9th Sep 2019 09:59
Randall & Quilter Investment Holdings Ltd.
Notice of General Meeting and Proposed Return of Capital to Shareholders of 3.8 pence per Ordinary Share
9 September 2019
Following the announcement of the Group's interim results on 6 September 2019, the Board of Randall & Quilter Investment Holdings Ltd. (AIM:RQIH) ("Company"), the Bermuda based global program underwriting management and legacy acquisitions specialist, is pleased to confirm that a circular incorporating a notice of general meeting which sets out details in relation to a proposed return of capital to the Company's shareholders ("Return of Capital") and convening a general meeting of the Company to be held at 12:00 p.m. on 2 October 2019 at 71 Fenchurch Street, Ground Floor, London EC3M 4BS ("General Meeting"), has been posted to the Company's shareholders today ("Circular").
The Return of Capital involves the creation and capitalization of the AC Shares from monies standing to the credit of the Company's share premium account and the Reduction of Capital. To effect the Return of Capital:
·; Shareholders will be issued one AC Share for each Ordinary Share held by them at 6.00 p.m. on 2 October 2019, being the Record Time.
·; On or around 3 October 2019, the AC Shares will be cancelled pursuant to the Reduction of Capital and holders of the AC Shares will be paid the capital paid up on the AC Shares (being 3.8 pence per AC Share).
·; Payments in respect of the Return of Capital are expected to be made on or around 9 October 2019.
The Return of Capital (including the creation and capitalization of the AC Shares and the Reduction of Capital) is subject to the approval of the Shareholders at the General Meeting.
A copy of the Circular, containing more information in relation to the Return of Capital and the Company's interim results, is available on the Company's website at www.rqih.com.
Terms defined in the Circular have the same meaning when used in this announcement.
Enquiries to:
Notes to Editors:
About R&Q
The overall mission of the Bermuda based Group is to:
·; generate profits and capital extractions from expert management of legacy non-life insurance acquisitions/ reinsurances, including in Lloyd's; and
·; grow commission income from its licensed (and rated) carriers in the US and EU/UK, writing niche and profitable program business, largely on behalf of highly rated reinsurers.
Our aim is to continue to grow sustainable profit streams to support our business model and increase book value and cash distributions to shareholders.
The Group was founded by Ken Randall and Alan Quilter in 1991.
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 2138006K1U38QCGLFC94
Website: www.rqih.com
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