7th Apr 2020 12:10
7 April 2020
Polypipe Group plc
Publication of 2019 Annual Report and Accounts
and Notice of 2020 Annual General Meeting
Polypipe Group plc (the "Company") announces that its Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2019 and Notice of its 2020 Annual General Meeting have today been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism, where they will shortly be available for inspection at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism.
Copies of these documents are also available to view on the Company's website at www.polypipe.com.
Copies of these documents are being posted or made available to the Company's shareholders today.
The Company currently plans to hold its Annual General Meeting at 10.30am on Thursday 21 May 2020 at the Holiday Inn, High Road, Doncaster, DN4 9UX, but given the evolving situation and the UK Government's current restrictions on public gatherings of more than two people, the Board requests shareholders to vote on all resolutions by completing and submitting an online Form of Proxy and asks that shareholders do not attend the AGM. Any shareholders seeking to attend the AGM will not be allowed to attend the meeting in person and will be refused entry to the AGM. We will keep the situation under review and recommend that shareholders should continue to monitor the Company's website and announcements for any updates in relation to the AGM. In the event that our AGM arrangements have to change, the Company will issue a further communication via a regulatory news service.
For more information, please contact:
Emma Versluys
Group Legal Counsel & Company Secretary 01709 770000
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