29th Jun 2018 17:10
Notice of Adjourned Annual General Meeting
Avocet Mining Plc ("Avocet" or the "Company") announces that at today's annual general meeting, a quorum was not present at the meeting and, in accordance with the Company's articles of association, the meeting was adjourned.
In accordance with the Company's articles of association, the directors will determine a new date for the adjourned annual general meeting (the "Adjourned Meeting") which will be announced on the Company website www.avocetmining.com. No other notice of the Adjourned Meeting is required to be, nor will be, given to shareholders.
Any proxies submitted for today's annual general meeting will remain valid for the Adjourned Meeting unless the appointing shareholder gives the Company notice in writing to the contrary not less than 48 hours before the time of the Adjourned Meeting.
Avocet Mining PLC | Blytheweigh Financial PR |
Boudewijn Wentink, CEO Yolanda Bolleurs, CFO | Tim Blythe Camilla Horsfall Megan Ray
+44 20 3709 2570 | +44 207 138 3204 |
Avocet Mining PLC ("Avocet" or the "Company") is a gold mining and exploration company listed on the London Stock Exchange (ticker: AVM.L) and the Oslo Børs (ticker: AVM.OL). The Company's principal activity is gold exploration in Guinea, West Africa: the Tri-K project.
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