12th May 2011 07:00
Final results for financial year ended
6 February 2011
# Turnover up 7.6% to £15,263,682 (2010: £14,186,042)
# Profit before interest up 64.2% to £1,298,676 (2010: £790,980)
# EBITDA up 42.1% to £2,828,522 (2010: £1,990,627)
# Profit before tax £555,329 (2010: Loss £88,559)
# Earnings per share Basic and Diluted 3.6p (2010: 0.8p)
'In spite of very difficult market conditions there has been a significant improvement in occupancy and a respectable improvement in accommodation revenue per available room (REVPAR). Net debt has decreased £1,350,847 compared with the previous year. The Board have erred on the side of caution in respect of deciding not to recommend the payment of a dividend but hope to be in a position to pay a dividend to Shareholders in respect of the current financial year'.
Robert Peel
Chairman Press Enquiries:
12 May 2011 Peel Hunt LLP
Capel Irwin
The Company has adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for its financial statements for the year ended 6 February 2011. Information relating to the transition from UK GAAP is highlighted in note 5 to this announcement. The key change to the profit before tax of the Company has been to include the movements in the fair value of the Company's interest rate swap during the year within the profit and loss.
Like for like hotel revenues increased by 2.2% and like for like hotel profits after depreciation and before Company administration costs increased by 14.1%. REVPAR (accommodation revenue per available bedroom) increased 4.7% in the year with occupancy up 8.2% and average room rate down 3.2%.
Total turnover increased 7.6% to £15,263,682 (2010: £14,186,042). Operating profit for the full year increased 38.5% to £1,094,901 (2010: £790,980). EBITDA (Earnings before interest, tax and depreciation) was £2,828,522 (2010: £1,990,627).
The pre-tax result before profit on disposal of a staff house in Newcastle and the fair value movement on the swap was £61,699 (2010: Loss £74,106). The pre-tax result was a profit of £555,329. Tax has been provided at a rate of 28%, less the discount on deferred tax liabilities, giving an effective rate of 25%. Last year there was a substantial credit to the tax provision amounting to £1,214,635. This had arisen from claiming roll over relief on the acquisition of the Norfolk Royale Hotel against a part of the charge to tax on capital gains suffered on the disposal of the Avon Gorge Hotel. Earnings per share on basic and diluted basis were 3.6p (2010: 0.8p basic and diluted adjusted for the adoption of IFRS).
In spite of very difficult market conditions there has been a significant improvement in occupancy and a respectable improvement in REVPAR. Like for like sales have increased whilst wages and ancillary costs have been carefully controlled. At the same time we have continued to ensure the maintenance of our hotels. Guest satisfaction levels have never been higher and the AA (Automobile Association) quality ratings have improved in each of our properties.
Shareholders might have noticed that the Company has been much more proactive throughout the year in its marketing strategy successfully targeting the discretionary spend market through advertising in various journals and the national press to compensate for the Governmental and Corporate cutbacks on overnight accommodation throughout the provincial market within the United Kingdom.
As at 6 February 2011 net debt stood at £13,443,723 representing loans totalling £12,609,477 and an overdraft of £945,432 less £111,186 cash at bank. Gearing on Shareholders' funds was 61% with interest covered 1.1 times. Net debt decreased by £1,350,847 compared with the previous year.
Shareholders will be aware that the Company has a fixed interest swap at 5.83%, plus margin of 1.95%, on a declining balance currently £9,050,700, until the swap ceases on 11 April 2014. As I informed Shareholders in my statement with the Interim Accounts in October last year, following a review by its bankers in regard to the Company's debt profile, from 12 October 2010 they have increased the margin to 2.5% on £9,500,000 whilst increasing the margin on the balance from 1.95% to 4% over six monthly LIBOR. Margin on the Company's overdraft remains the same at 2.5% over Base Rate.
The review cost the Company £72,547 in fees, charges and expenses which is being amortised over the term of the loan and will cost a further £47,520 over the same period. It is indeed unfortunate that the increased margin in the case of our swap translates into an even higher overall cost of borrowing. Shareholders' will note that the cost of buying out the swap has decreased substantially over the past few months and this trend is likely to continue. We continue to monitor the cost of buying out the swap but currently it would make little economic sense.
I pointed out in my interim statement that the severe increase in the costs of borrowing would encourage us to dispose of our ancillary property. We sold 31, Grosvenor Gardens, the staff house for the Caledonian, Newcastle on 2 February 2011 for a consideration of £415,000 giving rise to net profit on disposal of £203,775. Post Balance Sheet and on 28 March 2011 we sold 21/23, The High Street, Wallingford, the staff house for the George Hotel in Wallingford, for a consideration of £470,000 and at a substantial profit.
The proceeds of both these disposals have been used to make additional repayments of part of the Company's bank loan over and above the regular semi-annual repayment instalments.
It is perhaps worth mentioning that currently we pay back £446,000 per annum on our loans and this combined with utilisation of the proceeds of the two asset sales, notwithstanding the margin hikes that have been inflicted on us, will ensure an on-going lessening of the overall annual interest cost.
The Board have decided regrettably not to recommend a Dividend in respect of the 2010/2011 Financial Year. The Board have erred on the side of caution in respect of deciding not to recommend the payment of a dividend but hope to be in a position to pay a dividend to Shareholders in respect of the current financial year.
We have slowed down our capital expenditure as indicated in the interim statement and last year's annual report and this we will continue to do until such time as the economy recovers. The acceleration of capital expenditure in the two years, following the sale of the Avon Gorge Hotel, has lessened the pressure to embark on major projects. The Estate is broadly in good condition and we continue to work towards achieving AA four star ratings in the majority of our portfolio.
£515,102 was spent in the year and over half of this sum was spent on the Midland Hotel in Bradford and the Norfolk Royale in Bournemouth. We continue to renovate bedrooms at the Midland Hotel and we have completed improvements to one floor of bedrooms at the Norfolk Royale Hotel which completes the upgrade of each of the hotel's 95 bedrooms.
In addition to such capital expenditure a further £570,154 (2010: £509,117) was expensed through the profit and loss account in the year on repairs and renewals which clearly demonstrates our commitment to maintaining and improving the quality of our Estate.
It is always a great pleasure to welcome Shareholders and their families to our hotels where they can see for themselves the improvements we have made whilst enjoying a beneficial discount. All Shareholders are entitled to a 30% discount, using the special reservation number 0207 266 1100 or e-mail [email protected]. Shareholders can keep in touch with progress in the Company and various promotional initiatives by visiting our website www.peelhotels.co.uk.
Clearly there is oversupply in the provincial market place and the consequential reduction of rates, accelerated through cost cutting by Government Departments and Corporations alike, is a real challenge in the short to medium term.
We believe we can continue to improve our occupancy through aggressively marketing our product which, in the main, is in excellent shape and in prime positions within its various locations. Owing to the high operational gearing of a hotel business relatively modest improvements in sales translate into attractive improvements in profits. We continue to evaluate our cost base with a view to eliminating costs that do not affect the wellbeing and satisfaction of our guests.
We are considering a number of management contract opportunities as we believe entering into such arrangements would help improve profits by effectively amortising the Company's overheads.
Robert Peel
12 May 2011
Statement of Comprehensive Income
for the year ended 6 February 2011
2011 | 2010 | ||||||
Note | £ | £ | |||||
Revenue |
| 15,263,682 | 14,186,042 | ||||
Cost of sales | (12,271,069) | (11,546,545) | |||||
Gross profit | 2,992,613 | 2,639,497 | |||||
Administration expenses | (657,721) | (634,417) | |||||
Depreciation | (1,239,991) | (1,214,100) | |||||
Profit on disposal of property | 203,775 | - | |||||
Operating profit | 1,298,676 | 790,980 | |||||
Finance income | 406 | 123 | |||||
Finance expense | (1,033,608) | (865,209) | |||||
Fair value movement on derivative | 289,855 | (14,453) | |||||
Profit /(loss) before tax | 555,329 | (88,559) | |||||
Income tax | (55,351) | 202,121 | |||||
Profit and total comprehensive income for the period attributable to owners | 499,978 | 113,562 | |||||
Earnings per share | 3 | ||||||
Basic & diluted (pence) | 3.6 | 0.8 | |||||
Statement of Changes in Equity
for the year ended 6 February 2011
Year ended 6 February 2011 | Share Capital | Share premium account | Profit and loss account | Total |
£ | £ | £ | £ | |
Balance brought forward at 8 February 2010 |
1,401,213 |
9,743,495 | 10,401,199 | 21,545,907 |
Employee share options | - | - | 1,769 | 1,769 |
Transactions with owners | - | - | 1,769 | 1,769 |
Profit and total comprehensive income for the period |
- | - | 499,978 | 499,978 |
Balance at 6 February 2011 | 1,401,213 | 9,743,495 | 10,902,946 | 22,047,654 |
| ||
Year ended 7 February 2010 | Share Capital | Share premium account | Profit and loss account | Total |
£ | £ | £ | £ | |
Balance brought forward at 9 February 2009 | 1,401,213 | 9,743,495 | 10,771,808 | 21,916,516 |
Employee share options | - | - | 6,253 | 6,253 |
Dividends paid | - | - | (490,424) | (490,424) |
Transactions with owners | - | - | (484,171) | (484,171) |
Profit and total comprehensive income for the period | - | - | 113,562 | 113,562 |
Balance at 7 February 2010 | 1,401,213 | 9,743,495 | 10,401,199 | 21,545,907 |
Balance Sheet
at 6 February 2011
| 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | ||||
| £ | £ | £ | ||||
Assets | |||||||
Non-current assets | |||||||
Property, plant and equipment | 38,583,903 | 39,513,792 | 29,661,798 | ||||
Deferred tax asset | 251,707 | 342,189 | 338,142 | ||||
Total non-current assets | 38,835,610 | 39,855,981 | 29,999,940 | ||||
Current assets | |||||||
Inventories | 106,788 | 112,840 | 92,945 | ||||
Trade and other receivables | 1,244,761 | 1,130,180 | 1,205,298 | ||||
Current tax asset | - | 97,382 | - | ||||
Cash at bank and in hand | 111,186 | 104,912 | 132,405 | ||||
Total current assets | 1,462,735 | 1,445,314 | 1,430,648 | ||||
Total assets | 40,298,345 | 41,301,295 | 31,430,588 | ||||
Equity and liabilities | |||||||
Equity attributable to owners | |||||||
Share capital | 1,401,213 | 1,401,213 | 1,401,213 | ||||
Share premium | 9,743,495 | 9,743,495 | 9,743,495 | ||||
Retained earnings | 10,902,946 | 10,401,199 | 10,771,808 | ||||
Total equity | 22,047,654 | 21,545,907 | 21,916,516 | ||||
Liabilities | |||||||
Non-current | |||||||
Borrowings (due after one year) | 10,663,422 | 11,557,618 | 3,004,781 | ||||
Deferred tax liabilities | 1,618,568 | 1,771,811 | 782,250 | ||||
Non-current liabilities | 12,281,990 | 13,329,429 | 3,787,031 | ||||
Current | |||||||
Trade and other payables | 2,023,531 | 1,861,992 | 1,394,033 | ||||
Borrowings (due within one year) | 2,891,486 | 3,341,864 | 984,540 | ||||
Current tax liabilities | 121,436 | - | 2,140,818 | ||||
Derivative financial instruments | 932,248 | 1,222,103 | 1,207,650 | ||||
Current liabilities | 5,968,701 | 6,425,959 | 5,727,041 | ||||
Total liabilities and equity | 40,298,345 | 41,301,295 | 31,430,588 |
The accompanying accounting policies and notes form an integral part of these financial statements.
Approved by the board 12 May 2011
Robert Peel, Director
Norbert Petersen, Director
Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 6 February 2011
| 2011 | 2010 | |
| £ | £ | |
Cash flows from operating activities | |||
Profit for the year | 499,978 | 113,562 | |
Adjustments for: | |||
Equity settled share-based payment expenses | 1,769 | 6,253 | |
Financial income | (406) | (123) | |
Financial expense | 1,033,608 | 865,209 | |
Fair value movement on derivative | (289,855) | 14,453 | |
Income tax income | 55,351 | (202,121) | |
Profit on sale of property | (203,775) | - | |
Depreciation | 1,239,991 | 1,214,100 | |
Operating profit before changes in working capital and provisions | 2,336,661 | 2,011,333 | |
UK corporation tax received/(paid) | 100,706 | (1,050,566) | |
(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables | (68,504) | 80,749 | |
Increase in trade and other payables | 109,360 | 273,374 | |
Increase/(decrease) in inventories | 6,052 | (19,895) | |
Net cash from operating activities | 2,484,275 | 1,294,995 | |
Cash flows from investing activities | |||
Interest paid | (1,063,907) | (760,549) | |
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment | (515,102) | (11,066,094) | |
Sale of property, plant and equipment | 408,776 | - | |
Net cash from investing activities | (1,170,233) | (11,826,643) | |
Cash flows from financing activities | |||
New loans | 500,000 | 13,331,100 | |
Loan repayments | (861,105) | (4,228,616) | |
Equity dividends paid | - | (490,424) | |
Net cash from financing activities | (361,105) | 8,612,060 | |
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents | 952,937 | (1,919,588) | |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period | (1,787,183) | 132,405 | |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period | (834,246) | (1,787,183) | |
For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents comprise: | |||
Cash and bank balances Bank overdraft | 111,186 (945,432) | 104,912 (1,892,095) |
(forming part of the financial statements)
1 Basis of preparation
The financial statements from which this preliminary announcement has been extracted have been prepared and approved by the Directors in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU ("Adopted IFRSs"). The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, except for derivative financial instruments which are included at their fair value.
These results represent the first annual financial statements the Company has prepared in accordance with its accounting policies under IFRS and the comparatives for 2010 have been restated from UK GAAP to comply with IFRS. An explanation of how the transition to IFRS has affected the reported financial position, financial performance and cash flows of the Company is provided in Note 5. This note includes reconciliations of equity and profit for comparative periods reported under UK GAAP to those reported for those periods under IFRS.
The IFRS accounting policies have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these financial statements from the date of transition on 9 February 2009. They also have been applied in preparing an opening IFRS balance sheet at 9 February 2009 for the purposes of the transition to IFRSs, as required by IFRS 1. The impact of the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS is explained in Note 5.
The financial statements are presented in sterling.
2 Publication of non-statutory financial statements
The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006.
The statement of comprehensive income, the statement of changes in equity, the balance sheet and the cash flow statement have been extracted from the Company's financial statements for the year ended 6 February 2011 upon which the auditors' opinion is unqualified and does not include any statement under section 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. Those financial statements have not yet been delivered to the Registrar.
3 Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share
The calculation of basic earnings per share year ended 6 February 2011, was based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of £499,978 (2010: £113,562) and a weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding of 14,012,123 (2010: 14,012,123). No shares were issued in 2011 or 2010.
Diluted earnings per share
There were no potentially dilutive options in issue in 2011 and 2010 and consequently there is no difference between basic and diluted earnings per share.
4 Dividends
Details of the dividend payments made during the year are set out below
| 2011 | 2010 |
| £ | £ |
| ||
Dividend of 3.5p per share paid 26 June 2009 | nil | 490,424 |
5 Explanation of transition to Adopted IFRSs
As stated, in the accounting policies, these are the Company's first annual financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS. In preparing its opening IFRS balance sheet and comparative information for the financial statements for the year ended 6 February 2011, the Company has adjusted amounts reported previously in financial statements prepared in accordance with UK GAAP.
IFRS 1 'First Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards' - contains certain optional exemptions to assist companies in the transition to IFRS. The Company has elected to take the following exemptions:
IFRS 3 'Business Combinations' - advantage has been taken of the optional exception from full retrospective application of IFRS3, and consequently, this standard has not been applied to acquisitions made before 8 February 2009.
The details of how the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS has affected the Company's financial position and financial performance, are set out in the tables below. The adjustments have been required to comply with the following reporting standards:
IAS39 - derivatives are required to be included in the balance sheet at their fair value. This has resulted in the recognition of a liability at 9 February 2009 of £1,207,650, representing the fair value of the interest rate swaps in existence at that date. The results for the year ended 7 February 2010 have been reduced by £14,453, representing the increase in the fair value of the instruments in the year. A deferred tax asset has been recognised in relation to this liability.
IAS12 - previously under UK GAAP, there was no requirement to provide deferred tax, in respect of those assets, against which capital gains rollover relief had been claimed. Under IAS 12, deferred tax must be provided against the difference between the qualifying net book value of those assets and their reduced tax base cost. Accordingly, the deferred tax provision was increased by £194,250, as at 9 February 2009 and by a further £1,016,561 in the year ended 7 February 2010.
Notes (continued)
5 Explanation of transition to Adopted IFRSs (continued)
Reconciliation of equity
9 February 2009 | 7 February 2010 | ||||||
UK GAAP | Effect of transition to adopted IFRSs | Adopted IFRSs | UK GAAP | Effect of transition to adopted IFRSs | Adopted IFRSs | ||
£ | £ | £ | £ | £ | £ | ||
Non-current assets |
| ||||||
Property, plant and equipment |
| 29,661,798 | - | 29,661,798 | 39,513,792 | - | 39,513,792 |
Deferred tax asset |
| - | 338,142 | 338,142 | - | 342,189 | 342,189 |
| |||||||
Current assets |
| ||||||
Inventories |
| 92,945 | - | 92,945 | 112,840 | - | 112,840 |
Trade and other receivables |
| 1,205,298 | - | 1,205,298 | 1,130,180 | - | 1,130,180 |
Taxation receivable |
| - | - | - | 97,382 | - | 97,382 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
| 132,405 | - | 132,405 | 104,912 | - | 104,912 |
| |||||||
| 1,430,648 | - | 1,430,648 | 1,445,314 | - | 1,445,314 | |
| |||||||
Total assets |
| 31,092,446 | 338,142 | 31,430,588 | 40,959,106 | 342,189 | 41,301,295 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
Non-current liabilities |
| ||||||
Borrowings |
| 3,004,781 | - | 3,004,781 | 11,557,618 | - | 11,557,618 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
| 588,000 | 194,250 | 782,250 | 561,000 | 1,210,811 | 1,771,811 |
| |||||||
Current liabilities |
| ||||||
Trade and other payables |
| 1,394,033 | - | 1,394,033 | 1,861,992 | - | 1,861,992 |
Borrowings |
| 984,540 | - | 984,540 | 3,341,864 | - | 3,341,864 |
Income tax |
| 2,140,818 | - | 2,140,818 | - | - | - |
Derivative financial instruments |
| - | 1,207,650 | 1,207,650 | - | 1,222,103 | 1,222,103 |
| |||||||
Total liabilities |
| 8,112,172 | 1,401,900 | 9,514,072 | 17,322,474 | 2,432,914 | 19,755,388 |
| |||||||
Net assets |
| 22,980,274 | (1,063,758) | 21,916,516 | 23,636,632 | (2,090,725) | 21,545,907 |
| |||||||
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent |
| ||||||
Share capital |
| 1,401,213 | - | 1,401,213 | 1,401,213 | - | 1,401,213 |
Share premium |
| 9,743,495 | - | 9,743,495 | 9,743,495 | - | 9,743,495 |
Retained earnings |
| 11,835,566 | (1,063,758) | 10,771,808 | 12,491,924 | (2,090,725) | 10,401,199 |
| |||||||
Total equity |
| 22,980,274 | (1,063,758) | 21,916,516 | 23,636,632 | (2,090,725) | 21,545,907 |
Notes (continued)
5 Explanation of transition to Adopted IFRSs (continued)
Reconciliation of profit for 12 months ended 7 February 2010
| UK GAAP | Effect of transition to Adopted IFRSs | Adopted IFRSs |
| £ | £ | £ |
Revenue |
| 14,186,042 | - | 14,186,042 |
Cost of sales |
| (11,546,545) | - | (11,546,545) |
| ||||
Gross profit |
| 2,639,497 | - | 2,639,497 |
Administrative expenses |
| (634,417) | - | (634,417) |
Depreciation |
| (1,214,100) | - | (1,214,100) |
| ||||
Operating profit before net financing costs |
| 790,980 | - | 790,980 |
Financial income |
| 123 | - | 123 |
Financial expenses |
| (865,209) | - | (865,209) |
Fair value movement on derivative |
| - | (14,453)
| (14,453) |
| ||||
Profit / (loss) before tax |
| (74,106) | (14,453) | (88,559) |
Taxation |
| 1,214,635 | (1,012,514) | 202,121 |
| ||||
Profit for the year |
| 1,140,529 | (1,026,967) | 113,562 |
There are no material differences between the cash flow statement presented under Adopted IFRSs and the cash flow statement presented under UK GAAP.
6 The annual report for the period ended 6 February 2011 will be posted to Shareholders by 16 May 2011. The Annual General Meeting will be held at George Hotel, High Street, Wallingford, OX10 0BS on Wednesday 8 June 2011 at noon.
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