14th Dec 2012 16:21
PR Newswire
London, December 14
14 December 2012
Baronsmead VCT plc, Baronsmead VCT 2 plc, Baronsmead VCT 3 plc, Baronsmead VCT4 plc and Baronsmead VCT 5 plc
Offers for Subscription - Update
On 20 November 2012 Baronsmead VCT plc, Baronsmead VCT 2 plc, Baronsmead VCT 3plc, Baronsmead VCT 4 plc and Baronsmead VCT 5 plc (together "the Companies")published a Prospectus in relation to offers for subscription for new ordinaryshares of 10p each in each of the Companies, to raise in aggregate up to £30million (before issue costs) (the "Offers" and each an "Offer"). The Offersopened on 11 December 2012.
The directors of Baronsmead VCT plc have been advised that, on the basis of theSubscription Forms received as at 12.00 noon on 14 December 2012, the Offer forBaronsmead VCT plc is fully subscribed and is now closed. Subscribers to thisOffer whose Subscription Forms are received after its closure will have theirSubscription re-allocated or returned in accordance with their instructions ontheir Subscription Form and the Terms and Conditions of Subscriptions.
The Offers for Baronsmead VCT 2 plc, Baronsmead VCT 3 plc, Baronsmead VCT 4 plcand Baronsmead VCT 5 plc are not yet fully subscribed and will remain openuntil 5 April 2013 (unless fully subscribed by an earlier date or previouslyextended by the directors to no later than 30 April 2013). Valid applicationsto date for these Offers are as follows:
Baronsmead VCT 2 plc £4.4 million
Baronsmead VCT 3 plc £3.5 million
Baronsmead VCT 4 plc £2.8 million
Baronsmead VCT 5 plc £1.4 million
The first allotment of new ordinary shares in the Companies is expected to beon or around 21 December 2012 with dealings expected to commence three BusinessDays thereafter.
For further information, please contact:
Michael Probin - Investor Relations
Telephone: 020 7506 5796
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Baronsmead Vt