28th Nov 2011 07:00
For immediate release 28 November 2011
Central Rand Gold Limited (Incorporated as a company with limited liability under the laws of Guernsey, Company Number 45108) (Incorporated as an external company with limited liability under the laws of South Africa, Registration number 2007/0192231/10) ISIN: GG00B24HM601 LSE share code: CRND JSE share code: CRD ("Central Rand Gold" or the "Company")
Lodgement of court papers
There continues to be no resolution to the dispute relating to alleged procedural breaches of the Central Rand Gold South Africa (Proprietary) Limited ("CRGSA") Shareholders' Agreement ("Shareholders Agreement") entered into between Central Rand Gold Netherlands Antilles ("CRGNV") and its current Black Economic Empowerment ("BEE") partner, Puno Gold Investments (Proprietary) Limited ("Puno").
The dispute relates to the shareholder funding provisions of the Shareholders Agreement and the related allocation of intercompany loans which fund the budget and work programme.
In order to suspend protracted litigation, the parties agreed in 2009 to refer the matter to arbitration pursuant to the dispute resolution mechanism under the Shareholders' Agreement. However due to the inaction of Puno in bringing matters before the Arbitration Foundation of South Africa, CRGNV and CRGSA on 25 November 2011, filed an application with the High Court of South Africa ("Application"), following which the papers were served on Puno by the Sheriff of the High Court
This application seeks to discharge the interdict obtained on 13 May 2009 prohibiting CRGSA and CRGNV from proceeding with an option to call for Puno's entire shareholding in CRGSA, and in the alternative requests that a court order be granted appointing an arbitrator to arbitrate on the dispute between the parties and furthermore stipulate the time period within which such arbitration needs to be conducted to completion.
In the event that this application is unopposed, the hearing of the matter will commence on 13 December 2011.
However, in the likely event that a notice of intention to oppose the application be received, the matter will be set down for hearing on the opposed roll, in such event a court date in early 2012 will be allocated for the hearing of the matter.
Gold production
The Company refers its shareholders to the Interim Management Statement released on 18 November 2011 wherein it was stated that gold production for the year up to October 2011 amounted to 12,116 ounces and that the Company expects to produce approximately 1,000 ounces per month for the remainder of the year.
Accordingly, the Company hereby confirms that its annual 2011 gold production is expected to be between 14,000 and 15,000 ounces.
For further information, please contact:
Central Rand Gold +27 (0) 11 674 2304
Johan du Toit / Patrick Malaza
Evolution Securities Limited +44 (0) 20 7071 4300
Chris Sim / Neil Elliot
Merchantec Capital +27 (0) 11 325 6363
Roger Pitt / Monique Martinez
Buchanan +44 (0) 20 7466 5000
Bobby Morse / James Strong
Jenni Newman Public Relations (Proprietary) Limited +27 (0) 11 506 7351
Jenni Newman
28 November 2011
JSE Sponsor
Merchantec Capital
Related Shares:
Central Rand Gold