17th Feb 2014 07:00
17 February 2014
Sunrise Resources plc, the AIM-traded diversified mineral exploration and development company, is pleased to announce the expansion of its project portfolio with the acquisition of two groups of mineral claims in Nevada, USA targeting copper, gold and industrial minerals.
This follows the announcement last week of the start of its 2014 exploration programme at the Cue diamond project in Western Australia.
Key Points:
· New subsidiary incorporated in Nevada USA - SR Minerals Inc.
· Two new projects generated from ongoing research & reconnaissance:
County Line Diatomite Project
o 61 Claims staked over large area of diatomite, a specialist industrial mineral
o Evaluation of initial grab samples show potential for high quality deposit
o Two larger samples now being collected for further testwork
· Strike Copper-Gold Prospect
o Six claims acquired over Strike Copper-Gold Prospect
o Targeting copper-gold skarn deposit
o 30m grading 0.98% copper reported in single drill hole from surface
· Further project acquisitions planned
Commenting today, Executive Chairman Patrick Cheetham said: "The announcement being made today marks the start of a project acquisition programme in Nevada which has been several months in the making. Nevada is one of the world's major mining regions and has a rich endowment of precious metals, base metals and industrial minerals. Most importantly, the mining law allows for very rapid progression of exploration as work can be carried out immediately claims are staked and registered. It is a very attractive exploration and mining jurisdiction with limited sovereign risk. We hope to leverage our management team's experience in Nevada and the ongoing research and field work that has been undertaken by the Company in Nevada during 2013."
Further information:
Sunrise Resources plc Patrick Cheetham, Executive Chairman | Tel: | +44 (0) 845 868 4590 |
Northland Capital Partners Limited Gavin Burnell/Edward Hutton Alice Lane/Mark Simpson (Broking)
| Tel: | +44 (0)20 7382 1100 |
Yellow Jersey PR Limited Dominic Barretto/Kelsey Traynor
| Tel: | +44 (0)799 003220 |
During the difficult market conditions experience by all junior mining companies in 2013 the Company carried out only low level exploration on its existing projects in Australia and Europe. However, it has also been engaged in a low cost but intensive research and field reconnaissance programme in Nevada, USA in addition to that previously reported in Australia.
In Western Australia the Company's reconnaissance resulted in the application for exploration licences over two gold prospects, Baker's and Corona, in July last year. The grant of the licences is awaited.
The State of Nevada, like Western Australia, is universally seen as one of the most attractive mining jurisdictions in the world with the majority of lands under the direct control of the Federal Bureau of Land Management or the Federal Forest Service and so open to staking under the long established Mining Law of 1872.
Nevada is the 4th largest gold producing area in the world, a large silver producer, a re-emerging copper producer and a significant producer of industrial minerals. Mining in Nevada has strong local and State support.
Nevada also has the advantage over many mining jurisdictions, including Australia, in that once a claim is staked and details submitted for recording the land is immediately available for exploration with no long application or Native Title process. Drill permits for early stage drilling can be obtained quickly.
The Company incorporated a Nevada subsidiary, SR Minerals Inc. at the start of 2014 and last week staked claims over two project areas of interest. The Company's research has identified a number of additional prospective areas open to staking and anticipates further project acquisition during 2014.
Further details on the two projects acquired in Nevada are as follows:
The Company has staked 61 claims in recent days over an area of 5 square kilometres on the border of Mineral and Nye counties in Nevada, 200km southeast of the city of Reno. The claims cover an occurrence of the industrial mineral diatomite.
In its raw form Diatomite is a valuable industrial rock formed by the accumulation in marine and fresh water lake environments of vast quantities of skeletal material from single celled aquatic algae called diatoms.
Diatoms have hollow and lattice-like silica skeletons and the mass accumulation of these skeletons during algal blooms forms a rock with very high porosity suitable for use as a filtration medium. After processing, which can include heating to a high temperature (calcining) to improve quality, diatomite is used, for example, in filtering beer, liquor, wine, fats, fruit juices, and solvents. Commercial deposits of diatomite have a high brightness, a low bulk density and chemical inertness which also make it a suitable filler or carrier material in various industrial and domestic products.
Diatomite is widespread throughout the western USA but large and pure deposits are less common and represent an attractive target. Nevada is already a major producer of diatomite and together with California makes up the largest part of the total US annual production of approximately 750,000 tonnes of diatomite (40% annual world production) which comes from 10 mines and 9 process plants. Industrial Minerals Magazine is currently listing the price for calcined filter-aid grade diatomite at US575-640/tonne FOB US Plant.
For a new project to be of commercial interest the chemical and physical quality of the diatomite needs to be very high. During an initial reconnaissance of the deposit in 2013 two grab samples were collected from outcrops now in the Company's claim area. Chemical analyses of these two samples were comparable with those from the world's best quality deposit and so more extensive testing of a range of chemical and physical properties is now warranted.
A testwork programme has been proposed by a specialist industrial minerals consulting company in Europe and two test samples are currently being collected. This programme is expected to take place over the next three months and will determine if drilling of the deposit is justified.
For more information about diatomite go to http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2006/3044/fs-2006-3044.pdf
The Strike Copper-Gold prospect is located approximately 6km to the southwest of the County Line diatomite project. Six claims have been staked to cover an area of outcropping oxide-copper mineralisation.
The claims are located within the large Walker Lane mineral belt, a major fault zone running parallel to the Nevada-California border. This mineral belt has been a prolific producer of gold and silver from epithermal deposits such as the famous deposits at Comstock and Tonapah. Over 50 million ounces of gold have been discovered so far in the Walker Lane belt.
The Walker Lane belt also hosts a number of major porphyry and skarn type copper and molybdenum deposits (e.g. the famous Anaconda/Yerrington copper mine) and also large Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold deposits such as the Pumpkin Hollow deposit (5.2 billion lbs of contained copper in reserves) under active development by Nevada Copper Corporation.
At the Strike Copper-Gold Prospect oxide-copper minerals outcrop at surface and have been exposed in a number of prospector workings and bulldozer trenches in what appears to be a skarn geological environment. Historical exploration appears to have been limited although one record refers to a single drill hole which intersected 30m at 0.98% copper in the first 30m from surface.
This is an early stage project that warrants further evaluation and it is anticipated that a limited and low cost programme of exploration could add substantial value. A number of samples have been taken this week from the old workings and trenches and are now being submitted for analysis. The work programme will depend on results but is likely to include geochemical sampling to define drill targets.
N.B. Location maps and various photos from the two Nevada projects will shortly be available on the Company's website and will feature in an updated presentation to be given at the Company's Annual General Meeting to be held at 10.30am on Wednesday 19th February 2014.
About Sunrise Resources plc
Sunrise Resources plc is a diversified mineral exploration and development company.
The Company has diamond exploration interests in Western Australia and Finland and is evaluating a production opportunity for white barite in South-West Ireland.
The Company holds applications for two gold exploration projects in Western Australia and has an active project programme to generate new exploration projects in Australia and Nevada, USA. It has recently staked claims over a copper-gold project and a diatomite project in Nevada.
Shares in the Company trade on AIM. EPIC: "SRES" www.sunriseresourcesplc.com
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