21st Apr 2023 14:03
21 April 2023
(A joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)
Notice of the 2022 Annual General Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual general meeting ("AGM" or "Annual General Meeting") of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. (the "Company" or "CPIC") will be held at Shanghai Chongming International Elderly Care Community, CPIC Home, 88 Yihu Road, Chongming District, Shanghai, China, on Friday, 26 May 2023 at 1:30 p.m. (Beijing Time), for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, passing the following resolutions.
1. To consider and approve the report of the Board of Directors of the Company for the year 2022
2. To consider and approve the report of the Board of Supervisors of the Company for the year 2022
3. To consider and approve the annual report of the Company for the year 2022
4. To consider and approve the financial statements and report of the Company for the year 2022
5. To consider and approve the profit distribution plan of the Company for the year 2022
6. To consider and approve the proposal on the appointment of auditors of the Company for the year
7. To consider and approve the donation budget of the Company for the year 2023
8. To consider and approve the proposed election of Ms. LO Yuen Man Elaine as independent director of
the ninth session of the Board of Directors
9. In relation to the report on performance of Directors and appraisal results of the Company for the
year 2022
10. In relation to the report on performance of Supervisors and appraisal results of the Company for the
year 2022
11. In relation to the report on performance of independent Directors of the Company for the year 2022
12. The report on the status of related party transactions and the implementation of management system
for related party transactions of the Company for the year 2022.
13. The assessment report on internal transactions of the Company for the year 2022
For details on above resolutions and reports, please see the Appendices at http://www.rns-pdf.londonstockexchange.com/rns/1022X_1-2023-4-21.pdf
By Order of the Board of Directors
China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd.
KONG Qingwei
About CPIC
CPIC is a joint stock company established under the laws of the People's Republic of China with limited liability.
CPIC's registered office is located at 1 South Zhongshan Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, the People's Republic of China.
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