12th Sep 2005 15:30
Chesnara plc Notice of Interim Results Monday, 12 September 2005Chesnara plc, the closed life fund company, will be reporting interim resultsfor the half year ended 30th June 2005, on Wednesday October 5, 2005.Chesnara was formed to manage the life assurance activities of CountrywideAssured and was listed in May 2004.In June this year, Chesnara completed the acquisition of City of WestminsterAssurance from Irish Life & Permanent plc for ‚£47.5 million.A presentation for analysts will be held at 0930, on Wednesday October 5, 2005at the offices of Panmure Gordon & Co, Moorgate Hall, 155 Moorgate, London,EC2M 6XB. ENDS For further information, please contact:Michael HenmanCubitt ConsultingTel: +44 (0) 207 367 5100.ENDCHESNARA PLCRelated Shares: