13th Apr 2021 07:00
London, 13 April 2021
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2021
Further to the publication on 26 March 2021 of the Georgia Capital PLC (the "Company") Annual Report and Accounts for financial year 2020, the Company has today posted or made available to shareholders the 2021 Notice of Annual General Meeting (the "Notice of AGM") and related form of proxy.
The Notice of AGM and form of proxy are available on the Company's website at https://georgiacapital.ge. The Annual Report and Accounts for financial year 2020 also continue to be available on the Company's website. A copy of the Notice of AGM and form of proxy have also been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm.
The Annual General Meeting will be held at 12:30 pm (London time) on Tuesday 25 May 2021 at the offices of Baker & McKenzie LLP, 100 New Bridge Street, London EC4V 6JA.
Given the constantly evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company will keep shareholders updated as to whether it will be practicable for them to attend in person, taking account of the UK Government guidance and legislation in force at the time, the safety of employees and shareholders, and the rules of the AGM venue. We strongly encourage shareholders to participate in the business of the AGM by utilising the proxy voting process in accordance with the instructions explained in the Notice of AGM. Facilities will be available to shareholders to engage with the Directors at the AGM electronically. In addition, if a shareholder has a question they would have raised at the AGM, that question can be submitted by email in advance of the AGM to [email protected].
Shareholders should continue to monitor Georgia Capital's website (georgiacapital.ge/ir/shareholder-meetings) and announcements for any updates in relation to the meeting.
As required by resolution 17 set out in the Notice of AGM and the Companies Act 2006, the Company announces that it has today made available for inspection a copy of the form of contract for the purchase by the Company of up to a maximum aggregate of 7,180,777 Ordinary Shares (the "Buyback Contract") at the Company's registered office. The Buyback Contract will also be made available for inspection by shareholders at the AGM as required by the Companies Act 2006.
In the context of impact of COVID-19 and possible on-going measures restricting public gatherings, the Buyback Contract is also made available on the Company's website at https://georgiacapital.ge. Shareholders may request a hard copy of the Buyback Contract by contacting [email protected]. If requested, a copy of the Buyback Contract will be posted to relevant shareholders ahead of the AGM.
Name of authorised official of issuer responsible for making notification: Nino Rekhviashvili, Head of Investor Relations and Funding
About Georgia Capital PLC
Georgia Capital is a platform for buying, building and developing businesses in Georgia with holdings in sectors that are expected to benefit from the continued growth and further diversification of the Georgian economy. The Group's focus is typically on larger-scale investment opportunities in Georgia, which have the potential to reach at least GEL 0.5 billion equity value over 3-5 years from the initial investment and to monetise them through exits, as investments mature. Georgia Capital currently has the following portfolio businesses: (i) a healthcare services business; (ii) a water utility business; (iii) a retail (pharmacy) business, (iv) an insurance business (P&C and medical insurance); (v) a renewable energy business (hydro and wind assets) and (vi) an education business; Georgia Capital also holds other small private businesses across different industries in Georgia and a 19.9% equity stake in LSE premium-listed Bank of Georgia Group PLC ("BoG"), a leading universal bank in Georgia.
JSC Georgia Capital has, as of the date hereof, the following credit ratings: | |
S&P Global | 'B'/FC & 'B'/LC |
Moody's | B2/CFR & B2/PDR |
For further information, please visit www.georgiacapital.ge or contact:
Irakli Gilauri | Giorgi Alpaidze | Nino Rekhviashvili |
Chairman and Chief Executive | Chief Financial Officer | Head of Investor Relations |
+995 322 005 000 | + 995 322 005 045 | |
This news report is presented for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities
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