1st Feb 2024 07:00
1 February 2024
Thruvision Group plc
Next generation product range and software launched
Thruvision (AIM: THRU, "Thruvision" or the "Group"), the leading provider of walk-through security technology, has launched the LPC71 Series, a next-generation, three camera variant product range focused on meeting the specific needs of the Retail Distribution market.
According to a report published by Retail Economics in November 2023*, theft by employees from UK retailers' Distribution Centres (DCs) was estimated at £1.4bn in 2023. Thruvision's flagship WalkTHRU security technology is designed to help retailers reduce theft by enabling large numbers of employees to be quickly and effectively screened for stolen items as they leave DCs at the end of a shift.
The LPC71 Series improves and expands the Group's WalkTHRU capability and is based on an upgraded and modular Terahertz sensor platform and new, future-proofed image processing software including a separately licensable bundle of enhanced features, called "SmartSCREEN".
SmartSCREEN, designed with input from key customers like Next and JD Sports, improves detection performance, is easier to use, provides a range of additional GDPR compliant capability and automatically generates employee throughput statistics.
The Group is offering a hardware upgrade path for existing customers so they can leverage their existing investment to take advantage of the new capabilities offered in this, and planned future, software bundle releases.
*Copy of the report here: https://www.retaileconomics.co.uk/uploads/file/The%20Cost%20of%20Retail%20Crime%20Report%20(Thruvision%20-%20Retail%20Economics).pdf
Colin Evans, Chief Executive, commented:
"Working with our retail customers, we have developed the LPC71 Series to build on the success of our WalkTHRU screening capability. With an upgraded sensor platform and brand-new image processing capability, we are confident the LPC71 Series delivers higher throughput rates and better detection performance.
"Our technology has a return on investment of six months or less and we know that our fast, effective and employee-friendly security technology is used in Distribution Centres (DCs) to rapidly check many thousands of staff every day. It is also proven to deter all types of criminals from stealing from their employers."
For further information please contact:
Thruvision Group plc +44 (0)1235 425400
Colin Evans, Chief Executive
Victoria Balchin, Chief Financial Officer
Investec Investment Banking (NOMAD & Broker) +44 (0)20 7597 5970
Patrick Robb / James Rudd
Meare Consulting +44 (0) 7990 858548
Adrian Duffield
About Thruvision (www.thruvision.com)
Thruvision is the leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of walk-through security technology. Its technology is deployed in more than 20 countries around the world by government and commercial organisations in a wide range of security situations, where large numbers of people need to be screened quickly, safely and efficiently. Thruvision's patented technology is uniquely capable of detecting concealed objects in real time using an advanced AI-based detection algorithm. The Group's offices are near Oxford and Washington DC.
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