9th Oct 2014 16:16
FIDESSA GROUP PLC - PDMR Shareholding - Grant of AwardsFIDESSA GROUP PLC - PDMR Shareholding - Grant of Awards
PR Newswire
London, October 9
Fidessa group plc ("the Company") On 15th September 2014 Fidessa group plc paid the interim dividend in respectof the year ending 31st December 2014. The rules governing the Fidessa groupplc Deferred Annual Bonus Plan ("DABP") provide that when dividends are paiddividend equivalent awards are granted under the DABP. Therefore, further tothe awards previously granted and announced under the DABP to various personsdischarging managerial responsibilities ("PDMR"s) of the Company, the Companyhas been informed that on 15th September 2014 dividend equivalent awards weregranted in accordance with the rules governing the DABP and such awards shallvest at the same time as the relevant DABP award. Details of dividendequivalent awards granted to PDMRs are as set out in the table below. Name Number of Fidessa group plc ordinary shares over which the dividend equivalent award was granted 20th March 2012 21st March 2013 21st March 2014 DABP DABP award DABP award award Mark Ames 11 9 6 Paul Nokes 10 9 7 Martin 10 9 7Scanlan Paul 10 9 7Stephens
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