4th Apr 2007 08:43
Samsung Electronics Co. Ld04 April 2007 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Non-Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2006 and 2005 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets December 31, 2006 and 2005 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) 2006 2005 2006 2005 Assets KRW KRW Current assetsCash and cash equivalents 977,989 1,053,552 $ 1,052,733 $ 1,134,071Short-term financial instruments 3,335,141 3,897,931 3,590,033 4,195,835(Note 4)Short-term available-for-sale 2,058,781 1,917,122 2,216,126 2,063,640securities (Note 5)Trade accounts and notes 1,842,439 1,496,939 1,983,250 1,611,344receivable, net of allowance fordoubtful accounts (Note 6)Other accounts and notes 864,669 842,828 930,752 907,242receivable, net of allowance fordoubtful accounts (Note 6)Inventories, net of valuation 3,219,474 2,909,447 3,465,526 3,131,805losses (Note 7)Short-term deferred income tax 1,155,410 907,680 1,243,714 977,051assets (Note 24)Prepaid expenses and other current 1,190,906 1,197,812 1,281,923 1,289,358assetsTotal current assets 14,644,809 14,223,311 15,764,057 15,310,346 Lease receivables under finance 223,488 269,179 240,569 289,751lease (Note 8)Property, plant and equipment, 28,820,442 24,650,194 31,023,081 26,534,116including revaluations, net ofaccumulated depreciation (Note 11)Long-term available-for-sale 1,148,944 977,409 1,236,753 1,052,109securities (Note 9)Equity-method investments (Note 11,265,083 8,891,880 12,126,031 9,571,45310)Intangible assets, net of 522,378 465,801 562,301 501,400accumulated amortization (Note 12)Long-term deposits and other 1,183,984 1,060,996 1,274,472 1,142,084assets, net (Note 13)Total assets 57,809,128 50,538,770 $ 62,227,264 $ 54,401,259 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) 2006 2005 2006 2005 Liabilities and Shareholders' KRW KRWEquityCurrent liabilitiesTrade accounts and notes payable 1,869,101 1,867,185 $ 2,011,949 $ 2,009,887Other accounts and notes payable 3,291,797 2,917,659 3,543,377 3,140,645Accrued expenses (Note 16) 2,873,148 2,506,501 3,092,732 2,698,064Income taxes payable 1,111,233 789,925 1,196,160 850,296Other current liabilities 489,736 264,005 527,165 284,181Total current liabilities 9,635,015 8,345,275 10,371,383 8,983,073 Foreign currency notes and bonds 87,317 95,557 93,990 102,860(Note 14)Long-term advances received 340,033 505,950 366,020 544,618Long-term accrued expenses (Note 274,527 133,748 295,508 143,97016)Deferred income tax liabilities 1,158,802 865,761 1,247,365 931,928 (Note 24)Accrued severance benefits,net 620,469 498,488 667,889 536,586 (Note 15)Other long-term liabilities 432,368 437,381 465,413 470,808Total liabilities 12,548,531 10,882,160 13,507,568 11,713,843 Commitments and contingencies (Note 17)Shareholders' equityCapital stock (Note 18)Common stock 778,047 778,047 837,510 837,510Preferred stock 119,467 119,467 128,597 128,597Capital surplusPaid-in capital in excess of par 4,403,893 4,403,893 4,740,466 4,740,466valueOther capital surplus 1,963,351 1,961,422 2,113,404 2,111,326Retained earnings (Note 19) 44,460,189 37,365,892 47,858,115 40,221,628(Net income of £U7,926,087 millionin 2006 and £U7,640,213 million in2005)Capital adjustmentsTreasury stock (Note 21) (7,520,023) (5,970,778) (8,094,750) (6,427,102)Others (Note 22) 1,055,673 998,667 1,136,354 1,074,991Total shareholders' equity 45,260,597 39,656,610 48,719,696 42,687,416Total liabilities & shareholders' 57,809,128 50,538,770 $ 62,227,264 $ 54,401,259equity Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Non-Consolidated Statements of Income For the years ended December 31, 2006 and 2005 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) 2006 2005 2006 2005 KRW KRW Sales (Note 26) 58,972,765 57,457,670 $ 63,479,833 $ 61,848,945Cost of sales 42,359,753 40,158,150 45,597,151 43,227,287 Gross profit 16,613,012 17,299,520 17,882,682 18,621,658 Selling, general and 9,679,079 9,239,745 10,418,814 9,945,905administrative expenses Operating profit 6,933,933 8,059,775 7,463,868 8,675,753 Non-operating incomeInterest and dividend income 257,417 229,654 277,090 247,206Commission income 315,172 366,519 339,259 394,531Gain on disposal of 58,980 33,271 63,488 35,814available-for-sale securitiesGain on disposal of property, 78,636 41,291 84,646 44,447plant and equipmentForeign exchange gains 403,701 399,624 434,554 430,166Gain on foreign currency 124,998 90,187 134,551 97,080translation (Note 28)Gain on valuation of equity-method 1,798,505 1,131,014 1,935,958 1,217,453investments (Note 10)Others 372,013 379,799 400,445 408,824 3,409,422 2,671,359 3,669,991 2,875,521Non-operating expensesInterest expenses 48,877 42,214 52,612 45,440Loss on disposal of trade accounts 253,740 185,536 273,132 199,716and notes receivableDonations 175,249 173,563 188,643 186,828Loss on disposal of 3,691 21,533 3,973 23,179available-for-sale securitiesLoss on disposal of property, 37,876 13,517 40,771 14,550plant and equipmentForeign exchange losses 391,831 348,804 421,777 375,462Loss on foreign currency 28,988 31,244 31,203 33,632translation (Note 28)Loss on valuation of equity-method 92,553 972,173 99,626 1,046,473investments (Note 10)Others 94,353 72,078 101,565 77,585 1,127,158 1,860,662 1,213,302 2,002,865Ordinary profit 9,216,197 8,870,472 9,920,557 9,548,409 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) 2006 2005 2006 2005 KRW KRW Extraordinary income - - $ - $ - Extraordinary loss - - - - Net income before income tax 9,216,197 8,870,472 9,920,557 9,548,409 Income tax expense (Note 24) 1,290,110 1,230,259 1,388,709 1,324,283 Net income 7,926,087 7,640,213 $ 8,531,848 $ 8,224,126 Basic earnings per share (Note 25) 52,880 49,970 $ 56,921 $ 53,789(in Korean won and U.S. dollars) Diluted earnings per share 52,120 49,128 $ 56,103 $ 52,883(Note 25) (in Korean won and U.S.dollars) Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Non-Consolidated Statements of Appropriations of Retained Earnings For the years ended December 31, 2006 and 2005 Date of appropriations: February 28, 2007 and February 28, 2006 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) 2006 2005 2006 2005 KRW KRW Retained earnings beforeappropriationsUnappropriated retained earnings 30 30 $ 32 $ 32carried over from the prior year Interim dividends (Note 20) (Dividend (74,386) (76,652) (80,071) (82,510)rate: 10% in 2006 and 2005)Net income 7,926,087 7,640,213 8,531,848 8,224,126 7,851,731 7,563,591 8,451,809 8,141,648Appropriations (Note 19)Reserve for business rationalization 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,076,426 1,076,426Reserve for research and human 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,305,705 4,305,705resource developmentCash dividends (Note 20) 746,075 757,403 803,095 815,288 (Common stock: 100% in 2006 and 2005) (Preferred stock: 101% in 2006 and2005)Reserve for loss on disposal of 550,000 650,000 592,034 699,677treasury stockReserve for capital expenditure 1,555,625 1,156,158 1,674,516 1,244,520 7,851,700 7,563,561 8,451,776 8,141,616Unappropriated retained earnings 31 30 $ 33 $ 32carried over to the subsequent year Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Non-Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows For the years ended December 31, 2006 and 2005 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) 2006 2005 2006 2005Cash flows from operating KRW KRWactivities Net income 7,926,087 7,640,213 $ 8,531,848 $ 8,224,126 Adjustments to reconcile net incometo net cash provided by operatingactivitiesDepreciation and amortization 5,680,609 5,060,475 6,114,757 5,447,228Provision for severance benefits 447,360 385,706 481,550 415,184Loss on disposal of trade accounts 253,740 185,536 273,132 199,716and notes receivableLoss on disposal of property, plant 37,876 13,517 40,771 14,550and equipmentGain on disposal of property, plant (78,636) (41,291) (84,646) (44,447)and equipmentLoss on disposal of 3,691 21,533 3,973 23,179available-for-sale securitiesGain on disposal of (58,980) (33,271) (63,488) (35,814)available-for-sale securitiesLoss on foreign currency 28,988 31,244 31,203 33,632translationGain on foreign currency (124,989) (90,187) (134,541) (97,080)translationGain on valuation of equity-method (1,440,674) (1,131,014) (1,550,779) (1,217,453)investmentsLoss on valuation of equity-method 92,553 972,173 99,626 1,046,473investmentsDeferred income taxes (10,871) (198,751) (11,702) (213,941)Others 232,900 290,968 250,701 313,206 12,989,654 13,106,851 13,982,405 14,108,559Changes in operating assets andliabilitiesIncrease in trade accounts and (616,437) (372,311) (663,549) (400,765)notes receivableDecrease (Increase) in other (25,162) 93,912 (27,085) 101,089accounts and notes receivableDecrease (Increase) in inventories (517,392) 24,910 (556,934) 26,814Increase in trade accounts and 526 49,381 566 53,155notes payableIncrease in other accounts and 206,817 191,393 222,623 206,020notes payableIncrease in accrued expenses 428,275 183,115 461,006 197,110Increase in long-term advance - 505,950 - 544,618receivedIncrease in long-term accrued 140,779 133,748 151,538 143,970expensesIncrease (Decrease) in income taxes 316,171 (600,859) 340,335 (646,780)payablePayment of severance benefits (143,862) (134,308) (154,857) (144,573)Others 94,787 (391,381) 102,032 (421,293)Net cash provided by operating 12,874,156 12,790,401 13,858,080 13,767,924activities (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) 2006 2005 2006 2005 KRW KRW Cash flows from investingactivitiesNet increase in short-term 562,790 288,775 $ 605,802 $ 310,845financial instrumentsProceeds from disposal of 3,704,638 3,574,058 3,987,770 3,847,210short-term available-for-salesecuritiesAcquisition of short-term (3,718,158) (3,172,410) (4,002,323) (3,414,865)available-for-sale securitiesProceeds from disposal of property, 311,183 174,321 334,966 187,644plant and equipmentAcquisition of property, plant and (10,078,237) (10,080,695) (10,848,479) (10,851,125)equipmentProceeds from disposal of long-term 3,183 21,574 3,426 23,223available-for-sale securitiesProceeds from disposal of 23,139 396,510 24,907 426,814equity-method investmentsAcquisition of long-term (18,539) (30,074) (19,956) (32,372)available-for-sale securitiesAcquisition of equity-method (1,053,753) (866,665) (1,134,287) (932,901)investmentsOthers (217,475) (250,658) (234,096) (269,816)Net cash used in investing (10,481,229) (9,945,264) (11,282,270) (10,705,343)activities Cash flows from financingactivitiesPayment of dividends (831,789) (849,363) (895,360) (914,277)Acquisition of treasury stock (1,812,880) (2,149,370) (1,951,432) (2,313,638)Exercise of stock options 176,179 249,329 189,644 268,384Net cash used in financing (2,468,490) (2,749,404) (2,657,148) (2,959,531)activities Net increase (decrease) in cash and (75,563) 95,733 (81,338) 103,050cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalentsBeginning of the year 1,053,552 957,819 $ 1,134,071 $ 1,031,021End of the year 977,989 1,053,552 $ 1,052,733 $ 1,134,071 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these non-consolidated financialstatements. See Report of Independent Accountants For a detailed information of our 2006 non consolidated financial statement, Please refer to the following link : http://www.samsung.com/ir END This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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