21st Mar 2024 07:00
21 March 2024
Dukemount Capital Plc
("Dukemount" or the "Company")
Notice of AGM and a conditional subscription to raise £300,000
The board of directors of Dukemount Capital Plc is pleased to announce that a circular will be posted to shareholders to convene an annual general meeting of the Company on 18 April 2024 (the "AGM"). The resolutions (the "Resolutions") to be proposed at the annual general meeting will be to, inter alia, restructure the share capital of the Company given the current trading price is below the nominal value. The proposed nominal value is £0.00001 per New Ordinary Share.
In addition, the Company has conditionally raised gross proceeds of £300,000 through a subscription of 750,000,000 New Ordinary Shares ("Subscription Shares") at a price of £0.0004 per share ("Subscription Price") with a one for one warrant attached (the "Subscription Warrants"), subject to the Resolutions being passed at the AGM (the "Subscription").
The Company is currently unable to admit new shares to trading on the standard segment of the Main Market without either the publication of an FCA approved prospectus or relying upon an exemption to the requirement to issue a prospectus. Consequently, the Subscription is by Paul Gazzard, a director of Dukemount. Immediately following admission of the Subscription Shares to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority by way of a Standard Listing ("Admission"), Mr Gazzard has agreed to sell the Subscription Shares and the Subscription Warrants, at the Subscription Price to unconnected investors.
The Subscription Warrants are valid for three years from the date of Admission, exercisable at £0.0006 per New Ordinary Share. The Subscription Warrants can only be exercised into New Ordinary Shares if the Company has regulatory authority to do so.
Applications will be made, subject to the approval of all Resolutions at the AGM, for the Admission of the Subscription Shares and it is expected that Admission will become effective and that dealing in the Subscription Shares will commence on or around 19 April 2024. Following Admission, the Company will have 1,719,316,623 ordinary shares of £0.00001 each in issue, none of which are held in treasury. Therefore, the total number of voting rights in the Company will be 1,719,316,623.
The AGM Notice will shortly be available on the Company's website at: https://dukemountcapitalplc.com/publications.php
For further information, please visit www.dukemountcapitalplc.com or contact:
Dukemount Capital Plc : Email [email protected]
CEO: Paul Gazzard
Non-Executive Director: Geoffery Dart
Broker Enquiries:
Peterhouse Capital Limited Tel: +44 (0) 207 469 0930
Lucy Williams/Duncan Vasey
Related Shares:
Dukemount Capi.