14th Jan 2009 07:00
14 January 2009
Oilex advises that the 4-well drilling program in Block 56, Oman, has been completed successfully with very encouraging results from 3 wells including the Al Jumd-1 well for which a testing program is being planned and the Umq-1 well in the central part of the block which had oil and gas shows over more than 500 metres of section. The Abraj 204 rig has been released from the Umq-1 well location, the final well in the second phase of drilling on Block 56.
The well results have confirmed the oil potential of the Eastern Flank Salt Basin in Block 56 and extended the prospective area into the extensive Central Terrace area where no previous drilling had been carried out. The program included the drilling of the Sarha-2 appraisal/exploration well and the Lathab-1, Al Jumd-1 and Umq-1 exploration wells. The well results are summarised below in sequence of drilling.
Sarha-2 Appraisal Well(spudded 5 September)
* Confirmed the presence of the oil column in the Al Khlata reservoir interval that was intersected in the Sarha-1 discovery well located approximately 600 metres to the south east of Sarha-2. * Horizontal well intersected up to 275 metres gross interval of oil bearing sands, of which approximately 200 metres is calculated to be productive net pay. Horizontal section was re-drilled due to downhole problems. * Initially produced 150-200 barrels of oil per day (bopd) on pump test following installation of screens to prevent sand production.Oil is heavier than that tested at Sarha-1. * Currently reviewing technical data to determine optimum flow potential and future development strategy prior to long term production test.The well is suspended as a potential production well.
Lathab-1 Exploration Well(spudded 9 November)
* Encountered oil shows through the Al Khlata, Haima and Huqf Formation reservoir intervals, thin oil pay calculated. Pay interval considered to be insufficient to warrant testing and well was abandoned. * Geological structure similar to and nearby the Sarha oil field.
Al Jumd-1 Exploration Well(spudded 1 December)
* Discovered oil in the Al Khlata over the interval 1163 - 1328 metres with no oil-water contact identified, interpreting 27 metres of net pay. * Geological structure in northwest area of Block 56 similar to the Sarha oil field. * Well suspended pending a testing program, currently being planned.
Umq-1 Exploration Well(spudded 22 December)
* Oil shows and associated high gas readings intersected in the Huqf primary objective over a gross interval of over 500 metres from 1,316 metres (Top Huqf Formation)to 1,840 metres(total depth of the well). * Drilled large structure in untested central portion of Block 56. * No significant porous reservoir intervals were penetrated in the Huqf section drilled. Operational difficulties including significant mud losses prevented the further deepening of the well to intersect sandstone intervals predicted beneath the Huqf carbonate. * This result significantly enhances the large untested potential of the Central Terrace area which was identified as one of the main exploration objectives by the Joint Venture when it applied for Block 56.
Figure 1 - Block 56 Oman showing well locations - please see Oilex website for full report
Oilex is currently reviewing technical and commercial options for follow up appraisal, testing and possible development for this projectfor consideration by the Joint Venture in view of the lower oil price environment.
Participants in the Block 56 Exploration and Production Sharing Agreement are:
Joint Venture Party Participating Interest Oilex Oman Limited (Operator) 25% Videocon Industries Limited 25% GAIL (India) Limited 25% Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited 12.5% Bharat PetroResources Limited 12.5% Yours sincerely,B. H. McCarthyManaging Director
For further information, please contact:
Ray Barnes, Technical Director, Oilex Ltd Tel. +61 8 9485 3200 (Western Australia)
Archie Berens, Director Pelham Public Relations Tel. +44 20 7743 6679 (United Kingdom)
RFC Corporate Finance Ltd acts as Oilex's Nominated Adviser, contact Stuart Laing +618 9480 2506
The information in this report has been compiled by the Managing Director of Oilex Ltd, Bruce McCarthy B.Sc. Hons. PhD (Geology) who has over 29years experience in petroleum geology and Ray Barnes, B.Sc. Hons. the Technical Director of Oilex Ltd who has over 35 years experience in petroleum geology and is a member of the AAPG & EAGE. Estimates ofoil-in-place arereported in accordance with the standard definitions set out by the Society of Petroleum Engineers, further information on which and a glossary of terms used in the oil and gas industryis available at www.spe.org.
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