9th Oct 2020 11:32
Provident Financial plc (the "Company")
9 October 2020
A General Meeting of Provdient Financial plc is to be held on 3 November 2020 at 9.30am.
The Company has today published a Circular containing the full Notice of General Meeting on its website, www.providentfinancial.com and posted the Circular to shareholders today. In accordance with LR 9.6.1R and LR 9.6.3R a copy of the Notice of General Meeting has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism.
At the General Meeting, the Company will seek shareholder approval of changes to its Directors' Remuneration Policy and for adoption of the Provident Financial 2020 Restricted Share Plan.
The Board recommends shareholders vote in favour of all resolutions.
General Meeting arrangements
The Board understands and respects the importance of shareholders being able to attend, speak and vote at General Meetings. However, the health and safety of our colleagues, customers, communities and shareholders is of paramount importance and we are committed to supporting the UK Government's efforts in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. Accordingly, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the UK Government's current guidance on public gatherings, and the regulations set out in Schedule 14 of the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020, we regret that it will not be possible for shareholders to attend the General Meeting in person. We anticipate that only the Chairman and a limited number of directors and employees will be in attendance at the General Meeting to ensure a quorum and to conduct the business of the General Meeting.
However, the Board recognises the importance of shareholder engagement and sees it as important for shareholders to exercise their right to vote and, accordingly, strongly recommends that shareholders vote on all resolutions by completing and submitting an online proxy appointment form in favour of the Chairman of the meeting in accordance with point 6 of the Explanatory Notes to the Notice of Meeting (set out on pages 13 to 15 of the Circular).
Shareholders are encouraged to submit questions to the Board in advance of the General Meeting by emailing [email protected] by no later than 9.30am on 30 October 2020. We will consider all questions received and, if appropriate and relating to the business of the General Meeting, provide a written response or publish answers on a thematic basis on our website www.providentfinancial.com/investors.
YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT. We strongly encourage shareholders to vote on all resolutions in advance of the General Meeting by completing an online proxy appointment form appointing the Chairman of the meeting as your proxy by 9.30am on 30 October 2020. Further details are set out in the Circular.
The Board will keep the situation under review and may need to make further changes to the arrangements relating to the General Meeting, including how it is conducted, and shareholders should therefore continue to monitor the Company's website (www.providentfinancial.com/investors) and announcements for any updates.
Enquiries: Charlotte Davies, 01274 351031
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