4th Dec 2020 07:00
Publication of Circular and Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
4 December 2020
On 17 November 2020, Integrated Diagnostics Holdings plc ("IDH" or the "Company") announced that it was contemplating a possible dual listing of its ordinary shares on the Egyptian Exchange (the "EGX"), in relation to which it was examining possible transaction structures.
Further to that announcement, the Company announces that it now intends to proceed with the proposed dual listing on the EGX and has today published a circular outlining the details of the dual listing (the "Circular"), the necessary shareholder resolutions to be considered at an Extraordinary General Meeting (the "EGM") and the Notice of EGM.
The EGM will be held on Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 1.00 pm (GMT) / 3.00 pm local time (EET) at the Headquarters of IDH, Building B216-F7, Smart Village, Giza, Egypt.
Due to the ongoing restrictions and safety concerns as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the EGM will be run as a closed meeting with shareholders unable to attend the meeting in person. Shareholders are therefore strongly encouraged to submit their proxy votes online via www.signalshares.com or CREST where applicable. Votes must be received by 1.00 pm (GMT) / 3.00 pm local time (EET) on Monday, 21 December 2020. It will not be possible for shareholders to vote during the meeting.
The Board remains keen to encourage engagement with shareholders. To that end, the directors would like to invite questions from shareholders in advance of and during the EGM. Should shareholders wish to submit questions to the Board prior to the deadline for proxy voting they can do so, and these will be responded to on an individual basis. In addition, the Board will offer shareholders the opportunity to dial into the EGM, at which time they can also submit questions to the Board.
Shareholders wishing to access the dial-in facility or submit questions are asked to email [email protected] by close of business on Wednesday, 16 December 2020.
A copy of the Circular will shortly be available on the Company's website: www.idhcorp.com and for inspection at the National Storage Mechanism: https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism
About Integrated Diagnostics Holdings (IDH)
IDH is a leading consumer healthcare company in the Middle East and Africa with operations in Egypt, Jordan, Sudan and Nigeria. The Group's core brands include Al Borg, Al Borg Scan and Al Mokhtabar in Egypt, as well as Biolab (Jordan), Ultralab and Al Mokhtabar Sudan (both in Sudan) and Echo-Lab (Nigeria). A long track record for quality and safety has earned the Company a trusted reputation, as well as internationally recognised accreditations for its portfolio of over 1,400 diagnostics tests. From its base of 462 branches as of 30 June 2020, IDH will continue to add laboratories through a Hub, Spoke and Spike business model that provides a scalable platform for efficient expansion. Beyond organic growth, the Group's expansion plans include acquisitions in new Middle Eastern and African markets where its model is well-suited to capitalise on similar healthcare and consumer trends and capture a significant share of fragmented markets. IDH has been a Jersey-registered entity with a Standard Listing on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange (ticker: IDHC) since May 2015. Learn more at idhcorp.com.
Nancy Fahmy
Investor Relations Director
T: +20 (0)2 3345 5530 | M: +20 (0)12 2255 7445 | [email protected]
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