10th Oct 2014 09:14
10 October 2013
Ferrum Crescent Limited
("Ferrum Crescent", the "Company" or the "Group") (ASX: FCR, AIM: FCR, JSE: FCR)
Placing Notice in Compliance with ASX Listing
The Company advises that the following announcement was released on the ASX earlier today:
Notice under section 708AA(2)(f) of the Australian Corporations Act
This notice is given by Ferrum Crescent Limited ABN 58 097 532 137 (ASX: FCR) (Company) under section 708AA(2)(f) of the Australian Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act) as notionally modified by the ASIC Class Order [CO 08/35] Disclosure relief for rights issues (CO 08/35).
The Company has today announced a non-renounceable, pro-rata issue of up to 253,735,185 shares (New Shares) to eligible shareholders on the basis of 2 New Shares for every 3 shares held by eligible shareholders on 20 October 2014 at 5.00pm (AWST) for eligible shareholders on the Australian register, 5.00pm (GMT) for eligible shareholders on the UK register, and 5.00pm (SAST) for eligible shareholders on the South African sub-register (Record Date) (the Rights Issue).
For the purposes of section 708AA(7) of the Corporations Act, the Company advises that:
(a) the New Shares will be offered for issue without disclosure under Part 6D.2 of the Corporations Act;
(b) this notice is being given under section 708AA(2)(f) of the Corporations Act as notionally modified by CO 08/35;
(c) as at the date of this notice, the Company has complied with:
(i) the provisions of Chapter 2M of the Corporations Act as the apply to the Company; and
(ii) section 674 of the Corporations Act,
(d) as at the date of this notice, there is no excluded information of the type referred to in section 708AA(8) and 708AA(9) of the Corporations Act as notionally modified by CO 08/35 that is required to be set out in this notice;
(e) the potential effect that the Rights Issue will have on control of the Company and the consequence of that effect, is as follows:
(i) control will be affected by the level of applications under the Rights Issue, including in respect of any shortfall;
(ii) if all eligible shareholders take up their entitlement to the New Shares under the Rights Issue, the Rights Issue will have no significant effect on the control of the Company;
(iii) the percentage shareholding interests of ineligible shareholders will be diluted as those shareholders are not entitled to participate in the Rights Issue;
(iv) to the extent that any eligible shareholders do not take up their full entitlement under the Rights Issue, the percentage shareholding interests of those eligible shareholders will be diluted;
(v) based on current disclosures made by substantial shareholders, no existing shareholders will increase their shareholding, and no new shareholder is expected to acquire a shareholding, in the Company above 20% as a result of the Rights Issue; and
(vi) the final percentage interests held by the substantial shareholders of the Company is dependent upon the extent to which other shareholders take up their entitlements and subscribe for any shortfall.
For more information, please visit www.ferrumcrescent.com or contact:
Australia and Company enquiries: | UK enquiries: |
Ferrum Crescent Limited Ed Nealon T: +61 8 9380 9653
Tom Revy T: +61 8 9367 5681 Managing Director | Ocean Equities Limited (Broker) Guy Wilkes T: +44 (0) 20 7786 4370
RFC Ambrian Limited (Nominated Adviser) James Biddle/ Andrew Thomson T: +44 (0) 20 3440 6800
Ferrum Crescent Limited Laurence Read (UK representative) T: +44 7557672432
South Africa enquiries: | Sasfin Capital Leonard Eiser T: +27 11 809 7500 |
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