16th Jun 2005 06:01
Pfizer Very Pleased by Moody's Reaffirmation of Aaa Rating NEW YORK, June 16 -- In response to media inquiries about Moody's Investors Service ratings review of Pfizer Inc, the company today released the following statement: "We are very pleased that Moody's has reaffirmed Pfizer's Aaa long-term debt rating based on a detailed review of our operations and outlook," said Hank McKinnell, Pfizer's chairman and chief executive officer. "This affirmation of our financial strength is based on our unmatched financial flexibility combined with our industry-leading product portfolio and our strong new product pipeline. We currently market 14 prescription medicines that are leaders in their categories and we are making significant investments in R&D to maintain our preeminent position in the global pharmaceutical industry." Pfizer is one of only nine non-financial global companies to maintain a Aaa debt rating from Moody's, a rating Pfizer has maintained since 1986. Since 1990, Pfizer has moved from 14th to first in the global pharmaceutical industry. Pfizer is also the global leader in animal health and markets some of the world's best-known consumer products. Pfizer also maintains a AAA credit rating with Standard & Poor's, a rating confirmed most recently on April 8, 2005. SOURCE Pfizer Inc 06/16/2005 /CONTACT: Paul Fitzhenry of Pfizer Inc, +1-212-733-4637/ /Company News On-Call: Pfizer's press releases are available through PR Newswire's Company News On-Call service on PRN's Web Site. Visit http://www.prnewswire.com/comp/688250.html / /Photo: A free corporate logo to accompany this story is available immediately via Wieck Photo Database to any media with telephoto receiver or electronic darkroom, PC or Macintosh, that can accept overhead transmissions. To retrieve a logo, please call 972-392-0888./ /Company News On-Call: http://www.prnewswire.com/comp/688250.html / /Web site: http://www.pfizer.com / (PFE) ENDPFIZER INCRelated Shares: