) | (127) |
1,092 | 1,028 | |
Amounts owed by group undertakings | - | - |
Other receivables | 74 | 74 |
Prepayments and accrued income | 3,166 | 2,661 |
4,332 | 3,763 |
The directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other receivables approximates to their fair value due to the short term nature of these financial assets.
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Amounts owed to group undertakings | - | - |
Social security and payroll taxes | 53 | 46 |
Trade payables | 1,665 | 1,559 |
Accruals and deferred income | 3,793 | 4,807 |
5,511 | 6,412 |
The directors consider that the carrying amounts of the trade and other payables approximate to their fair value due to the short period of repayment.
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Bank loans | 70,512 | 80,925 |
Debt issue costs | (1,156) | (1,183) |
69,356 | 79,742 |
Details of the financial liabilities are given in note 27.
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Preference shares | - | - |
As part of the offer for The Advantage Property Income Trust Limited, the Company issued 62,979,750 convertible preference shares of £0.01 each, of which none (2012: none) were outstanding at the year end. The preference shares were convertible at any point into ordinary shares at the option of the preference shareholder. The conversion rate was one ordinary share for five preference shares. Any preference shares not converted were redeemed for £0.25 each on 31 December 2011.
Although equity share capital at law, the preference shares were classified as hybrid instruments under IFRS consisting of a discounted debt element of £0.20 per share and an equity element of £0.02 per share which was credited to an equity reserve. A notional interest element was charged to the income statement over the period to redemption.
The movement on the preference shares during the year was as follows:
30 Sep 2013 | 30 Sep 2012 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
At 30 September 2012 | - | 7,376 |
Conversions to ordinary shares in the period at carrying value | - | (31) |
Notional interest charge | - | 114 |
Redemption | - | (7,459) |
At 30 September 2013 | - | - |
Authorised share capital:
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | |
£ | £ | |
140,000,000 (2012- 140,000,000) Ordinary shares of £0.05 each | 7,000,000 | 7,000,000 |
150,000,000 (2012- 150,000,000) Preference shares of £0.01 each | 1,500,000 | 1,500,000 |
Allotted and called up:
Amounts recorded as equity: | 30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | ||
No | £'000 | No | £'000 | |
Ordinary shares of £0.05 each | 98,489,123 | 4,925 | 113,489,123 | 5,675 |
Amounts recorded as liability:
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | |||
No | £'000 | No | £'000 | |
Preference shares of £0.01 each (Note 21) | - | - | - | - |
The movement on the group's share capital during the year was as follows:
Allotted and Called Up
Price £ |
No. |
£'000 | |
At 30 September 2011 | 123,362,223 | 6,169 | |
Share issue - 14 November 2011 | 1.100 | 12,000 | 1 |
Share issue - 30 November 2011 | 1.100 | 5,900 | - |
Share issue - 19 December 2011 | 1.100 | 7,000 | - |
Share issue - 30 December 2011 | 1.100 | 2,000 | - |
Cancellation of treasury shares - 12 January 2012 |
0.05 |
(9,900,000) |
(495) |
At 30 September 2012 | 113,489,123 | 5,675 | |
| |||
Cancellation of treasury share - 25 January 2013 | (15,000,000) | (750) | |
98,489,123 | 4,925 | ||
Share Premium
Following the redemption of the preference shares during the year ended 30 September 2012, an amount of £6,993,000 was identified as having been incorrectly classified as share premium rather than merger reserve. A transfer of £6,993,000 was made to retained earnings in order to correct this position.
In December 2010, the Group began a share buyback programme and during the year ended 30 September 2013 purchased 4,009,838 (2012 - 9,320,000) shares on the open market at a cost of £3,882,229 (2012 - £8,464,000). As can be seen in note 22 above, on 25 January 2013, 15,000,000 ordinary shares of 5 pence each were transferred out of treasury and cancelled. The remaining 9,667,819 (2012 - 20,567,981) shares bought back were held in treasury as at 30 September 2013.
Details of options granted over the Company's share capital are given in the Directors' Remuneration Report. No options were granted in either the current or prior year.
The Group and Company recognised total expenses of £nil (2012 - £nil) in relation to equity settled share-based payment transactions.
Deferred tax assets are recognised in the accounts as follows:
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | |||
Provided £'000 | Not Provided £'000 | Provided £'000 | Not Provided £'000 | |
Share based payments | - | 2 | - | 2 |
Losses | - | 1,464 | - | 1,464 |
- | 1,466 | - | 1,466 |
The deferred tax asset in respect of the trading losses carried forward has not been recognised on the basis that it is uncertain when taxable profits will be available for offset.
Group as lessee:
At 30 September 2013, the Group and Company had outstanding commitments for future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases, which fall due as follows:
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Within one year | 126 | 126 |
In the second to fifth years inclusive | 216 | 342 |
342 | 468 |
Group as lessor:
In addition, the Group holds retail, office, industrial and leisure buildings as investment properties which are let to third parties. These are non-cancellable leases and the income profile based upon the unexpired lease length was as follows:
30 Sep 13 | 30 Sep 12 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |
Less than one year | 13,457 | 14,488 |
Between one and five years | 33,841 | 40,513 |
Over five years | 18,726 | 20,067 |
66,024 | 75,068 |
The interest rate profile of the Group bank borrowings at 30 September 2013 was as follows:
Interest Rate |
Maturity | 30 Sep 13 £'000 | 30 Sep 12 £'000 | |
Lloyds Banking Group (1) | LIBOR +2% | 2 - 5 years | 41,058 | 49,387 |
Capita (2) | 5.24% | Less than 1 year | - | 11,538 |
Barclays (3) | LIBOR +3.5% | 2 - 5 years | 19,212 | 20,000 |
Royal Bank of Scotland (4) | LIBOR +3.5% | 2 - 5 years | 10,242 | - |
70,512 | 80,925 | |||
(1) Senior bank facility repayable 27 January 2015. Margin is on sliding scale from 2% to 3.5% subject to loan to value covenants.
(2) Interest rate was fixed until expiry on 18 January 2013.
(3) Senior bank facility repayable 20 August 2016.
(4) Senior bank facility repayable 3 April 2016.
As at 30 September 2013, TAPP Property Limited maintained a facility with the Lloyds Banking Group of up to £78,000,000 (2012: £78,000,000) under which £41,058,000 (2012: £49,387,000) had been drawn down. This facility is repayable on or before 27 January 2015 and is secured by fixed and floating charges over the assets of the TAPP Property Limited group and the Lamont companies. The facility is subject to a maximum loan to value covenant of 70% and an interest cover ratio covenant of 150%. Due to this loan to value covenant, the maximum loan available at the year end was £63,700,000 and so the Group could draw down approximately £20,000,000.
On 18 January 2013, TOPP Property Limited repaid the outstanding balance of the facility with Capita of £11,538,000 (2012: £11,538,000).
As at 30 September 2013, TOPP Property Limited and TOPP Bletchley Limited maintained a facility with the Royal Bank of Scotland PLC of up to £10,242,000 (2012: £nil) of which £10,242,000 (2012: £nil) had been drawn down. This facility is repayable on or before 3 April 2016 and is secured by fixed and floating charges over the assets of the TOPP Property Limited group. The facility is subject to a maximum loan to value covenant of 55%, interest cover ratio covenant of 225% and a debt to rent cover ratio covenant of 7:1. The facility is subject to quarterly repayments of £75,000.
As at 30 September 2013, Conygar Dundee Limited, Conygar Hanover Street Limited, Conygar Stafford Limited and Conygar St Helens Limited jointly maintained a facility with Barclays Bank PLC of up to £19,212,000 (2012: £20,000,000) of which £19,212,000 (2012: £20,000,000) had been drawn down. This facility is repayable on or before 20 August 2016 and is secured by fixed and floating charges over the assets of Conygar Dundee Limited, Conygar Hanover Street Limited, Conygar Stafford Limited and Conygar St Helens Limited. The facility is subject to a maximum loan to value covenant of 56% (2012: 58%) and an interest cover ratio covenant of 225%. The loan is amortised by 1% of the outstanding loan amount per quarter, if the loan to value is greater than 40%.
Fair Values of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities
The fair values of all the Group's financial assets and liabilities are set out below:
Book Value | Book Value | Fair Value | Fair Value | |
30 Sep 2013 | 30 Sep 2012 | 30 Sep 2013 | 30 Sep 2012 | |
£'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | |
Financial Assets | ||||
Cash | 31,629 | 31,515 | 31,629 | 31,515 |
Trading investments | - | 1,257 | - | 1,257 |
Loans to joint ventures | 6,559 | 5,564 | 6,559 | 5,564 |
Financial Liabilities | ||||
Floating rate borrowings | 70,512 | 69,387 | 70,512 | 69,387 |
Fixed rate borrowings | - | 11,538 | - | 11,424 |
Interest rate swaps | 230 | 939 | 230 | 939 |
Preference share liability | - | - | - | - |
Derivative Financial Instruments
Protected Rate % |
Expiry | Market Value at 30 Sep 2013 | Market Value at 30 Sep 2012 | |
£'000 | £'000 | |||
£13.3 million (2012: £21.8 million) swap | 1.33 (2012: 1.33) | Feb 2015 | (128) | (393) |
£12.7 million (2012: £12.7 million) swap | 1.33 (2012: 1.33) | Feb 2015 | (121) | (229) |
£15.3 million (2012: £15.3 million) swap | 0.99 (2012: 0.99) | Feb 2015 | (75) | (153) |
£15.2 million (2012: £16 million) swap | 1.055 (2012: 1.055) | Aug 2016 | (32) | (199) |
£4 million (2012: £4 million) cap | 1.00 (2012: 1.00) | Aug 2016 | 41 | 35 |
£10.9 million (2012: £nil) cap | 0.75 (2012: n/a) | April 2016 | 85 | - |
(230) | (939) |
The valuation of the swaps was provided by JC Rathbone Associates Limited, is a tier 2 valuation and represents the change in fair value since execution. The fair value is derived from the present value of the future cash flows discounted at rates obtained by means of the current yield curve appropriate for those instruments.
The fair value of the Group's trade debtors and other receivables and trade creditors and other payables is not considered to vary from historic cost due to the short term nature of these financial assets and liabilities. As such, they are excluded from the disclosure.
The Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 September 2013 will be posted to shareholders shortly and copies may be obtained free of charge for at least one month following their posting by writing to The Secretary, The Conygar Investment Company PLC, Fourth Floor, 110 Wigmore Street, London, W1U 3RW. They are also available on the website www.conygar.com.
The Company's Annual General Meeting will be held at 4.00pm on Thursday, 6 February 2014 at the offices of Wragge & Co LLP, 3 Waterhouse Square, 142 Holborn, London, EC1N 2SW.
The directors of Conygar accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the directors of Conygar (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case) the information contained in this announcement is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.
AIM The AIM market of the London Stock Exchange PLC
EPRA European Public Real Estate Association
EPRA EPS A measure of earnings per share designed by EPRA to present underlying earnings from core operating activities
EPRA NAV A measure of net asset value designed by EPRA presenting net asset value excluding the effects of fluctuations in value in instruments that are held for long term benefit, net of deferred tax
EPS Earnings per share, calculated as the earnings for the period after tax attributable to members of the parent Company divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue in the period
Equivalent Yield The constant capitalisation rate which, if applied to all cash flows from an investment property, equates to the market rent
Net Initial Yield Annual net rents expressed as a percentage of the investment property valuation
NAV Net asset value
Reversionary Yield The anticipated yield which the Net Initial Yield will rise to once the rent reaches the ERV
Conygar The Conygar Investment Company PLC
TAP The Advantage Property Income Trust Limited
Loan to Value The amount of borrowing divided by the value of investment property expressed as a percentage
PBT Profit before taxation
UK United Kingdom
ERV Estimated Rental Value being the open market rent as estimated by the Company's valuers
NNNAV or Triple Asset Value A measure of net asset value taking into account asset revaluations, the fair value of debt and any associated tax effects
Passing Rent The annual gross rental income excluding the effects of lease incentives
Tenant Break An option in a lease for a tenant to terminate that lease early
Lease Re-gear A mutual re-negotiation of a lease between landlord and tenant prior to a lease expiry date
Average Unexpired The average unexpired lease term expressed in years weighted by rental income
Lease Length
Rent-Free Period A lease incentive offering the tenant a period without paying rent
Vacancy Rate The estimated rental value of vacant properties expressed as a percentage of the total estimated rental value of the portfolio
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