10th May 2007 07:01
Acta S.p.A.10 May 2007 10 May 2007 Acta S.p.A. Acta launches new high performance catalyst for fuel cells Acta, the AIM-listed catalyst developer, has launched a new high performancefuel cell catalyst for direct alcohol fuel cells. The HYPERMEC 3-Series anodeelectro-catalysts are platinum-free like their predecessors, yet offer 70%higher performance than the 2-Series. Early samples to key customers have beensuccessful and the product is now on general release to the market. Acta launched its HYPERMEC range of platinum-free catalysts for fuel cells in2005. These combined good performance with low cost and the opportunity to usecommercially preferable fuels such as ethanol or glycerol. They have been ontrial with a growing range of global OEMs for use in portable electronic devicesand other applications over the past two years. The HYPERMEC 3-Series anode has been developed as a result of Acta's growingexpertise in fuel cell catalysis. It offers excellent performancecharacteristics: •Peak power performance of over 250mW/cm2 at 80oC with ethanol fuel €70% increase on previous peak power of 145mW/cm2 at 80oC with ethanol fuel •Fuel cell durability of over 3,000 hours (lower power tests) •Lower manufacturing cost than the original HYPERMEC 2-Series anode •Platinum-free •Excellent performance using a wide range of fuels: ethanol, methanol, glycerol, glycol, sodium borohydride and n-butanol The launch of the new anode in the second quarter of 2007 meets, on schedule,one of the major technical milestones of the year. Fuel cells are widely expected to replace lithium ion batteries as the mainpower source for portable electronic devices. They are also being developed forother applications from small power generation to automotive power. Therequirement to use platinum catalysts, which HYPERMEC overcomes, is a major constraint to fuel cell commercialisation due to the cost and scarcity of platinumand the need to use impractical hydrogen and methanol as fuels. Commenting on the new launch, Paolo Bert, Chief Executive, said: "The launch ofthe HYPERMEC 3-Series is an important step forward in our commercialisation strategy for fuel cells. The new anode has been well-received by our key customersand is expected to accelerate the development of commercially viable fuel cellsbased on Acta catalysts". For further information, please contact: Acta S.p.A:Toby Woolrych, Chief Operating Officer Tel: +44 (0) 20 7360 4900 Smithfield Consultants:George Hudson / Will Henderson Tel: +44 (0) 20 7360 4900 Numis:David Poutney / Emma Tod Tel: +44 (0) 20 7260 1000 Notes to Editors: Acta S.p.A. Acta, which was admitted to AIM in October 2005, is a manufacturer ofplatinum-free catalysts for the portable electronics and renewables markets.Acta uses a patented manufacturing process to make uniquely active catalysts,branded HYPERMEC, which are able to perform as effectively as expensive platinumcatalysts. Acta's catalysts offer customers technical usage benefits,significant cost savings and allow for the first time the use of ethanol, whichis a safe and environmentally friendly fuel. Products in the target portableelectronics market include laptop computers and mobile phones, and in therenewables market include electricity supply, automotive power and hydrogengeneration. Technical Data The HYPERMEC 3-Series anode tests have been conducted using air breathing cellsat room temperature and using a controlled air and fuel flow (Scribner 850C fuelcell test system) for tests at up to 80oC. Anode catalysts were pasted on tonickel foam. The Company's latest cathode catalyst (K14) was sprayed onto carboncloth. Fuel concentrations were generally 10% with up to 10% KOH in the fuel andthe balance being water. Liquid KOH was used in lieu of an ionomer, to promoteconductivity and demonstrate high level of catalytic activity. Peak performance of 250mW/cm2 at 80oC represents a 70% increase on the previoushighest level recorded of 145mW/cm2 using the HYPERMEC 2-Series anode. Durability tests have been conducted at lower power outputs in an air breathingenvironment with static fuel. Regular fuel changes mimic the effect of real use.One cell, using an early version of the HYPERMEC 3-Series, is continuing to runafter more than 3,000 hours of continuous operation. Durability tests with theproduction form of the 3-Series have run for more than 2,000 hours with goodstability. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: