13th Oct 2021 11:21
Annual General and Special Shareholder Meeting
INTOSOL Holdings Plc. ('INTOSOL' or the 'Company'), the award-winning international luxury travel company, is pleased to announce that it will hold its Annual General and Special Shareholders Meeting ("AGM") on November 12, 2021 by proxy voting and conference call.
The Notice of AGM together with the Proxy Form will be posted or emailed shortly to Nominees and beneficial shareholders.
In accordance with Listing Rule 14.3.6, the Notice of AGM will shortly be loaded onto the National Storage Mechanism, which can be viewed at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism
For further information on INTOSOL visit the Company's website www.INTOSOLholdingsplc.com or contact:
Rainer Spekowius (CEO) | INTOSOL Holdings Plc | Tel: +49 (0) 171 911 31 05 |
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