8th Oct 2012 07:00
8th October 2012
EDENVILLE ENERGY PLC ("Edenville" or the "Company")
Positive Drill Results from Northern Exploration Block,
Rukwa Coalfields, Tanzania
Edenville Energy plc (AIM:EDL), the coal focused African energy exploration and development company, today announces receipt of the drill core float and sink assay results from drillholes MK12-030, -031, -033 and -034; collared at the Mkomolo deposit on the Rukwa Coalfield project in south western Tanzania.
·; Continuation of thermal coal mineralisation across extensive area
·; Results further confirm coal measures in northern part of basin
·; Coal measures intersected outside of identified JORC resource block
o Drillholes MK12-030 and MK12-031 are collared to the north and outside of the area defining the April 2012 resource, within new exploration area
o MK12-033 and MK12-034 are drilled down-dip from the 2011 drill holes within the northern and central part of the area which defined the April 2012 resource and confirm continuation of coal mineralisation down-dip
·; Drilling intersections indicate improved coal grades and confidence within the April 2012 resource drilling area
·; Drilling has commenced at Muze with the arrival of a second drill rig
·; Preliminary draft of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Namwele/Mkomolo submitted to Tanzania's National Environment Management Council for review
Float and sink analysis results have been received for drillholes MK12-030, MK12-031, MK12-033 and MK12-034. Drillholes MK12-030 and MK12-031 are located within the northern part of the Mkomolo Basin and are collared approximately 200 and 1000m, respectively to the north and significantly outside of the area defining the April 2012 resource statement.
Drillholes MK12-033 and MK12-034 are drilled down-dip from the 2011 drill holes within the northern and central part of the area which delineated the April 2012 resource.
These results have confirmed both thermal coal grades and the continuity of coal measures in an area to the north of the currently defined resource of 39 million tonnes. MK12-031 is collared approximately 1km northwest of the northern-most hole used in the April 2012 resource estimation. The area remains open-ended both to the north and down dip with additional holes planned along strike to the north of MK12-031, which will further improve the current resource.
The Company would like to also advise readers that the Company's website has been updated to reflect the current strategy (www.edenville-energy.com)
Simon Rollason, Chairman of Edenville, commented today; "I am pleased to announce these very encouraging results to the market. The results from holes MK12-030 and MK12-031 have confirmed our belief that coal mineralisation would extend to the northwest, which will have a positive impact on the resource statement when it is updated in 2013. These results indicate the highly prospective nature of the project and the arrival of the second rig at Muze will provide further impetus to the Company's programme at Rukwa. Our previously stated objective of increasing the confidence to the quantity and quality of Edenville's existing resource at the Rukwa coal project remains firmly in place."
Coal Quality and Resource Testing
Float & sink analysis from holes MK12-030, -031, -033 and -032 cored during the 2012 drill programme has now been received from the Alfred H Knight Laboratory, Ayrshire, an internationally accredited coal analysis laboratory in Scotland. This analysis indicates the amount (% yield) and quality of coal that could be obtained from the deposit by mining and processing.
The coal bearing strata, defined here as the Coal Measures, intersected by the drillholes comprises an interlaminated/interbedded sequence of coals and mudstones, which includes coal-rich horizons comprising a high proportion of coal.
All drillholes were drilled vertically.
Extracts from the results are summarised below:
Hole ID | From (m) | To (m) | Interval (m) | Wash R.D. | Moisture % | Ash % | Volatile % | F.C. % | Sulphur % | Gross C.v. MJ/kg | Yield % |
MK12-30 | 150.29 | 150.75 | 0.46 | F1.80 | 3.7 | 27.4 | 27.6 | 41.2 | 2.72 | 21.263 | 87.4 |
151.10 | 151.69 | 0.59 | F1.80 | 3.9 | 35.2 | 26.1 | 34.8 | 3.00 | 18.687 | 64.8 | |
155.15 | 155.94 | 0.79 | F1.90 | 3.0 | 33.1 | 26.9 | 36.9 | 2.19 | 19.058 | 40.3 | |
155.94 | 156.32 | 0.38 | F1.90 | 4.4 | 19.0 | 34.7 | 41.9 | 3.26 | 24.040 | 96.9 | |
156.32 | 157.00 | 0.68 | F1.80 | 2.7 | 33.8 | 27.1 | 36.5 | 2.85 | 18.769 | 33.5 | |
157.00 | 157.73 | 0.73 | F1.90 | 2.3 | 39.4 | 28.9 | 29.4 | 2.58 | 17.627 | 29.7 | |
157.73 | 158.31 | 0.58 | F1.90 | 5.4 | 25.8 | 28.3 | 40.5 | 2.68 | 20.781 | 74.7 | |
158.31 | 158.86 | 0.55 | F1.90 | 4.8 | 24.4 | 29.5 | 41.2 | 4.48 | 21.613 | 47.8 | |
158.86 | 159.37 | 0.51 | F2.00 | 3.7 | 38.6 | 25.3 | 32.4 | 4.14 | 17.448 | 70.8 | |
162.93 | 163.98 | 1.05 | F1.90 | 2.2 | 35.9 | 25.8 | 36.2 | 3.71 | 18.380 | 45.4 | |
173.16 | 174.30 | 1.14 | F1.90 | 3.2 | 32.7 | 24.8 | 39.3 | 3.42 | 20.080 | 83.0 | |
174.30 | 175.00 | 0.70 | F1.80 | 2.9 | 35.8 | 23.4 | 37.9 | 2.77 | 18.638 | 43.1 | |
MK12-31 | 194.00 | 194.50 | 0.50 | F1.80 | 5.7 | 27.4 | 29.8 | 37.1 | 3.67 | 21.100 | 77.3 |
195.45 | 196.30 | 0.85 | F1.90 | 5.2 | 22.8 | 32.0 | 40.0 | 2.97 | 22.798 | 33.0 | |
197.10 | 197.58 | 0.48 | F1.80 | 5.3 | 28.2 | 27.6 | 38.8 | 3.07 | 20.449 | 63.9 | |
198.00 | 199.40 | 1.40 | F1.80 | 4.1 | 32.2 | 27.3 | 36.5 | 2.47 | 19.781 | 45.3 | |
199.40 | 200.52 | 1.12 | F1.90 | 4.3 | 32.2 | 28.6 | 35.0 | 2.63 | 19.718 | 29.3 | |
MK12-33 | 166.07 | 166.67 | 0.60 | F1.70 | 5.3 | 30.7 | 25.6 | 38.4 | 2.72 | 19.533 | 77.6 |
168.70 | 169.33 | 0.63 | F1.90 | 4.0 | 29.1 | 28.7 | 38.2 | 1.83 | 20.309 | 80.0 | |
169.33 | 169.79 | 0.46 | F1.90 | 3.6 | 26.8 | 30.1 | 39.5 | 2.23 | 21.737 | 45.0 | |
169.79 | 170.59 | 0.80 | F1.90 | 5.6 | 29.3 | 27.8 | 37.3 | 1.84 | 20.182 | 64.7 | |
172.49 | 173.67 | 1.18 | F1.70 | 5.5 | 31.4 | 26.4 | 36.7 | 1.94 | 19.886 | 42.2 | |
180.68 | 181.96 | 1.28 | F1.80 | 5.3 | 29.4 | 25.4 | 39.8 | 3.69 | 19.808 | 51.1 | |
190.74 | 191.89 | 1.15 | F1.70 | 4.7 | 31.8 | 24.8 | 38.7 | 1.93 | 19.416 | 49.9 | |
192.47 | 192.97 | 0.50 | F1.70 | 4.8 | 31.9 | 23.1 | 40.1 | 2.54 | 19.283 | 57.7 | |
MK12-34 | 176.00 | 176.63 | 0.63 | F1.80 | 3.5 | 30.4 | 29.4 | 36.8 | 3.96 | 20.516 | 69.4 |
176.63 | 177.60 | 0.97 | F1.60 | 4.4 | 31.6 | 28.4 | 35.6 | 3.96 | 19.838 | 51.8 | |
177.60 | 178.07 | 0.47 | F1.80 | 3.6 | 29.7 | 29.9 | 36.8 | 2.76 | 20.950 | 57.7 | |
180.48 | 181.31 | 0.83 | F1.90 | 4.2 | 26.1 | 32.2 | 37.6 | 2.98 | 22.175 | 53.0 | |
181.31 | 181.98 | 0.67 | F1.90 | 2.6 | 25.4 | 31.0 | 41.0 | 3.23 | 22.646 | 79.5 | |
182.04 | 182.98 | 0.94 | F1.90 | 3.5 | 30.5 | 27.5 | 38.5 | 2.89 | 20.424 | 70.6 | |
182.98 | 183.98 | 1.00 | F1.90 | 3.6 | 31.4 | 28.3 | 36.6 | 2.67 | 19.689 | 31.6 | |
183.98 | 185.06 | 1.08 | F1.80 | 4.0 | 32.1 | 26.1 | 37.7 | 2.65 | 19.770 | 43.4 | |
187.47 | 188.69 | 1.22 | F1.80 | 3.4 | 34.1 | 23.5 | 39.0 | 1.82 | 19.316 | 50.1 | |
188.69 | 189.60 | 0.91 | F1.90 | 3.4 | 27.0 | 28.3 | 41.3 | 2.46 | 21.343 | 65.6 | |
196.16 | 196.94 | 0.78 | F1.70 | 3.5 | 33.1 | 24.0 | 39.3 | 2.66 | 19.389 | 50.4 |
Cumulative Results from Fractional analysis (Results are reported on an air-dry basis)
F.C. - Fixed Carbon, C.V. - Calorific Value
An update on the scoping study and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been received from our consultants in Tanzania, Tansheq Limited. The preliminary draft of the EIA Report for the Mkomolo/Namwele Project portion of the Rukwa Coalfield was submitted to the National Environment Management Council (NEMC) on 29th September 2012. This will now go through the normal review process and any further points currently not covered will be re-addressed before final submission for the EIA permit. This process of review is estimated to take 90 days.
In accordance with the AIM Rules, the information in this announcement has been reviewed by Mark J. Pryor, Chief Executive Officer of Edenville Energy plc, a qualified geologist with over 25 years' experience.
Edenville Energy plc | |
Simon Rollason - ChairmanRakesh Patel - Finance Directorwww.edenville-energy.com | +44 (0) 20 7653 9855 |
finnCap | |
Charlotte Stranner/Geoff Nash | +44 (0) 20 7220 0500 |
Newgate Threadneedle | |
Grahame Herring/Richard Gotla | +44 (0) 20 7653 9855 |
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