22nd Oct 2013 07:00
22 October 2013
Circular to shareholders seeking approval for proposed implementation of the Miton Group plc growth share plan and proposed cancellation of share premium account and capital redemption reserve (the "Circular")
Miton Group plc, the AIM quoted fund management company (the "Company" or "Group"), is seeking shareholder approval at a General Meeting to be held at 12 Austin Friars, London, EC2 2HE at 10.30 a.m. on 15 November 2013, to implement the Miton Group plc Share Plan (the "Plan") and to cancel the Company's share premium account and capital redemption reserve which were referred to in the Half Year Results announced on 24 September 2013.
The success of the Group depends on its ability to retain, attract and motivate high quality individuals. Accordingly the Board has carried out a review of the existing incentive arrangements operated by the Group. As a result of this review, the Board has decided that it would be appropriate to introduce a new retention and incentive arrangement for fund managers. The Group is proposing to implement the Plan, which is designed to support the Group's long term objectives, especially the growth of profits and assets under management. The Plan will allow participants to share in the growth of the relevant profit and assets under management for which they are responsible.
The Half Year Report also referred to the write down of the value of certain subsidiaries in the parent company balance sheet to reflect more appropriately their recoverable amount. A capital reduction exercise is therefore proposed to maintain the Company's capacity to pay dividends.
The relevant details are set out in the Circular, which is being sent today to all shareholders on the Register as at 17 October 2013. Copies of the Circular are available from Roger Bennett, Company Secretary, Miton Group plc, 12 Austin Friars, London EC2 2HE and from the Group's website: mitongroup.com in the Corporate section under Shareholder Information.
For further information please contact:
Miton Group plc
Gervais Williams (Managing Director)
07811 331824
Robert Clarke (Group Finance Director & Director of Operations)
0118 338 4034
Roger Bennett (Company Secretary)
0118 338 4036
MHP Communications (PR Adviser) [email protected]
Gay Collins / Reg Hoare / James Morgan 020 3128 8100
Peel Hunt LLP (Nominated Adviser, Financial Adviser and Broker)
Guy Wiehahn / Harry Florry 020 7418 8900
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