25th Nov 2024 07:00
25th November 2024
Benchmark Holdings plc
("Benchmark" or "the Company")
Notice of Q4 and Full Year Results
Webcast for analysts and institutional investors
Equity Development webcast for retail investors
Benchmark Holdings plc (AIM: BMK, Euronext Growth Oslo: BMK), the aquaculture biotechnology business, will announce its Q4 and Full Year results, for the 12 month period ended 30 September 2024, on 12th December 2024.
Presentation for analysts and institutional investors at 08:00 UK time
Trond Williksen, Chief Executive Officer and Septima Maguire, Chief Financial Officer will host a presentation for analysts and institutional investors on the day at 08:00 UK time (09:00 CET).
The presentation will be held in person at Haakon Vlls Gate 2, Oslo, Norway. To register your interest, please contact [email protected]
A live webcast of the presentation will be available for analysts and investors to join remotely at the following link: Benchmark Holdings Webcast
Equity Development webcast for retail investors at 11:00 UK time
Trond Williksen, Chief Executive Officer and Septima Maguire, Chief Financial Officer will host a second webcast for retail investors and wealth managers at 11:00 UK time (12:00 CET). The webcast is open to all existing and potential shareholders.
To register please visit: https://www.equitydevelopment.co.uk/news-and-events/benchmark-investor-presentation-12december2024
About Benchmark
Benchmark is a leading aquaculture biotechnology company. Benchmark's mission is to enable aquaculture producers to improve their sustainability and profitability.
We bring together biology and technology to develop innovative products and solutions which improve yield, quality and animal health and welfare for our customers. We do this by improving the genetic make-up, health and nutrition of their stock - from broodstock and hatchery through to nursery and grow out.
Benchmark has a broad portfolio of products and solutions, including salmon eggs, live feed (Artemia), specialist diets and probiotics and sea lice treatments. Find out more at www.benchmarkplc.com.
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