19th Sep 2013 13:09
ANGLESEY MINING PLC - LIM - Annual General MeetingANGLESEY MINING PLC - LIM - Annual General Meeting
PR Newswire
London, September 19
Anglesey Mining plc 19 September 2013 LSE:AYM LIM - Annual General Meeting LIM Operations Update Anglesey's 15% owned associate Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited (LIM) heldits Annual Meeting of Shareholders in Toronto on September 18, 2013, andprovided an operations update of its direct shipping iron ore mines andprojects in the Schefferville area of the Labrador Trough, with the followinghighlights: LIM reported the completion of the Joint Venture Agreement with Tata SteelMinerals Canada for the exploration and development of LIM's Howse Deposit. For the fiscal second quarter ending September 30, 2013, LIM expects to reportthe sale of four iron ore shipments (Ships 3 - 6) totalling approximately700,000 wet metric tonnes ("wmt") of 62% Fe lump and sinter product. Three ironore shipments were completed in July and August 2013 and the next shipment(Ship 6) is awaiting loading at the Port of Sept-Îles. LIM's four shipments during the quarter should benefit from more favourableiron ore market conditions, where the average iron ore price on the PlattsIndex has been above US$125 per tonne (CFR China 62% Fe). LIM's 2013 exploration program is budgeted at $8 million to drill approximately14,000 metres ("m") on a number of key projects including the Howse, Gill andHouston Deposits. Iron Ore Sales For the quarter ending September 30, 2013, LIM expects to report the sale offour iron ore shipments (Ships 3 - 6) totaling approximately 700,000 wet metrictonnes ("wmt") of 62% Fe lump and sinter products, outlined as follows: Ship 3, SamJohn Dream, departed the Port in mid-July carrying approximately186,500 wmt of sinter; Ship 4, Hydra Warrior, departed the Port in early August carrying approximately175,000 wmt (combined cargo of 128,000 tonnes of sinter and 47,000 tonnes oflump); Ship 5, Cape Althea, departed the Port at the end of August carryingapproximately 175,000 wmt of sinter; and, Ship 6, Cape Northville, is currently docked at the Port awaiting loading withapproximately 165,000 wmt of sinter. During the first quarter ended June 30, 2013, LIM completed its first twoshipments of iron ore totaling approximately 351,500 wmt, which brings totalshipments in 2013 to date to approximately 1,050,000 wmt. LIM is working tocomplete four more shipments during the balance of the year to achieve itstarget of 1.7 million tonnes of iron ore production in 2013. Exploration In addition to a $5 million Howse exploration program, LIM has budgeted $3million for exploration drilling mainly on the Gill and Houston Deposits. Gillis located less than one kilometre north of Silver Yards and is expected toprovide ore feed to the process plant in future operating years. The GillDeposit currently has a historic resource of 4.1 million tonnes at a grade of56% Fe (dry basis). Drilling will also be carried out on the Houston Deposits, which will test forpotential extensions (Houston remains open along strike) and to collect furthermetallurgical information. A copy of LIM's AGM presentation can be found at: http://www.labradorironmines.ca/pdf/LIM-AGM-2013-f.pdf. For the full LIM press release regarding the AGM please see LIM's release todayon its website at www.labradorironmines.ca About Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited (LIM) Labrador Iron Mines (LIM) is Canada's newest iron ore producer with a portfolioof direct shipping (DSO) iron ore operations and projects located in theprolific Labrador Trough. LIM has commenced its third year of operations and istargeting 1.7 million tonnes of saleable iron ore production in 2013. About Anglesey Mining plc Anglesey holds 15.3% of Toronto-listed Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limitedwhich is producing high grade hematite from its James mine, one of LIM's directshipping iron ore deposits in western Labrador and north-eastern Quebec. Anglesey is also carrying out exploration and development work at its 100%owned Parys Mountain zinc-copper-lead deposit in North Wales, UK where a JORCCode-compliant resource of 2.1mt at 6.9% combined base metals in the indicatedcategory and 4.1mt at 5.0% combined in the inferred category was published inNovember 2012. For further information, please contact: Bill Hooley, Chief Executive +44 (0)1492 541981; Danesh Varma, Finance Director +44 (0)207 6539881; Samantha Harrison: RFC Ambrian +44 (0)20 3440 6800;
Emily Fenton/Jos Simson: Tavistock Communications +44 (0)20 7920 3155.
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