21st Feb 2022 13:43
February 21, 2022
London Stock Exchange
Dear Madam, Sir,
Subject: Postal Ballot Notice of Tata Steel Limited
We enclose herewith a copy of the Postal Ballot Notice dated February 4, 2022, along with the Statement pursuant to Section 102 of the Companies Act, 2013 ('Notice') of Tata Steel Limited ('the Company') seeking approval of the Members of the Company on the following resolutions, being Special Resolution(s), through Postal Ballot:
SN | Description of the Special Resolution(s) |
1. | Appointment of Ms. Farida Khambata (DIN: 06954123) as an Independent Director of the Company |
2. | Appointment of Mr. David W. Crane (DIN: 09354737) as an Independent Director of the Company |
3. | Re-appointment of Mr. Deepak Kapoor (DIN: 00162957) as an Independent Director of the Company |
In compliance with General Circular No. 14/2020 dated April 8, 2020,No. 17/2020 dated April 13, 2020, No.22/2020 dated June 15, 2020, No. 33/2020 datedSeptember 28, 2020, No. 39/2020 dated December 31, 2020, No. 10/2021 dated June 23, 2021 and No. 20/2021 dated December 8, 2021, issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, this Notice is being sent only through electronic mode to those members whose e-mail addresses are registered with the Company/Depositories and whose names are recorded in the Register of Members of the Company or in the Register of Beneficial Owners maintained by the Depositories as on Friday, February 11, 2022 ('Cut-off date'). Accordingly, physical copy of the Notice along with Postal Ballot Form and pre-paid business reply envelope is not being sent to the Members for this Postal Ballot.
The Company has engaged the services of National Securities Depository Limited ('NSDL') to provide remote e-voting facility to its Members. The remote e-voting period commences on Thursday, February 24, 2022 from 9.00 a.m. (IST) and ends on Friday, March 25, 2022 at5.00 p.m. (IST). The e-voting module shall be disabled by NSDL thereafter. Voting rights of the Members shall be in proportion to the shares held by them in the paid-up equity share capital of the Company as on Cut-off date. Please note that communication of assent or dissent of the Members would only take place through the remote e-voting system. The instructions for remote e-voting are provided in the Notice.
The Members whose e-mail address is not registered with the Company/Depositories, to receive the Notice, may register their e-mail address with the Company's Registrar and Transfer Agent, TSR Darashaw Consultants Private Limited, on or before 5:00 p.m. (IST) on Friday,March 18, 2022. The process for registration of e-mail address is provided in the enclosed Notice.
The Notice is also being made available on the website of the Company at https://www.tatasteel.com/investors/investor-information/postal-ballot/ and on the website of NSDL at www.evoting.nsdl.com
This disclosure is being given pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended.
This is for your information and records.
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