3rd Dec 2018 09:43
London Stock Exchange plc.
10 Paternoster Square
Sub: Declaration of Result of Postal Ballot
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that on the basis of the report of the scrutinizer (Mr. Jayant Gupta, Practising Company Secretary), dated December 1, 2018, we would like to inform you that the Members of the Company have accorded their approval with requisite majority through Postal Ballot Mechanism (including e-voting) for the Special Resolution(s) mentioned below. The said Special resolutions have deemed to be passed on November 30, 2018, in terms of applicable provisions. The said Postal Ballot was conducted in accordance with Section 110 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rules made thereunder and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
Resolution No. | Resolution Description |
1 | Special Resolution for extension of benefits of Dish TV India limited 'Employees Stock Option Scheme 2018' ("ESOP 2018") - for employees of the Subsidiary Company(ies) of the Company, as per postal Ballot Notice of the Company dated October 25, 2018 read with Explanatory statement thereto. |
2 | Special Resolution for extension of benefits of Dish TV India limited 'Employees Stock Option Scheme 2018' ("ESOP 2018") - for employees of any future holding Company of the Company, as per postal Ballot Notice of the Company dated October 25, 2018 read with Explanatory statement thereto. |
In terms of Section 110 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with rules made thereunder, Members consent was sought for the Special resolution(s) enumerated in the Postal Ballot Notice dated October 25, 2018. The Postal Ballot Notice along with Explanatory Statement under Section 102 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with rules made thereunder along with the Postal Ballot Forms and self-addressed pre-paid Business Reply Envelope was dispatched / sent through e-mail, to the Members of the Company whose names(s) appeared in the Register of Members / Record of Depositories on Friday, the 26th day of October 2018, the cut-off date fixed for the said purpose.
In addition to the option for Physical Voting, the Company had offered E-Voting facility (on NSDL platform) as an alternative for its Members which enabled them to cast votes electronically, instead of voting through the Physical Postal Ballot form. The Physical Postal Ballot Voting and E-Voting commenced from Thursday, the 1st day of November, 2018 at 9:00 A.M. (IST) and ended on Friday, the 30th day of November, 2018 at 5:00 P.M. (IST).
Further, based on the Report of the scrutinizer, the Company has declared that the special resolution(s), as mentioned above, has been approved with requisite majority on December 01, 2018, and shall be deemed to have been passed on November 30, 2018, in terms of Secretarial Standards issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and other applicable provisions, if any.
Brief Details of Postal Ballot Form sent and Postal Ballot Forms received / e-voted
1 | Total number of Postal Ballot Forms issued and dispatched (Both Physical & Electronic) | 154,391 |
2 | Number of Physical Postal Ballot Forms received Less : Found invalid Net Valid Physical Postal Ballot Forms | 15 0 15 |
3 | Number of Voters/ Folios voted Electronically | 473 |
4 | Total Folios / Voters | 488 |
Result of the Voting conducted through Postal Ballot Mechanism on the Special Resolution(s) mentioned above, under Section 110 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rules made thereunder and Listing Regulations, is as follows:
PARTICULARS | Physical Votes | E-Votes | Aggregate Votes | % of Votes received |
Assents for the Resolution | 383179 | 1439905902 | 1440289081 | 99.9092% |
Dissents to the Resolution | 0 | 1309641 | 1309641 | 0.0908% |
Total Valid Postal ballots/ Votes | 383179 | 1441215543 | 1441598722 | 100.0000% |
PARTICULARS | Physical Votes | E-Votes | Aggregate Votes | % of Votes received |
Assents for the Resolution | 383179 | 1440926868 | 1441310047 | 99.9799% |
Dissents to the Resolution | 0 | 289396 | 289396 | 0.0201% |
Total Valid Postal ballots/ Votes | 383179 | 1441216264 | 1441599443 | 100.0000% |
Copy of the Scrutinizer's Report dated December 01, 2018 submitted by the Scrutinizer viz. Mr. Jayant Gupta, Practicing Company Secretary along with the details of the Voting Result issued by Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd., the Company's Registrar and Share Transfer Agent has been uploaded on the Company's website viz www.dishd2h.com at the below link :
We request you to kindly take the above intimation on record.
Thanking You,
For Dish TV India Ltd.
Ranjit Singh
Company Secretary
Membership No. - A15442
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