2nd Feb 2023 08:55
2 February 2023
Future Metals NL
Large Ni-Cu-(PGE) Sulphide Zone Identified at Panton
§ Drilling confirms Panton hosts broad zones of disseminated Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulphides outside of the existing high-grade PGE reef system hosting the existing JORC Resource
§ Untested 'embayment' target prospective for accumulation of shallow sulphide mineralisation identified on Panton North tenement (right to 70%), adjacent to sulphide-rich drill intercepts and coincident with geochemical and geophysical anomalies
§ Drilling demonstrates a sulphide association within the high-grade reef mineralisation with potential positive implications for resource growth and metallurgy
§ Intersections demonstrating significant sulphide and PGE mineralisation include:
o 53m @ 0.12 g/t PGE3E1, 0.18% Ni, 158ppm Co, 0.10% Cu from 32m(PS413)
o 83m @ 0.49 g/t PGE3E1, 0.25% Ni, 136ppm Co, 0.04% Cu from 53m(PS408)
o 19m @ 0.23 g/t PGE3E1, 0.26% Ni, 158ppm Co, 0.09% Cu from 240m(PS410)
o 42m @ 1.43 g/t PGE3E1, 0.16% Ni, 125ppm Co, 0.03% Cu (1.71 g/t PdEq2) from 235m(PS407), including:
§ 1.7m @ 8.4 g/t PGE3E1, 0.36% Ni, 85ppm Co, 0.03% Cu (8.3 g/t PdEq2)
§ 1.9m @ 6.5 g/t PGE3E1, 0.16% Ni, 202ppm Co, 0.02% Cu (6.0 g/t PdEq2)
§ Assay results from a recently completed deep drill hole into the keel position (hole PS414) remain pending
§ Follow up drilling to test embayment at Panton North and any conductors identified in downhole electromagnetic ("DHEM") to commence following the wet season
§ Geology team strengthened with the addition of Barbara Duggan, an experienced Ni sulphide exploration geologist
§ Update on metallurgical progress and scoping study to be provided shortly
Future Metals NL ("Future Metals" or the "Company", ASX | AIM: FME), is pleased to report results from seven of eight holes in its 2022/23 drilling programme at its Panton project ("Panton" or "the Project").
Assay results from PS408-410 & PS413 demonstrate a distinct and broad Ni-Cu sulphide enriched zone within the Panton intrusive separate to the high-grade reef and the surrounding bulk mineralisation in the Company's 6.9Moz PdEq JORC Resource. These results now confirm that Panton hosts multiple styles of mineralisation, providing for a potential discovery of a Ni-Cu sulphide deposit within the same intrusion as the existing high grade chromitite PGE reefs.
Importantly these drill results, in conjunction with analysis of geophysics, soil samples (MAGLAG), stream sediments and ground observations show a potential embayment feature (sulphide trap) which sits under cover on the Panton North permit adjacent to the existing JORC Resource (see Figure One). The Company plans to test this embayment structure with shallow drilling once the Kimberley wet season ends, following further ground mapping and sampling.
Drilling and historical analysis (refer Appendix 3) has demonstrated that there is a sulphide association within sections of reef mineralisation previously thought to be primarily chromite-hosted. A deep diamond hole (PS414) was drilled through the entire stratigraphy of the Panton intrusion. Assay results from this drill hole remain outstanding and will further inform this analysis, with potential positive implications for resource growth and metallurgy.
Drilling was completed in mid-January and recent flooding in the West Kimberley region has delayed the ability to get DHEM contractors to site, however this work is due to commence shortly. The Company will report on any DHEM conductors after this work is completed.
Mr Jardee Kininmonth, Managing Director of Future Metals, commented:
"The purpose of the 2022 reconnaissance drill program was to determine whether Panton could host a Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulphide orebody outside of the known chromite mineralisation that the existing JORC Resource relates to, and to determine where there may be a large accumulation of these sulphides. These latest drill results demonstrate that the Panton intrusion hosts multiple styles of mineralisation, including magmatic sulphides which host Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulphide mineralisation.
The results are extremely encouraging as they show the potential for a further high-grade discovery to be made, potentially with similar style geology to the nearby Savannah Ni-Cu deposit, which was emplaced later than the Panton intrusion, or a contact-style deposit such as the Flatreef.
Of particular interest is the identification of a potential embayment feature which is coincident with the structures hosting anomalous sulphide mineralisation, a large magnetic anomaly, and Ni-Cu anomalous stream sediment samples. This feature is also heavily weathered relative to the surrounding rocks, further suggesting the presence of increased sulphides. The Company looks forward to further working up this exciting feature during the 2023 drill season. Aiding us with our exploration efforts is our new appointee, Barbara Duggan, who brings significant experience in mafic-ultramafic intrusive geology and exploring for magmatic nickel sulphides."
Figure One | Plan view showing drill holes completed / pending results
Drilling Results Interpretation
The Company has received assay results for seven drill holes (PS407-413) as part of its exploration drilling programme testing for the occurrence of magmatic Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulphide mineralisation. The assay results have confirmed the presence of broad zones of magmatic sulphide mineralisation. These broad zones demonstrate the potential for the Panton intrusion to host multiple styles of mineralisation including potentially a high-grade Ni-Cu deposit analogous to the nearby Savannah Ni-Cu deposit, and the significant PGM-Ni chromite hosted deposit with an already defined JORC Resource.
Drill hole PS407 targeted a structure previously drilled by Pancontinental Mining Limited in 1989 (hole PS053, previously announced on 27 July 2022) which demonstrated high grade Ni, Cu and Au intercepts as shown below:
§ 4m @ 2.18 g/t Au & 1.18% Ni & 1.05% Cu from 242.5m including:
o 1m @ 6.80 g/t Au & 0.62% Ni & 2.05% Cu from 242.5m
o 2m @ 0.92 g/t Au & 1.93% Ni & 0.76% Cu from 243.5m
The Company was able to locate the historical drill core containing this intercept and identified textures that were clearly indicative of magmatic sulphide mineralisation which had been uplifted within a fault zone.
Drill hole PS407 was drilled above hole PS053 and intersected the fault zone but did not intersect the same heavily disseminated sulphide mineralisation, suggesting that the mineralisation has pinched out towards surface. Hole PS407 did intersect a broad zone of anomalous sulphide mineralisation, and high grade chromite-associated PGM reef mineralisation. These results include:
§ 42m @ 1.43 g/t PGE3E1, 0.16% Ni, 125ppm Co, 0.03% Cu (1.71 PdEq2) from 235m(PS407), including:
o 1.7m @ 8.4 g/t PGE3E1, 0.36% Ni, 85ppm Co, 0.03% Cu (8.3 g/t PdEq2)
o 1.9m @ 6.5 g/t PGE3E1, 0.16% Ni, 202ppm Co, 0.02% Cu (6.0 g/t PdEq2)
Subsequent analysis of geophysical data and surface mapping, and information from drill hole PS407 has determined that the mineralisation intersected in hole PS053 is associated with the convergence of multiple structures. These same structures are coincident with the geophysical targets drilled in holes PS408-410 which all intersected similarly broad zones of anomalous Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulphide mineralisation (refer to Figures Two and Four). The Company will undertake a DHEM survey down the PS407 drill hole.
Photo One: Heavily disseminated magmatic-sulphide mineralisation in hole PS053
Figure Two | Cross Section for Drill Hole PS407
Drill holes PS408-410 & PS413 each targeted large magnetic anomalies the Company interpreted to be associated with zones of increased sulphide mineralisation, from analysis of historical intercepts coincident with these anomalies, including holes PS157 and PS158 which intersected the following sulphide-rich zones (previously announced on 27 July 2022):
§ 19m @ 0.51 g/t PGM3E[1] & 0.49% Ni & 0.28% Cu, 0.022% Co & 1.47% S from 88m including:
o 3m @ 0.81 g/t PGM3E1 & 1.16% Ni & 0.66% Cu, 0.053% Co & 4.29% S from 88m
o 1m @ 0.67 g/t PGM3E1 & 0.46% Ni & 1.57% Cu, 0.022% Co & 2.47% S from 95m
o 2m @ 1.09 g/t PGM3E1 & 1.01% Ni & 0.22% Cu, 0.044% Co & 3.19% S 104m
§ 7m @ 0.53 g/t PGM3E1 & 0.33% Ni & 0.14% Cu, 0.015% Co & 0.74% S from 68m including:
o 2m @ 0.87 g/t PGM3E1 & 0.33% Ni & 0.24% Cu, 0.019% Co & 0.81% S from 94m
These intersections demonstrate the significant metal tenor associated with sulphides at Panton.
Each of these drill holes intersected broad zones of anomalous sulphide mineralisation, validating the Company's targeting hypothesis. While the majority of these intersections are not 'ore grade', they do demonstrate a distinctive sulphide population that is anomalous relative to historical drilling along strike in the Lower Zone, which was targeting the same stratigraphic units. Anomalous intersections include:
§ 83m @ 0.49 g/t PGE3E1, 0.25% Ni, 136ppm Co, 0.04% Cu, 0.24% S from 53m(PS408)
§ 1m @ 0.60 g/t PGE3E1, 0.27% Ni, 0.23% Cu, 141ppm Co, 0.42% S from 84m(PS408)
§ 6m @ 0.07 g/t PGE3E1, 0.21% Ni, 0.12% Cu, 171ppm Co, 0.55% S from 57m(PS409)
§ 10m @ 0.48 g/t PGE3E1, 0.20% Ni, 0.03% Cu, 131ppm Co, 0.62% S from 198m(PS409)
§ 19m @ 0.23 g/t PGE3E1, 0.26% Ni, 158ppm Co, 0.09% Cu, 0.34% S from 240m(PS410)
§ 5m @ 0.15 g/t PGE3E1, 0.21% Ni, 153ppm Co, 0.08% Cu, 0.48% S from 343m(PS410)
§ 11m @ 0.03 g/t PGE3E1, 0.11% Ni, 1149ppm Co, 0.10% Cu, 0.59% S from 146m(PS410)
§ 1m @ 0.97 g/t PGE3E1, 0.25% Ni, 0.30% Cu, 161ppm Co, 0.49% S from 314m(PS410)
§ 53m @ 0.12 g/t PGE3E1, 0.18% Ni, 158ppm Co, 0.10% Cu, 0.44% S from 32m(PS413)
Drill holes PS408-410 are adjacent to a potentially significant embayment feature that the Company has identified (see Figure One). Embayment features can act as 'sulphide traps', providing a confined localised volume in which sulphide rich magma can settle. This untested embayment feature has been identified along the northwest intrusion contact in multiple datasets, including magnetics and short wave infra-red imagery. A desktop review of the surface expression of this embayment area further indicates that it has been subject to increased weathering which in turn can be an indicator of gossanous material, potentially related to sulphide mineralisation. Historic stream sediments have identified two highly anomalous coincident nickel-copper values on the margin of the interpreted embayment feature ("BC1"). The BC1 target represents a strike of approximately 1,000m.
As shown on Figure One, BC1 sits across the tenement boundary between Future Metals' 100% owned Panton mining lease (M 80/105) and the Panton North tenement (E 80/5455) which is subject to a farm-in and joint venture agreement with Octava Minerals Limited ("Octava") (previously reported on 17 January 2023) whereby Future Metals can earn up to 70% interest in the Panton North tenement. The Company plans to complete ground mapping over the BC1 area during Q1 2023 to determine the optimal drilling strategy to test the target once the wet season ends.
Figure Three | Embayment Feature and Ni-Cu-S anomalism in drilling, maglag and stream sediments
Note the stream sediment Ni-Cu anomalism on the contact
Drill hole PS413 targeted a large magnetic anomaly north-east of drill holes PS408-410, which is an interpreted portion of the keel position plunging towards surface. Similar to the drilling in PS408-410, assay results demonstrated highly anomalous sulphide mineralisation over significant intervals. The drill hole was terminated in the basal contact, which was intersected earlier than expected. The drill hole provides valuable information for building up the structural model of the Panton intrusion at depth. The results for PS413 are currently being reviewed in the context of what has historically been drilled and how it relates to the geological model.
Drill holes PS411 and PS412 drilled EM conductors in the south of the Panton project area which were broadly coincident with a large gravity anomaly. Analytical results from both holes demonstrate a strong Ni-Cu-S association, however results are below the minimum reporting thresholds. Both drill holes were proximate to a high-strain shear zone and the sulphide mineralisation is interpreted by the Company to possibly represent structural-hydrothermal remobilisation from an underlying magmatic source. Further review and analysis of the results in the context of magmatic sulphide exploration is underway to determine if further drill testing is warranted.
Figure Four | Cross Section for Drill Hole PS409
Principal Geologist's Appointment
The Company recently strengthened its geology and exploration team with the appointment of Barbara Duggan as Principal Geologist. Barbara is a geologist with 20 years' experience in mineral exploration from project generation to advanced project stage, encompassing targeting studies, project management and evaluation. She has extensive experience in Australia and Canada with a focus on nickel sulphide and magmatic hydrothermal mineral systems. Barbara specialises in integrated mineral systems targeting at a district to deposit scale. She previously worked for Peak Minerals and has held positions at CSA, Panoramic Resources, Emmerson Resources, BHP Ni West and Inco Exploration. Barbara completed her undergraduate degree at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada and her Master's Degree in Economic Geology at the University of Western Australia.
For further information, please contact:
Future Metals NL |
+61 8 9480 0414 |
Jardee Kininmonth | |
Strand Hanson Limited (Nominated Adviser) | +44 (0) 207 409 3494 |
James Harris/James Bellman | |
Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited (UK Broker) John Prior/Hugh Rich/Soman Thakran | +44 (0)207 886 2500 |
White Noise Communications (Australian IR/PR) Fiona Marshall | +61 400 512 109 |
FlowComms (UK IR/PR) | +44 (0) 789 167 7441 |
Sasha Sethi |
Competent Person's Statement
The information in this announcement that relates to Exploration Results is based on, and fairly represents, information compiled by Ms Barbara Duggan, who is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Ms Duggan is the Company's Principal Geologist and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity she is undertaking to qualify as a competent person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the "Australasian Code for reporting of Exploration Results, Exploration Targets, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves" (JORC Code). Ms Duggan consents to the inclusion in this announcement of the matters based upon her information in the form and context in which it appears.
The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 as is forms part of United Kingdom domestic law pursuant to the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, as amended.
Notes to Editors:
About the Panton PGM-Ni Project
The 100% owned Panton PGM-Ni Project is located 60kms north of the town of Halls Creek in the eastern Kimberly region of Western Australia, a tier one mining jurisdiction. The project is located on three granted mining licences and situated just 1km off the Great North Highway which accesses the Port of Wyndham (refer to Figure Five).
The Project hosts an independent JORC Code (2012) MRE had increased to 129Mt @ 1.20g/t PGM3E1, 0.19% Ni, 0.04% Cu and 154ppm Co (1.66g/t PdEq2) at a cut-off grade of 0.90g/t PdEq2 for contained metal of 5.0Moz PGM3E1, 239kt Ni, 48kt Cu and 20kt Co (6.9Moz PdEq2). The MRE includes a high-grade reef of 25Mt @ 3.57g/t PGM3E1, 0.24% Ni, 0.07% Cu and 192ppm Co (3.86g/t PdEq2) for contained metal of 2.9Moz PGM3E1, 60kt Ni, 18kt Cu and 5kt Co (3.2Moz PdEq2).
PGM-Ni mineralisation occurs within a layered, differentiated mafic-ultramafic intrusion referred to as the Panton intrusive which is a 12km long and 3km wide, south-west plunging synclinal intrusion. PGM mineralisation is hosted within a series of stratiform chromite reefs as well as a surrounding zone of mineralised dunite within the ultramafic package.
Figure Five | Panton PGM Project Location
About Platinum Group Metals (PGMs)
PGMs are a group of six precious metals being Platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), iridium (Ir), osmium (Os), rhodium (Rh), and ruthenium (Ru). Exceptionally rare, they have similar physical and chemical properties and tend to occur, in varying proportions, together in the same geological deposit. The usefulness of PGMs is determined by their unique and specific shared chemical and physical properties.
PGMs have many desirable properties and as such have a wide variety of applications. Most notably, they are used as auto-catalysts (pollution control devices for ICE vehicles), but are also used in jewellery, electronics, hydrogen production / purification and in hydrogen fuel cells. The unique properties of PGMs help convert harmful exhaust pollutant emissions to harmless compounds, improving air quality and thereby enhancing health and wellbeing.
Appendix 1 | Panton Diamond Drill Hole Collar Details
Drill Hole | EOH | Easting | Northing | RL | Azimuth | Dip |
PS407 | 300.8 | 376456 | 8036810 | 493 | 351 | -82 |
PS408 | 200 | 375920 | 8037027 | 437 | 324 | 60 |
PS409 | 300 | 375860 | 8036770 | 455 | 290 | -60 |
PS410 | 401 | 376070 | 8036930 | 437 | 38 | -58 |
PS411 | 50 | 375505 | 8033370 | 390 | 340 | -60 |
PS412 | 90 | 374687 | 8032799 | 400 | 135 | -60 |
PS413 | 605.2 | 377410 | 8037690 | 465 | 90 | 60 |
PS414 | 1328.6 | 376653 | 8036506 | 485 | 340 | -80 |
Appendix 2 | Diamond Drill Hole Results
Note: PdEq grades reported for only hole PS407 given this was drilled in the same portion of the stratigraphy as the existing JORC Mineral Resource Estimate.
Drill Hole | From(m) | To(m) | Interval(m) | Auppb | Coppm | Cu% | Ni% | Pdppb | Ptppb | S% | 3Eg/t | PdEqg/t |
PS407 | 1.00 | 2.00 | 1* | 34.00 | 120.70 | 0.11 | 0.08 | 14.70 | 13.60 | 13.60 | 0.06 | 0.46 |
PS407 | 48 | 49 | 1 | 34 | 141.7 | 0.15 | 0.09 | 23 | 33.3 | 0.42 | 0.0903 | 0.57 |
PS407 | 64.00 | 66.00 | 2 | 71.50 | 131.35 | 0.19 | 0.08 | 23.50 | 32.40 | 0.29 | 0.13 | 0.64 |
PS407 | 78.00 | 79.00 | 1 | 45.00 | 151.10 | 0.12 | 0.10 | 28.70 | 39.00 | 0.33 | 0.11 | 0.57 |
PS407 | 83.00 | 84.00 | 1 | 33.00 | 140.10 | 0.13 | 0.09 | 33.60 | 45.40 | 0.26 | 0.11 | 0.56 |
PS407 | 106.00 | 110.00 | 4 | 213.50 | 148.40 | 0.12 | 0.15 | 32.55 | 52.73 | 0.45 | 0.30 | 0.83 |
PS407 | 119.00 | 120.00 | 1 | 70.00 | 158.90 | 0.11 | 0.17 | 30.90 | 39.60 | 0.29 | 0.14 | 0.73 |
PS407 | 127.00 | 130.00 | 3 | 110.67 | 145.53 | 0.22 | 0.14 | 29.23 | 31.90 | 0.40 | 0.17 | 0.85 |
PS407 | 149.00 | 155.00 | 6 | 118.00 | 137.38 | 0.12 | 0.12 | 21.58 | 36.75 | 0.22 | 0.18 | 0.66 |
PS407 | 179.00 | 180.00 | 1 | 10.00 | 146.70 | 0.00 | 0.19 | 324.90 | 223.60 | 0.09 | 0.56 | 0.99 |
PS407 | 195.00 | 199.00 | 4 | 31.50 | 128.40 | 0.01 | 0.17 | 443.33 | 194.33 | 0.06 | 0.67 | 1.06 |
PS407 | 204.00 | 206.00 | 2 | 20.00 | 143.70 | 0.01 | 0.18 | 620.10 | 155.50 | 0.08 | 0.80 | 1.23 |
PS407 | 235.00 | 277.00 | 42* | 120.29 | 125.55 | 0.03 | 0.16 | 635.58 | 672.14 | 0.13 | 1.43 | 1.71 |
PS407 | 235.00 | 243.00 | 8 | 335.07 | 120.73 | 0.07 | 0.23 | 1199.23 | 1095.85 | 0.19 | 2.63 | 2.96 |
PS407 | 260.00 | 272.50 | 12.5* | 44.73 | 117.14 | 0.02 | 0.12 | 694.16 | 860.82 | 0.09 | 1.60 | 1.75 |
PS407 | 286.00 | 300.80 | 14.8 | 160.41 | 161.74 | 0.03 | 0.21 | 374.29 | 472.03 | 0.12 | 1.01 | 1.44 |
PS408 | 0.00 | 16.00 | 16* | 51.88 | 130.33 | 0.02 | 0.22 | 316.57 | 205.03 | 0.00 | 0.57 | NR |
PS408 | 24.00 | 47.00 | 23 | 73.83 | 140.57 | 0.03 | 0.24 | 321.20 | 235.44 | 0.17 | 0.63 | NR |
PS408 | 53.00 | 136.00 | 83 | 93.46 | 136.07 | 0.04 | 0.25 | 205.09 | 187.86 | 0.24 | 0.49 | NR |
PS408 | 84 | 85 | 1 | 359 | 141.6 | 0.23 | 0.27 | 116.1 | 122.3 | 0.42 | 0.5974 | NR |
PS408 | 103 | 104 | 1 | 304 | 136 | 0.14 | 0.26 | 246.6 | 270.6 | 0.27 | 0.8212 | NR |
PS408 | 142.00 | 143.00 | 1 | 405.00 | 130.90 | 0.05 | 0.22 | 301.20 | 170.00 | 0.20 | 0.88 | NR |
PS408 | 153.00 | 157.00 | 4 | 101.50 | 130.95 | 0.03 | 0.23 | 279.88 | 236.45 | 0.16 | 0.62 | NR |
PS409 | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1* | 26.00 | 157.70 | 0.11 | 0.11 | 8.40 | 3.80 | ND | 0.04 | NR |
PS409 | 4.00 | 5.00 | 1* | 12.00 | 176.70 | 0.10 | 0.13 | 4.30 | 4.60 | ND | 0.02 | NR |
PS409 | 12.00 | 13.00 | 1 | 9.00 | 177.40 | 0.11 | 0.13 | 4.50 | 5.10 | 0.07 | 0.02 | NR |
PS409 | 17.00 | 21.00 | 4 | 17.25 | 181.55 | 0.11 | 0.17 | 6.08 | 7.33 | 0.20 | 0.03 | NR |
PS409 | 25.00 | 30.00 | 5 | 43.00 | 175.18 | 0.11 | 0.17 | 5.02 | 6.40 | 0.21 | 0.05 | NR |
PS409 | 36.00 | 41.00 | 5 | 17.60 | 163.03 | 0.11 | 0.18 | 4.39 | 5.47 | 0.27 | 0.03 | NR |
PS409 | 57.00 | 63.00 | 6 | 46.17 | 170.88 | 0.12 | 0.21 | 8.77 | 13.37 | 0.55 | 0.07 | NR |
PS409 | 86.00 | 100.00 | 14 | 98.48 | 145.89 | 0.05 | 0.22 | 209.52 | 155.82 | 0.32 | 0.46 | NR |
PS409 | 107.00 | 126.00 | 19 | 155.76 | 149.08 | 0.06 | 0.23 | 254.69 | 202.12 | 0.34 | 0.61 | NR |
PS409 | 185.00 | 192.00 | 7 | 104.00 | 144.34 | 0.03 | 0.21 | 371.43 | 299.16 | 0.24 | 0.77 | NR |
PS409 | 198.00 | 208.00 | 10 | 67.00 | 130.84 | 0.03 | 0.20 | 237.98 | 174.06 | 0.62 | 0.48 | NR |
PS410 | 7.00 | 11.00 | 4* | 46.75 | 163.93 | 0.10 | 0.19 | 8.95 | 12.80 | 0.00 | 0.07 | NR |
PS410 | 15.00 | 16.00 | 1* | 99.00 | 153.10 | 0.13 | 0.15 | 28.40 | 18.50 | ND | 0.15 | NR |
PS410 | 25.00 | 26.00 | 1 | 29.00 | 185.40 | 0.06 | 0.26 | 131.40 | 103.00 | 0.10 | 0.26 | NR |
PS410 | 42.00 | 43.00 | 1 | 16.00 | 161.60 | 0.05 | 0.21 | 258.70 | 276.50 | 0.32 | 0.55 | NR |
PS410 | 63.00 | 66.00 | 3 | 123.00 | 154.07 | 0.06 | 0.21 | 277.07 | 229.00 | 0.34 | 0.63 | NR |
PS410 | 127.00 | 128.00 | 1 | 83.00 | 155.40 | 0.10 | 0.20 | 50.60 | 70.30 | 0.40 | 0.20 | NR |
PS410 | 209.00 | 210.00 | 1 | 46.00 | 152.10 | 0.11 | 0.20 | 31.50 | 46.50 | 0.35 | 0.12 | NR |
PS410 | 240.00 | 260.00 | 19 | 105.32 | 158.26 | 0.09 | 0.26 | 50.93 | 74.92 | 0.34 | 0.23 | NR |
PS410 | 270.00 | 287.00 | 17 | 67.18 | 148.73 | 0.05 | 0.24 | 282.95 | 271.41 | 0.23 | 0.62 | NR |
PS410 | 302.00 | 303.00 | 1 | 147.00 | 156.80 | 0.10 | 0.25 | 36.40 | 61.30 | 0.31 | 0.24 | NR |
PS410 | 314.00 | 315.00 | 1 | 878.00 | 161.00 | 0.30 | 0.25 | 38.80 | 49.90 | 0.49 | 0.97 | NR |
PS410 | 320.00 | 321.60 | 1.6 | 257.02 | 84.80 | 0.09 | 0.13 | 18.39 | 30.77 | 0.22 | 0.31 | NR |
PS410 | 325.00 | 326.00 | 1 | 180.00 | 150.00 | 0.10 | 0.24 | 35.70 | 75.90 | 0.34 | 0.29 | NR |
PS410 | 333.00 | 334.00 | 1 | 209.00 | 138.80 | 0.12 | 0.22 | 19.00 | 32.60 | 0.35 | 0.26 | NR |
PS410 | 338.00 | 340.00 | 2 | 339.50 | 152.60 | 0.24 | 0.23 | 28.90 | 43.15 | 0.50 | 0.41 | NR |
PS410 | 343.00 | 348.00 | 5 | 64.80 | 153.00 | 0.08 | 0.21 | 43.64 | 44.82 | 0.48 | 0.15 | NR |
PS411 | 16.00 | 18.00 | 2** | 2.50 | 110.65 | 0.17 | 0.01 | 1.70 | 0.40 | 3.52 | 0.00 | NR |
PS411 | 35.00 | 36.00 | 1 | 4.00 | 53.90 | 0.10 | 0.01 | 1.00 | 0.90 | 1.20 | 0.01 | NR |
PS412 | No Significant Assays | |||||||||||
PS413 | 0.00 | 10.00 | 10.00 | 43.36 | 169.01 | 0.11 | 0.19 | 8.84 | 12.89 | 0.09 | 0.07 | NR |
PS413 | 19.00 | 20.00 | 1.00 | 35.00 | 151.10 | 0.12 | 0.17 | 4.60 | 9.70 | 0.35 | 0.05 | NR |
PS413 | 28.00 | 29.00 | 1.00 | 26.00 | 104.40 | 0.12 | 0.14 | 3.70 | 6.80 | 0.46 | 0.04 | NR |
PS413 | 32.00 | 85.00 | 53.00 | 59.08 | 158.30 | 0.10 | 0.18 | 24.14 | 37.73 | 0.44 | 0.12 | NR |
PS413 | 111.00 | 112.00 | 1.00 | 12.00 | 91.00 | 0.10 | 0.04 | 3.10 | 3.50 | 0.12 | 0.02 | NR |
PS413 | 114.00 | 116.00 | 2.00 | 18.50 | 164.25 | 0.11 | 0.13 | 6.65 | 8.85 | 0.47 | 0.03 | NR |
PS413 | 129.00 | 132.00 | 3.00 | 8.67 | 96.17 | 0.08 | 0.06 | 3.47 | 4.40 | 0.44 | 0.02 | NR |
PS413 | 146.00 | 157.00 | 11.00 | 21.95 | 148.54 | 0.10 | 0.11 | 5.60 | 6.14 | 0.59 | 0.03 | NR |
PS413 | 163.00 | 170.00 | 7.00 | 35.71 | 166.36 | 0.13 | 0.16 | 5.81 | 7.40 | 0.50 | 0.05 | NR |
PS413 | 187.00 | 188.00 | 1.00 | 25.00 | 168.20 | 0.13 | 0.12 | 4.50 | 4.80 | 0.36 | 0.03 | NR |
PS413 | 191.00 | 192.00 | 1.00 | 25.00 | 130.20 | 0.11 | 0.09 | 3.40 | 3.40 | 1.28 | 0.03 | NR |
PS413 | 197.00 | 198.00 | 1.00 | 46.00 | 167.10 | 0.15 | 0.12 | 3.90 | 4.50 | 0.44 | 0.05 | NR |
PS413 | 202.00 | 203.00 | 1.00 | 41.00 | 168.50 | 0.12 | 0.15 | 3.80 | 5.20 | 0.36 | 0.05 | NR |
PS413 | 206.00 | 207.00 | 1.00 | 71.00 | 184.70 | 0.17 | 0.17 | 5.00 | 6.40 | 0.47 | 0.08 | NR |
PS413 | 210.00 | 215.00 | 5.00 | 22.40 | 163.50 | 0.11 | 0.17 | 4.34 | 6.18 | 0.43 | 0.03 | NR |
PS413 | 227.00 | 228.00 | 1.00 | 60.00 | 170.50 | 0.15 | 0.15 | 24.90 | 15.60 | 0.39 | 0.10 | NR |
PS413 | 250.00 | 251.00 | 1.00 | 31.00 | 149.00 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 45.70 | 39.20 | 0.78 | 0.12 | NR |
PS413 | 253.00 | 254.00 | 1.00 | 108.00 | 150.10 | 0.05 | 0.19 | 221.10 | 199.50 | 0.38 | 0.53 | NR |
PS413 | 264.00 | 266.00 | 2.00 | 41.00 | 122.90 | 0.13 | 0.15 | 29.60 | 26.60 | 0.73 | 0.10 | NR |
PS413 | 301.00 | 302.00 | 1.00 | 35.00 | 177.90 | 0.06 | 0.27 | 30.60 | 41.80 | 0.60 | 0.11 | NR |
PS413 | 306.00 | 308.00 | 2.00 | 231.00 | 170.60 | 0.11 | 0.22 | 41.25 | 65.80 | 0.37 | 0.34 | NR |
PS413 | 322.00 | 326.00 | 4.00 | 89.75 | 161.95 | 0.06 | 0.21 | 283.80 | 255.00 | 0.22 | 0.63 | NR |
PS413 | 335.00 | 336.00 | 1.00 | 49.00 | 157.80 | 0.15 | 0.18 | 37.80 | 54.60 | 1.26 | 0.14 | NR |
PS413 | 353.00 | 355.00 | 2.00 | 40.50 | 167.40 | 0.04 | 0.21 | 347.00 | 255.45 | 0.29 | 0.64 | NR |
PS413 | 361.00 | 362.00 | 1.00 | 21.00 | 155.10 | 0.02 | 0.19 | 320.20 | 261.30 | 0.22 | 0.60 | NR |
PS413 | 366.00 | 367.00 | 1.00 | 59.00 | 162.30 | 0.05 | 0.25 | 113.50 | 154.80 | 0.32 | 0.33 | NR |
PS413 | 369.00 | 392.00 | 23.00 | 61.00 | 151.40 | 0.05 | 0.22 | 218.54 | 222.33 | 0.36 | 0.50 | NR |
PS413 | 399.00 | 400.00 | 1.00 | 142.00 | 134.00 | 0.13 | 0.19 | 116.60 | 138.40 | 0.77 | 0.40 | NR |
PS413 | 411.00 | 412.00 | 1.00 | 23.00 | 142.20 | 0.03 | 0.21 | 235.60 | 262.20 | 0.45 | 0.52 | NR |
PS413 | 427.00 | 428.00 | 1.00 | 42.00 | 118.50 | 0.02 | 0.19 | 287.70 | 246.40 | 0.16 | 0.58 | NR |
NB: * indicates not all samples in the interval contain S; ** indicates not all samples in the interval contain Pt;NR = Not reported |
Table One | Drilling Assay Results
1 3E= Palladium (Pd) + Platinum (Pt) + Gold (Au)
Appendix 3 | Historic Surface Sampling Data
HistoricSample ID | SampleType | Location | Cuppm | Nippm | Sppm | Easting(m) | Northing(m) | Grid |
TK302665 | Stream Sediment | Embayment | 138.00 | 476.00 | not analysed | 376002 | 8037561 | AMG84 ZN52 |
TK302666 | Stream Sediment | Embayment | 100.00 | 343.00 | not analysed | 375939 | 8037491 | AMG84 ZN52 |
TK302667 | Stream Sediment | Embayment | 114.00 | 345.00 | not analysed | 375760 | 8037408 | AMG84 ZN52 |
TK302668 | Stream Sediment | Embayment | 133.00 | 456.00 | not analysed | 375708 | 8037501 | AMG84 ZN52 |
TK302669 | Stream Sediment | N of Panton | 24.00 | 51.00 | not analysed | 375633 | 8037588 | AMG84 ZN52 |
TK302670 | Stream Sediment | N of Panton | 18.00 | 33.00 | not analysed | 375704 | 8037719 | AMG84 ZN52 |
TK302671 | Stream Sediment | N of Panton | 111.00 | 170.00 | not analysed | 375413 | 8038011 | AMG84 ZN52 |
TK302672 | Stream Sediment | N of Panton | 19.00 | 23.00 | not analysed | 375560 | 8038069 | AMG84 ZN52 |
TK302673 | Stream Sediment | N of Panton | 33.00 | 29.00 | not analysed | 375944 | 8037976 | AMG84 ZN52 |
TK302674 | Stream Sediment | N of Panton | 34.00 | 25.00 | not analysed | 375988 | 8038151 | AMG84 ZN52 |
TK302680 | Stream Sediment | N of Panton | 44.00 | 40.00 | not analysed | 376456 | 8038014 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1499 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 108 | 292 | 60 | 377003 | 8036750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1505 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 114 | 210 | 60 | 376801 | 8036602 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1506 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 89.5 | 292 | 60 | 376803 | 8036551 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1550 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 80.5 | 284 | 10 | 376604 | 8035903 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1498 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 153 | 360 | 40 | 377002 | 8036700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1554 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 91.5 | 242 | 80 | 376600 | 8036100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0588 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 20 | 30 | 80 | 377000 | 8038000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1548 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 59.5 | 302 | 40 | 376602 | 8035801 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1549 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 55 | 314 | 10 | 376601 | 8035852 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1553 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 76 | 240 | 80 | 376601 | 8036052 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1456 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 109 | 428 | 80 | 377202 | 8036249 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1492 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 117 | 312 | 60 | 377002 | 8036402 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1555 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 98.5 | 246 | 160 | 376601 | 8036150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1613 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 103 | 216 | 80 | 376000 | 8035900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1602 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 67 | 190 | 160 | 376201 | 8036249 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1600 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 95.5 | 208 | 100 | 376200 | 8036349 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1609 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 82.5 | 290 | 40 | 376200 | 8035901 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0587 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 24.5 | 40 | 100 | 377200 | 8038200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1517 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 78 | 202 | 40 | 376799 | 8036001 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1599 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 87 | 198 | 100 | 376200 | 8036404 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0432 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 412 | 546 | 140 | 377800 | 8037800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0611 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 68 | 92 | 140 | 376800 | 8036800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1453 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 121 | 354 | 140 | 377202 | 8036401 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1551 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 51.5 | 112 | 100 | 376602 | 8035951 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1601 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 138 | 310 | 40 | 376199 | 8036301 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1632 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 95.5 | 218 | 100 | 375803 | 8035799 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1496 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 126 | 298 | 40 | 377002 | 8036602 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0439 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 259 | 380 | 120 | 377800 | 8038150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1606 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 139 | 404 | 80 | 376200 | 8036050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0080 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 150 | 250 | 150 | 376200 | 8035800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0389 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 85.5 | 218 | 100 | 377600 | 8035850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1434 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 101 | 286 | 40 | 377403 | 8035900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1457 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 97.5 | 432 | 100 | 377201 | 8036200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1581 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 73 | 348 | 10 | 376400 | 8035898 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1458 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 89.5 | 436 | 60 | 377200 | 8036148 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0434 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 359 | 516 | 80 | 377800 | 8037900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0441 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 465 | 456 | 100 | 377800 | 8038250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1427 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 122 | 548 | 120 | 377400 | 8036251 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1439 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 95 | 266 | 120 | 377600 | 8036051 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1452 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 169 | 400 | 120 | 377202 | 8036450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1556 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 100 | 232 | 120 | 376600 | 8036200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0613 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 120 | 304 | 120 | 376800 | 8036900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0651 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 96 | 186 | 100 | 376600 | 8036800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1428 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 134 | 490 | 60 | 377401 | 8036204 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1445 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 128 | 290 | 120 | 377199 | 8036804 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1449 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 134 | 252 | 120 | 377199 | 8036602 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1454 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 125 | 306 | 120 | 377199 | 8036348 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1455 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 104 | 444 | 40 | 377202 | 8036299 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1459 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 146 | 372 | 280 | 377200 | 8036100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1516 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 102 | 214 | 80 | 376805 | 8036050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1598 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 130 | 282 | 100 | 376199 | 8036449 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0391 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 66.5 | 222 | 80 | 377600 | 8035950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0419 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 130 | 188 | 140 | 377800 | 8037150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0513 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 392 | 440 | 60 | 377600 | 8037650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0591 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 153 | 418 | 80 | 377000 | 8037850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0709 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 166 | 428 | 100 | 375800 | 8037100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1451 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 153 | 340 | 140 | 377202 | 8036500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1493 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 113 | 392 | 80 | 377000 | 8036451 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1563 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 106 | 262 | 80 | 376601 | 8036550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1621 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 124 | 220 | 120 | 375999 | 8036299 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0420 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 149 | 204 | 200 | 377800 | 8037200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0633 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 131 | 392 | 80 | 376600 | 8037700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1444 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 144 | 226 | 40 | 377199 | 8036850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1507 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 105 | 314 | 80 | 376800 | 8036500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1603 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 127 | 494 | 80 | 376201 | 8036201 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1607 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 104 | 218 | 40 | 376201 | 8036001 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1619 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 136 | 370 | 100 | 376006 | 8036200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1494 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 115 | 244 | 40 | 377000 | 8036501 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1570 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 125 | 356 | 100 | 376401 | 8036451 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0392 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 100 | 280 | 120 | 377600 | 8036000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0433 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 518 | 834 | 140 | 377800 | 8037850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1417 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 97.5 | 340 | 40 | 377601 | 8036401 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1460 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 122 | 464 | 40 | 377199 | 8036050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1387 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 63 | 156 | 80 | 375200 | 8036100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1502 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 182 | 336 | 60 | 376803 | 8036748 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1503 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 123 | 380 | 100 | 376802 | 8036701 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1628 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 156 | 418 | 140 | 375803 | 8035998 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0590 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 55.5 | 150 | 60 | 377000 | 8037900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0405 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 109 | 254 | 140 | 377800 | 8036450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0586 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 29.5 | 112 | 120 | 377200 | 8038150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1426 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 138 | 392 | 100 | 377402 | 8036299 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1575 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 110 | 228 | 60 | 376400 | 8036202 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1610 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 179 | 214 | 40 | 376203 | 8035850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0562 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 211 | 472 | 80 | 377200 | 8036950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1448 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 125 | 284 | 160 | 377202 | 8036649 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0737 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 653 | 964 | 280 | 375600 | 8036500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1372 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 133 | 330 | 140 | 375400 | 8036600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1571 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 101 | 338 | 60 | 376404 | 8036400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1611 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 96 | 136 | 80 | 376003 | 8035801 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1625 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 147 | 332 | 100 | 375800 | 8036152 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0589 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 103 | 394 | 80 | 377000 | 8037950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0388 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 108 | 336 | 160 | 377600 | 8035800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0404 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 99 | 242 | 100 | 377800 | 8036400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1436 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 85 | 346 | 140 | 377401 | 8035800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1489 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 112 | 324 | 60 | 377002 | 8036256 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1491 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 128 | 318 | 180 | 376999 | 8036352 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0425 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 195 | 322 | 100 | 377800 | 8037450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0435 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 324 | 718 | 120 | 377800 | 8037950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1510 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 76 | 314 | 40 | 376799 | 8036351 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0421 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 165 | 302 | 100 | 377800 | 8037250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0729 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 167 | 346 | 140 | 375600 | 8036100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0406 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 109 | 276 | 140 | 377800 | 8036500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1369 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 149 | 322 | 180 | 375400 | 8036450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1423 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 114 | 382 | 40 | 377402 | 8036449 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1504 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 194 | 610 | 40 | 376800 | 8036650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1624 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 202 | 420 | 80 | 375801 | 8036203 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1630 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 138 | 310 | 80 | 375800 | 8035899 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0710 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 154 | 554 | 60 | 375800 | 8037050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0727 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 170 | 358 | 80 | 375800 | 8036181 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0654 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 349 | 624 | 80 | 376400 | 8036700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1367 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 59.5 | 192 | 100 | 375400 | 8036350 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1425 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 151 | 292 | 180 | 377401 | 8036352 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1435 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 103 | 240 | 120 | 377397 | 8035852 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0418 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 228 | 302 | 100 | 377800 | 8037100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0631 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 103 | 468 | 80 | 376800 | 8037800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1368 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 102 | 268 | 160 | 375400 | 8036400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0652 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 140 | 370 | 120 | 376400 | 8036600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1370 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 346 | 628 | 280 | 375400 | 8036500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1418 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 124 | 746 | 340 | 377602 | 8036450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1627 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 225 | 380 | 140 | 375802 | 8036045 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1440 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 122 | 322 | 60 | 377599 | 8036104 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1616 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 141 | 256 | 100 | 376002 | 8036052 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1463 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 90 | 482 | 40 | 377199 | 8035902 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0561 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 249 | 448 | 100 | 377200 | 8036900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0675 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1420 | 2460 | 100 | 376200 | 8037300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0730 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 312 | 754 | 180 | 375600 | 8036150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0736 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 855 | 1260 | 440 | 375600 | 8036450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1709 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 106 | 144 | 60 | 375003 | 8036501 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0560 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 147 | 324 | 100 | 377400 | 8036650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0674 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 382 | 1140 | 60 | 376200 | 8037350 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0747 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 96.5 | 188 | 60 | 375600 | 8037000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1446 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 192 | 312 | 80 | 377200 | 8036749 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1562 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 126 | 260 | 60 | 376599 | 8036498 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1480 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 144 | 132 | 120 | 377002 | 8035802 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1495 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 168 | 244 | 40 | 376998 | 8036552 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0565 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 376 | 636 | 120 | 377200 | 8037100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0585 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 122 | 158 | 60 | 377200 | 8038100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1488 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 126 | 280 | 220 | 377000 | 8036203 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0720 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 429 | 650 | 200 | 375800 | 8036550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1576 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 112 | 336 | 40 | 376400 | 8036151 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1605 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 128 | 318 | 100 | 376197 | 8036098 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1620 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 137 | 258 | 100 | 376000 | 8036250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1441 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 125 | 322 | 40 | 377604 | 8036151 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1552 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 56.5 | 394 | 40 | 376599 | 8036000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1708 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 123 | 130 | 80 | 374999 | 8036452 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0415 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 192 | 284 | 120 | 377800 | 8036950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1389 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 44.5 | 176 | 60 | 375200 | 8036000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1420 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 206 | 502 | 80 | 377402 | 8036601 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1564 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 89.5 | 280 | 100 | 376599 | 8036601 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0417 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 143 | 334 | 100 | 377800 | 8037050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0436 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 566 | 802 | 120 | 377800 | 8038000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0663 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 383 | 560 | 80 | 376400 | 8037150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0424 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 170 | 330 | 60 | 377800 | 8037400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1618 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 134 | 322 | 40 | 375997 | 8036152 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0564 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 428 | 964 | 140 | 377200 | 8037050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1623 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 186 | 346 | 80 | 376002 | 8036403 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0429 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 584 | 928 | 220 | 377800 | 8037650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1419 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 158 | 496 | 80 | 377602 | 8036500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1629 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 135 | 372 | 60 | 375800 | 8035952 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1487 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 116 | 314 | 80 | 377001 | 8036151 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1519 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 48.5 | 562 | 10 | 376799 | 8035901 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0692 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 357 | 828 | 140 | 376000 | 8036400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0691 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 293 | 548 | 120 | 376200 | 8036500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1561 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 158 | 356 | 80 | 376600 | 8036450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1580 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 85.5 | 252 | 60 | 376400 | 8035949 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0616 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 281 | 616 | 120 | 376800 | 8037050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0621 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 838 | 1660 | 160 | 376800 | 8037300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1615 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 79.5 | 246 | 40 | 376001 | 8036002 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0607 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 433 | 748 | 140 | 377000 | 8037050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0718 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 976 | 1330 | 300 | 375800 | 8036650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1424 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 136 | 370 | 100 | 377402 | 8036401 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0581 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 307 | 672 | 140 | 377200 | 8037900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1514 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 120 | 354 | 80 | 376803 | 8036153 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0428 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 216 | 382 | 60 | 377800 | 8037600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0622 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1420 | 1580 | 240 | 376800 | 8037350 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0437 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 946 | 1770 | 160 | 377800 | 8038050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0558 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 234 | 398 | 160 | 377400 | 8036800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0650 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 295 | 686 | 140 | 376600 | 8036850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0661 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 328 | 624 | 160 | 376400 | 8037050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0514 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 797 | 1740 | 280 | 377600 | 8037700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0681 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1770 | 2150 | 1200 | 376200 | 8037000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0403 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 154 | 398 | 120 | 377800 | 8036350 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0563 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 541 | 890 | 180 | 377200 | 8037000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1362 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 47.5 | 176 | 100 | 375400 | 8036100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0630 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 225 | 672 | 140 | 376800 | 8037750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0557 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 348 | 608 | 80 | 377400 | 8036850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1382 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 137 | 326 | 100 | 375200 | 8036350 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1490 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 127 | 372 | 40 | 377002 | 8036303 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0491 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 162 | 400 | 120 | 377600 | 8036550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1380 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 107 | 308 | 180 | 375200 | 8036450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1416 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 103 | 336 | 60 | 377601 | 8036351 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1604 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 112 | 362 | 40 | 376193 | 8036149 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1631 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 107 | 322 | 10 | 375808 | 8035849 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1706 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 96 | 136 | 100 | 375001 | 8036352 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1707 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 101 | 152 | 100 | 375001 | 8036401 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1462 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 87 | 370 | 20 | 377200 | 8035952 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1704 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 88.5 | 162 | 140 | 374999 | 8036254 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0494 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 262 | 692 | 160 | 377600 | 8036700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0511 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 194 | 406 | 80 | 377600 | 8037550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0700 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 930 | 1690 | 260 | 376000 | 8036800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1378 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 82.5 | 310 | 100 | 375200 | 8036550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0556 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 432 | 834 | 180 | 377400 | 8036900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0614 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 482 | 898 | 140 | 376800 | 8036950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0698 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 957 | 958 | 420 | 376000 | 8036700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1644 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 66.5 | 276 | 10 | 375399 | 8035949 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1705 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 89.5 | 138 | 100 | 374997 | 8036303 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1442 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 144 | 554 | 120 | 377580 | 8036202 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1572 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 145 | 424 | 80 | 376398 | 8036350 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0554 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 372 | 776 | 180 | 377400 | 8037000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0649 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 287 | 688 | 80 | 376600 | 8036900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1608 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 140 | 574 | 10 | 376200 | 8035949 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0530 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 184 | 690 | 120 | 377400 | 8038250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1483 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 100 | 354 | 40 | 376999 | 8035953 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1366 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 59 | 174 | 60 | 375400 | 8036300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0397 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 119 | 440 | 100 | 377800 | 8035800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1573 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 110 | 322 | 100 | 376399 | 8036302 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0599 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 722 | 880 | 180 | 377000 | 8037450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0670 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 295 | 1440 | 60 | 376400 | 8037500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1433 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 119 | 368 | 160 | 377400 | 8035948 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1379 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 322 | 822 | 180 | 375200 | 8036500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1501 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 93 | 340 | 60 | 377001 | 8036850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1622 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 591 | 976 | 120 | 375999 | 8036351 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0643 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 515 | 932 | 160 | 376600 | 8037200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1647 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 101 | 190 | 10 | 375402 | 8035800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1509 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 116 | 504 | 40 | 376801 | 8036401 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0662 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 896 | 1990 | 220 | 376400 | 8037100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0426 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 317 | 526 | 120 | 377800 | 8037500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0510 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 453 | 438 | 60 | 377600 | 8037500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0525 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 165 | 594 | 100 | 377600 | 8038250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0526 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 190 | 800 | 160 | 377600 | 8038300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0745 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 260 | 848 | 160 | 375600 | 8036900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1617 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 160 | 306 | 80 | 376000 | 8036100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0620 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 320 | 552 | 120 | 376800 | 8037250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1360 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 67 | 244 | 60 | 375400 | 8036000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1381 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 234 | 458 | 140 | 375200 | 8036400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0608 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 281 | 690 | 120 | 377000 | 8037000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0423 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 244 | 418 | 100 | 377800 | 8037350 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0574 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1510 | 1760 | 160 | 377200 | 8037550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0680 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 2620 | 2230 | 440 | 376200 | 8037050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1450 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 222 | 386 | 420 | 377198 | 8036550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0605 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 445 | 860 | 100 | 377000 | 8037150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0493 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 137 | 482 | 120 | 377600 | 8036650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0685 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 321 | 656 | 220 | 376200 | 8036800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0735 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 554 | 894 | 200 | 375600 | 8036400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0559 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 435 | 286 | 180 | 377400 | 8036750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1377 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 83.5 | 346 | 100 | 375200 | 8036600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1653 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 113 | 324 | 40 | 375202 | 8035802 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0542 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1730 | 2250 | 140 | 377400 | 8037650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1486 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 95.5 | 196 | 20 | 377002 | 8036100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0512 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 648 | 1070 | 140 | 377600 | 8037600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0615 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 419 | 930 | 160 | 376800 | 8037000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0683 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1470 | 1870 | 340 | 376200 | 8036900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0431 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 750 | 1330 | 300 | 377800 | 8037750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1361 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 45.5 | 160 | 60 | 375400 | 8036050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0427 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 241 | 530 | 140 | 377800 | 8037550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0697 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 298 | 584 | 160 | 376000 | 8036650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0726 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 405 | 850 | 180 | 375800 | 8036250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1386 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 95 | 246 | 120 | 375200 | 8036150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1698 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 72 | 310 | 10 | 374998 | 8035951 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0690 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 350 | 862 | 180 | 376200 | 8036550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1461 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 94.5 | 342 | 60 | 377201 | 8036000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1643 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 119 | 392 | 40 | 375603 | 8035951 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0600 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 890 | 2180 | 200 | 377000 | 8037400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0642 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 570 | 842 | 160 | 376600 | 8037250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1508 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 203 | 422 | 80 | 376799 | 8036449 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0566 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 725 | 1100 | 240 | 377200 | 8037150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0672 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 241 | 634 | 40 | 376200 | 8037450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1699 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 74.5 | 294 | 100 | 374998 | 8036001 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1429 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 234 | 418 | 80 | 377400 | 8036150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0430 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1140 | 1510 | 360 | 377800 | 8037700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0414 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 313 | 564 | 100 | 377800 | 8036900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1430 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 213 | 478 | 160 | 377396 | 8036099 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0728 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 174 | 404 | 120 | 375600 | 8036050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1388 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 51.5 | 126 | 60 | 375200 | 8036050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0572 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1220 | 2110 | 160 | 377200 | 8037450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0619 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 264 | 610 | 100 | 376800 | 8037200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0495 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 579 | 1410 | 380 | 377600 | 8036750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0738 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1530 | 1970 | 200 | 375600 | 8036550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1384 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 67 | 214 | 60 | 375200 | 8036250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0438 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 926 | 1730 | 160 | 377800 | 8038100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1376 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 56 | 246 | 80 | 375400 | 8036800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0635 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 201 | 830 | 100 | 376600 | 8037600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1431 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 134 | 292 | 120 | 377401 | 8036050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1695 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 85 | 272 | 80 | 375002 | 8035801 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1464 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 63.5 | 300 | 100 | 377201 | 8035854 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1521 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 181 | 380 | 80 | 376801 | 8035802 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0673 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 128 | 698 | 360 | 376200 | 8037400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1651 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 66 | 286 | 40 | 375201 | 8035951 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0582 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 279 | 834 | 100 | 377200 | 8037950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1612 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 114 | 542 | 10 | 376001 | 8035851 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0527 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 185 | 938 | 100 | 377600 | 8038350 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0492 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 585 | 940 | 140 | 377600 | 8036600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1385 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 100 | 204 | 60 | 375200 | 8036200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0655 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 851 | 1240 | 180 | 376400 | 8036750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0682 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 371 | 682 | 100 | 376200 | 8036950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1696 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 79 | 282 | 40 | 375003 | 8035850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0657 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 606 | 1040 | 120 | 376400 | 8036850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1373 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 120 | 468 | 120 | 375400 | 8036650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0634 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 166 | 714 | 100 | 376600 | 8037650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0545 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 340 | 560 | 140 | 377400 | 8037500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1500 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 276 | 928 | 40 | 376999 | 8036795 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0721 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 582 | 1230 | 240 | 375800 | 8036500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1697 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 82 | 202 | 60 | 375000 | 8035899 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1652 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 56.5 | 250 | 40 | 375199 | 8035850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1578 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 85 | 530 | 20 | 376400 | 8036051 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0746 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 131 | 552 | 60 | 375600 | 8036950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1422 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 225 | 688 | 80 | 377399 | 8036499 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1371 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 277 | 1080 | 140 | 375400 | 8036550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1577 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 101 | 290 | 80 | 376400 | 8036100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1363 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 75 | 296 | 80 | 375400 | 8036150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0543 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 746 | 1140 | 240 | 377400 | 8037600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0671 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 133 | 898 | 60 | 376400 | 8037550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1703 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 134 | 386 | 40 | 375002 | 8036194 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1512 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 79.5 | 222 | 40 | 376797 | 8036250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0544 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1890 | 3100 | 220 | 377400 | 8037550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0555 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 711 | 1320 | 200 | 377400 | 8036950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0664 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 258 | 2530 | 360 | 376400 | 8037200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0708 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 139 | 884 | 120 | 376000 | 8037200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0393 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 334 | 928 | 100 | 377800 | 8036050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1375 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 178 | 742 | 140 | 375400 | 8036750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0610 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 191 | 650 | 160 | 377000 | 8036900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0632 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 302 | 1090 | 80 | 376800 | 8037850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0573 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1100 | 2050 | 200 | 377200 | 8037500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0699 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1170 | 1920 | 740 | 376000 | 8036750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0606 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 893 | 1510 | 240 | 377000 | 8037100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0641 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 579 | 1760 | 140 | 376600 | 8037300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1364 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 51 | 292 | 80 | 375400 | 8036200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1559 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 88 | 226 | 80 | 376599 | 8036350 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1558 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 198 | 400 | 60 | 376603 | 8036300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1702 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 112 | 448 | 40 | 375000 | 8036149 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1701 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 120 | 474 | 80 | 375002 | 8036100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0529 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 297 | 1010 | 80 | 377400 | 8038300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0531 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 539 | 1540 | 180 | 377400 | 8038200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1700 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 126 | 534 | 60 | 374999 | 8036053 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0684 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 2230 | 2140 | 460 | 376200 | 8036850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0640 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1080 | 2780 | 180 | 376600 | 8037350 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1365 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 55.5 | 320 | 80 | 375400 | 8036250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0533 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 130 | 1840 | 100 | 377400 | 8038100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1485 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 191 | 248 | 120 | 377000 | 8036049 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0416 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 388 | 1000 | 100 | 377800 | 8037000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1443 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 307 | 788 | 80 | 377603 | 8036249 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1432 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 134 | 356 | 60 | 377403 | 8036002 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1626 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 308 | 856 | 60 | 375802 | 8036102 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0739 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 611 | 2360 | 200 | 375600 | 8036600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1645 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 76 | 300 | 40 | 375401 | 8035895 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0553 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 615 | 1430 | 240 | 377400 | 8037050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0623 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 830 | 2140 | 140 | 376800 | 8037400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0399 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 470 | 1200 | 100 | 377800 | 8036150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0644 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 772 | 1500 | 200 | 376600 | 8037150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0602 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 602 | 1330 | 180 | 377000 | 8037300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1383 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 126 | 282 | 140 | 375200 | 8036300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0719 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1130 | 1880 | 220 | 375800 | 8036600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0515 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 477 | 2030 | 180 | 377600 | 8037750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1520 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 146 | 366 | 40 | 376803 | 8035852 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1513 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 161 | 348 | 40 | 376794 | 8036201 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0648 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 743 | 1260 | 140 | 376600 | 8036950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0658 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 293 | 1490 | 140 | 376400 | 8036900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1642 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 109 | 388 | 40 | 375599 | 8035904 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1484 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 139 | 270 | 100 | 377000 | 8036001 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1640 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 115 | 374 | 40 | 375601 | 8035801 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0731 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 492 | 1500 | 360 | 375600 | 8036200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0508 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 56.5 | 886 | 80 | 377600 | 8037400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0603 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 196 | 790 | 100 | 377000 | 8037250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1579 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 99 | 478 | 10 | 376401 | 8036001 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1560 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 132 | 330 | 80 | 376600 | 8036401 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1641 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 176 | 832 | 160 | 375585 | 8035857 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1374 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 129 | 640 | 120 | 375400 | 8036700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1421 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 282 | 930 | 160 | 377401 | 8036551 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0532 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 199 | 1010 | 80 | 377400 | 8038150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1482 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 101 | 324 | 40 | 376999 | 8035899 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0595 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 714 | 1990 | 120 | 377000 | 8037650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1415 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 144 | 870 | 220 | 377598 | 8036299 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0503 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 824 | 2710 | 200 | 377600 | 8037150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0740 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 679 | 2420 | 180 | 375600 | 8036650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0645 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 216 | 1900 | 80 | 376600 | 8037100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0713 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1160 | 2120 | 120 | 375800 | 8036900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0442 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 557 | 1930 | 180 | 377800 | 8038300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0592 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 587 | 1460 | 120 | 377000 | 8037800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1511 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 110 | 290 | 40 | 376785 | 8036298 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0567 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 434 | 1370 | 200 | 377200 | 8037200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0583 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 401 | 1610 | 140 | 377200 | 8038000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0724 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 275 | 1740 | 180 | 375800 | 8036350 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0412 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 170 | 1680 | 100 | 377800 | 8036800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0524 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 677 | 1770 | 100 | 377600 | 8038200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0440 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1440 | 1430 | 220 | 377800 | 8038200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0551 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 487 | 2210 | 220 | 377400 | 8037150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0411 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 89 | 1050 | 120 | 377800 | 8036750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1567 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 398 | 900 | 80 | 376602 | 8036750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0401 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 865 | 1540 | 160 | 377800 | 8036250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0413 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 150 | 1950 | 120 | 377800 | 8036850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0534 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 202 | 1530 | 100 | 377400 | 8038050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0407 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 56 | 888 | 80 | 377800 | 8036550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0612 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 340 | 1480 | 120 | 376800 | 8036850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0537 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1070 | 2420 | 100 | 377400 | 8037900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0678 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1010 | 2700 | 140 | 376200 | 8037150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0398 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 537 | 1580 | 260 | 377800 | 8036100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0665 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1020 | 2230 | 280 | 376400 | 8037250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0410 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 99 | 996 | 120 | 377800 | 8036700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0734 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 641 | 1310 | 280 | 375600 | 8036350 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0400 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 393 | 1490 | 180 | 377800 | 8036200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0696 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 726 | 1530 | 260 | 376000 | 8036600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0580 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 333 | 2090 | 160 | 377200 | 8037850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0395 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 87.5 | 1140 | 120 | 377800 | 8035900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1614 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 90 | 314 | 40 | 376000 | 8035951 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0716 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 807 | 2720 | 140 | 375800 | 8036750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0584 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 513 | 2220 | 120 | 377200 | 8038050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0711 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 237 | 1480 | 100 | 375800 | 8037000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0703 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 772 | 2660 | 120 | 376000 | 8036950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0598 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 895 | 2450 | 140 | 377000 | 8037500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0717 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1250 | 2470 | 280 | 375800 | 8036700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0639 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 425 | 1640 | 140 | 376600 | 8037400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0707 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 241 | 1370 | 140 | 376000 | 8037150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1574 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 138 | 392 | 40 | 376401 | 8036249 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0689 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1020 | 2290 | 520 | 376200 | 8036600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1447 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 465 | 1020 | 120 | 377203 | 8036700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0742 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 712 | 1970 | 160 | 375600 | 8036750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0552 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1420 | 2810 | 560 | 377400 | 8037100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0396 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 802 | 1070 | 140 | 377800 | 8035850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0394 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 129 | 1320 | 200 | 377800 | 8036000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0618 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 205 | 1350 | 120 | 376800 | 8037150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0706 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 426 | 1890 | 80 | 376000 | 8037100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0509 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 390 | 1130 | 80 | 377600 | 8037450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0521 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1400 | 2610 | 300 | 377600 | 8038050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0409 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 102 | 1030 | 80 | 377800 | 8036650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1481 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 74.5 | 262 | 20 | 377001 | 8035850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0733 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 179 | 1710 | 140 | 375600 | 8036300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0576 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1160 | 3310 | 140 | 377200 | 8037650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0541 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 767 | 2290 | 160 | 377400 | 8037700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0498 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1110 | 1730 | 240 | 377600 | 8036900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0714 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 489 | 2590 | 100 | 375800 | 8036850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0656 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 374 | 1280 | 80 | 376400 | 8036800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0571 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 585 | 1970 | 160 | 377200 | 8037400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0402 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 944 | 2000 | 200 | 377800 | 8036300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0669 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 596 | 1910 | 100 | 376400 | 8037450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0629 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 405 | 2400 | 140 | 376800 | 8037700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0732 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 171 | 1630 | 160 | 375600 | 8036250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0516 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 661 | 2690 | 200 | 377600 | 8037800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0550 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 158 | 1910 | 100 | 377400 | 8037200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0593 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 557 | 2910 | 160 | 377000 | 8037750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0694 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 358 | 2160 | 180 | 376000 | 8036500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0517 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1220 | 3330 | 180 | 377600 | 8037850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0667 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 535 | 1620 | 100 | 376400 | 8037350 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0522 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 718 | 3220 | 140 | 377600 | 8038100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0579 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 563 | 2510 | 140 | 377200 | 8037800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0536 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 273 | 2040 | 100 | 377400 | 8037950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1646 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 68.5 | 288 | 10 | 375402 | 8035851 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0408 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 160 | 998 | 100 | 377800 | 8036600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0723 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 209 | 1210 | 100 | 375800 | 8036400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0575 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 955 | 2930 | 120 | 377200 | 8037600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0499 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 204 | 1700 | 100 | 377600 | 8036950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0743 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 603 | 3030 | 160 | 375600 | 8036800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0679 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1390 | 2810 | 160 | 376200 | 8037100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0668 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 365 | 1990 | 60 | 376400 | 8037400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0744 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 703 | 2570 | 200 | 375600 | 8036850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0693 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 4010 | 1960 | 1100 | 376000 | 8036450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0659 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 491 | 1870 | 80 | 376400 | 8036950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0497 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 191 | 1030 | 140 | 377600 | 8036850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG1557 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 173 | 310 | 40 | 376602 | 8036252 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0646 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 84 | 1720 | 100 | 376600 | 8037050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0666 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 653 | 2110 | 120 | 376400 | 8037300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0722 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 843 | 2510 | 180 | 375800 | 8036450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0549 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 139 | 2340 | 160 | 377400 | 8037250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0636 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 403 | 2400 | 160 | 376600 | 8037550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0741 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 567 | 2220 | 160 | 375600 | 8036700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0546 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 110 | 1490 | 120 | 377400 | 8037450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0570 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 105 | 1940 | 100 | 377200 | 8037350 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0701 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 727 | 2590 | 120 | 376000 | 8036850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0500 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 459 | 1520 | 120 | 377600 | 8037000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0539 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 729 | 2690 | 120 | 377400 | 8037800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0677 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 2230 | 3880 | 220 | 376200 | 8037200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0686 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 560 | 1650 | 240 | 376200 | 8036750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0535 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 466 | 2150 | 100 | 377400 | 8038000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0518 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 924 | 2930 | 200 | 377600 | 8037900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0501 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 306 | 1440 | 140 | 377600 | 8037050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0617 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 175 | 1570 | 80 | 376800 | 8037100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0578 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 886 | 3030 | 140 | 377200 | 8037750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0712 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 639 | 2430 | 80 | 375800 | 8036950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0507 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 121 | 2300 | 100 | 377600 | 8037350 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0687 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 343 | 2250 | 140 | 376200 | 8036700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0637 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 345 | 2440 | 200 | 376600 | 8037500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0695 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 416 | 2070 | 220 | 376000 | 8036550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0538 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 424 | 2800 | 160 | 377400 | 8037850 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0568 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 189 | 1540 | 140 | 377200 | 8037250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0688 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 323 | 2130 | 120 | 376200 | 8036650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0504 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 123 | 1680 | 120 | 377600 | 8037200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0577 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 727 | 2880 | 160 | 377200 | 8037700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0676 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 1560 | 2750 | 140 | 376200 | 8037250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0597 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 544 | 2340 | 140 | 377000 | 8037550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0638 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 373 | 2160 | 160 | 376600 | 8037450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0647 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 206 | 1660 | 120 | 376600 | 8037000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0626 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 139 | 2180 | 120 | 376800 | 8037550 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0594 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 294 | 2400 | 180 | 377000 | 8037700 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0625 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 442 | 1920 | 140 | 376800 | 8037500 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0705 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 401 | 2170 | 180 | 376000 | 8037050 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0660 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 73 | 1740 | 120 | 376400 | 8037000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0540 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 748 | 3010 | 120 | 377400 | 8037750 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0702 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 410 | 2280 | 100 | 376000 | 8036900 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0704 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 881 | 2710 | 140 | 376000 | 8037000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0519 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 962 | 3330 | 140 | 377600 | 8037950 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0624 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 881 | 2980 | 240 | 376800 | 8037450 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0506 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 55 | 1850 | 120 | 377600 | 8037300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0715 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 569 | 2490 | 220 | 375800 | 8036800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0628 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 730 | 2820 | 300 | 376800 | 8037650 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0604 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 319 | 2350 | 80 | 377000 | 8037200 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0523 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 336 | 2120 | 120 | 377600 | 8038150 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0548 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 522 | 2520 | 180 | 377400 | 8037300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0569 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 389 | 1700 | 140 | 377200 | 8037300 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0596 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 732 | 1720 | 180 | 377000 | 8037600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0505 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 130 | 1560 | 140 | 377600 | 8037250 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0627 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 226 | 2190 | 100 | 376800 | 8037600 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0520 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 498 | 2590 | 160 | 377600 | 8038000 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0496 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 381 | 1740 | 120 | 377600 | 8036800 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0502 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 284 | 1060 | 100 | 377600 | 8037100 | AMG84 ZN52 |
PMAG0547 | MAGLAG | Panton Sill | 276 | 654 | 80 | 377400 | 8037400 | AMG84 ZN52 |
Appendix 4 | JORC Code (2012) Edition Table 1
Section 1 Sampling Techniques and Data
Criteria | JORC Code explanation | Commentary |
Sampling techniques | § Nature and quality of sampling (eg cut channels, random chips, or specific specialised industry standard measurement tools appropriate to the minerals under investigation, such as down hole gamma sondes, or handheld XRF instruments, etc). These examples should not be taken as limiting the broad meaning of sampling. § Include reference to measures taken to ensure sample representivity and the appropriate calibration of any measurement tools or systems used. § Aspects of the determination of mineralisation that are Material to the Public Report. In cases where 'industry standard' work has been done this would be relatively simple (eg 'reverse circulation drilling was used to obtain 1 m samples from which 3 kg was pulverised to produce a 30 g charge for fire assay'). In other cases more explanation may be required, such as where there is coarse gold that has inherent sampling problems. Unusual commodities or mineralisation types (eg submarine nodules) may warrant disclosure of detailed information. | § PQ3/HQ3/NQ2 diamond core was submitted for analysis. All samples were half core and cut using a core saw. PQ3 core was cut in half and then one half cut again to produce ¼ core samples using a core saw. The only exception is for regular duplicates downhole that were cut into quarters so that half the core remained in the tray. All sampling was either supervised by, or undertaken by, qualified geologists. § Core was cut into two equal halves, approximately 1 cm to left of the orientation line where possible. The left side was always sent to the laboratory to leave the orientation line in the tray. § Sample intervals are based on geological observations (Lithological contacts, mineralization, alteration, etc). Minimum core sampled was 0.2m with one exception for a vein in PS408 and a sample of 0.06m. A total of 1968 samples were sent to the laboratory including 61 CRM/Blanks and 28 duplicates.
Drilling techniques | § Drill type (eg core, reverse circulation, open-hole hammer, rotary air blast, auger, Bangka, sonic, etc) and details (eg core diameter, triple or standard tube, depth of diamond tails, face-sampling bit or other type, whether core is oriented and if so, by what method, etc). | § All drill holes were diamond cored, with either PQ3 or HQ3 collars. Once the hole was stable the hole was cased off and drilled with NQ2. § PQ3 core diameter is 83.0mm, HQ3 core diameter is 61.1mm and NQ2 core is 50.6mm. § Future Metals NL drill holes HQ3 core is orientated using a BLY TruCore UPIX Orientation Tool. § Future Metal NLs drilling contractor is Terra Drilling. Triple tubes are utilised in the weathered horizon (less than 10m) and standard tubes for the remainder of the drill hole. |
Drill sample recovery | § Method of recording and assessing core and chip sample recoveries and results assessed. § Measures taken to maximise sample recovery and ensure representative nature of the samples. § Whether a relationship exists between sample recovery and grade and whether sample bias may have occurred due to preferential loss/gain of fine/coarse material. | § Each core run is measured and checked against the drillers core blocks. Any core loss is noted. To date core recoveries have been excellent with very little core loss reported. § Exploration drilling is planned to be as close to orthogonal to the mineralisation as practicable to get representative samples of the mineralisation. § No relationship between recovery and grade has been identified. |
Logging | § Whether core and chip samples have been geologically and geotechnically logged to a level of detail to support appropriate Mineral Resource estimation, mining studies and metallurgical studies. § Whether logging is qualitative or quantitative in nature. Core (or costean, channel, etc) photography. § The total length and percentage of the relevant intersections logged. | § All drill holes were logged qualitatively for lithology, alteration, mineralisation and weathering by a geologist. Data is then captured in a databased appropriate for mineral resource estimation. § All drill holes are digitally photographed and logged in full.
Sub-sampling techniques and sample preparation | § If core, whether cut or sawn and whether quarter, half or all core taken. § If non-core, whether riffled, tube sampled, rotary split, etc and whether sampled wet or dry. § For all sample types, the nature, quality and appropriateness of the sample preparation technique. § Quality control procedures adopted for all sub-sampling stages to maximise representivity of samples. § Measures taken to ensure that the sampling is representative of the in-situ material collected, including for instance results for field duplicate/second-half sampling. § Whether sample sizes are appropriate to the grain size of the material being sampled. | § Diamond drill core was cut in half. Half the core was submitted for analysis and the remaining half was stored securely for future reference and potential further analysis. § Only diamond core drilling was completed. § Sample preparation was completed by Intertek Genalysis in Maddington, WA. § CRM's including blanks were used in each drill hole with CRM's being comparable to the material analysed and ore grade CRM inserted in mineralized intervals. § Duplicates were completed every 50 samples to ensure that the sampling is representative of the material collected. § Samples ranged from a minimum of 0.2m to 1.2m to followed lithological, mineralization and or alteration contacts where possible. The only exceptions are 7 samples, 1 which was 0.06m and was a vein, the other 6 where between 1.25-1.6m and were of consistent composition. |
Quality of assay data and laboratory tests | § The nature, quality and appropriateness of the assaying and laboratory procedures used and whether the technique is considered partial or total. § For geophysical tools, spectrometers, handheld XRF instruments, etc, the parameters used in determining the analysis including instrument make and model, reading times, calibrations factors applied and their derivation, etc. § Nature of quality control procedures adopted (eg standards, blanks, duplicates, external laboratory checks) and whether acceptable levels of accuracy (ie lack of bias) and precision have been established. | § All samples were sent to Intertek Genalysis in Maddington for multi-element analysis (4 acid digestion with ICP-MS finish and Au, Pd, and Pt analysis (50g lead fire assay with ICP-AES finish). This method is appropriate for lithogeochemistry and determination of mineralization. All samples that exceeded the upper limit of detection were analysed for the appropriate ore grade values. § All analytical results listed are from an accredited laboratory. § For all sampling, CRM's were utilized every 20-30 samples with duplicates collected every 50 samples, approximately. CRM's also included blanks used every 3rd sample. In addition, the QAQC data from the lab will be collected and stored in the database. |
Verification of sampling and assaying | § The verification of significant intersections by either independent or alternative company personnel. § The use of twinned holes. § Documentation of primary data, data entry procedures, data verification, data storage (physical and electronic) protocols. § Discuss any adjustment to assay data. | § Results were reviewed by the principal geologist with the laboratory repeating selected intervals. Significant results are a mix or combination of the following: >0.5 g/t 3E (Au+Pt+Pd), 0.25% Ni and 0.1% Cu § No twinned holes were completed. § Data was captured into digital spreadsheets. Data was checked and verified. Digital files are imported into the electronic database. All physical sampling sheets are filed on site. § No adjustments were made to the assay data but dilution was included up to 2m. The only exception is with the lower grade Ni-Cu-S intersections that can have up to 3m of dilution. |
Location of data points | § Accuracy and quality of surveys used to locate drill holes (collar and down-hole surveys), trenches, mine workings and other locations used in Mineral Resource estimation. § Specification of the grid system used. § Quality and adequacy of topographic control. | § All drill holes were located with a handheld GPS which is accurate to ±5m. All drill holes will be DGPS later in 2023. § Down hole surveys are taken with a north seeking gyroscope at regular intervals of 30m down hole. § Future Metals drilling is located using Map Grid of Australia 1994, Zone 52. § The topographic control is considered better than |
Data spacing and distribution | § Data spacing for reporting of Exploration Results. § Whether the data spacing and distribution is sufficient to establish the degree of geological and grade continuity appropriate for the Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve estimation procedure(s) and classifications applied. § Whether sample compositing has been applied. | § Diamond drill holes were drilled to selectively target various exploration targets including: FLEM anomalies (PS411-412), historic Ni-Cu mineralization (PS407-410) and potential keel position/feeder to the Panton Sill (PS413). § The drill spacing of this program was reconnaissance in orientation but some holes have intersections that will be added in the future to the resource model (PS407). § Sampling compositing has been applied. Results reported are length weighted averages.
Orientation of data in relation to geological structure | § Whether the orientation of sampling achieves unbiased sampling of possible structures and the extent to which this is known, considering the deposit type. § If the relationship between the drilling orientation and the orientation of key mineralised structures is considered to have introduced a sampling bias, this should be assessed and reported if material. | § Exploration and resource drilling is designed to be as close to orthogonal as practicable to the dip and strike of the mineralized chromitite reefs within the Panton Intrusion. § The drilling targeting historic intersections was drilled down dip to determine orientation which has resulted some holes being drilled parallel to interpreted structures and others orthogonal to the structure. § No sampling bias is present. |
Sample security | § The measures taken to ensure sample security. | § All drill core was logged and sampled on site. It was transported in secure bulka bags from Halls Creek to Intertek Genalysis in Maddington. |
Audits or reviews | § The results of any audits or reviews of sampling techniques and data. | § No audits are documented to have occurred in relation to sampling techniques or data. |
Section 2 Reporting of Exploration Results
Criteria | JORC Code explanation | Commentary |
Mineral tenement and land tenure status | § Type, reference name/number, location and ownership including agreements or material issues with third parties such as joint ventures, partnerships, overriding royalties, native title interests, historical sites, wilderness or national park and environmental settings. § The security of the tenure held at the time of reporting along with any known impediments to obtaining a licence to operate in the area. | § The Panton PGM Project is located on three granted mining licenses M80/103, M80/104 and M80/105 ('MLs'). The MLs are held 100% by Panton Sill Pty Ltd which is a 100% owned subsidiary of Future Metals NL. § The MLs were granted on 17 March 1986 and are currently valid until 16 March 2028. § A 0.5% net smelter return royalty is payable to Elemental Royalties Australia Pty Ltd in respect of any future production of chrome, cobalt, copper, gold, iridium, palladium, platinum, nickel, rhodium and ruthenium. § A 2.0% net smelter return royalty is payable to Maverix Metals (Australia) Pty Ltd on any PGMs produced from the MLs. § There are no impediments to working in the area. |
Exploration done by other parties | § Acknowledgment and appraisal of exploration by other parties. | § The Panton deposit was discovered by the Geological Survey of Western Australia from surface mapping conducted in the early 1960s. § Pickland Mather and Co. drilled the first hole to test the mafic-ultramafic complex in 1970, followed by Minsaco Resources which drilled 30 diamond holes between 1976 and 1987. Pickland Mather also completed stream sediment sampling as part of a regional program. § In 1989, Pancontinental Mining Limited and Degrussa Exploration drilled a further 32 drill holes and defined a non-JORC compliant resource. § Platinum Australia Ltd acquired the project in 2000 and conducted the majority of the drilling, comprising 166 holes for 34,410 metres, leading to the delineation of a maiden JORC Mineral Resource Estimate. The company also completed an extensive maglag surface program on a 200m N-S grid with 50m samples across the entire intrusion. § Panoramic Resources Ltd subsequently purchased the Panton PGM Project from Platinum Australia Ltd in May 2012 and conducted a wide range of metallurgical test work programs on the Panton ore. |
Geology | § Deposit type, geological setting and style of mineralisation. | § The Panton intrusive is a layered, differentiated mafic to ultramafic body that has been intruded into the sediments of the Proterozoic Lamboo Complex in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia. The Panton intrusion has undergone several folding and faulting events that have resulted in a south westerly plunging synclinal structure some 10km long and 3km wide. § PGM mineralisation is associated with several thin cumulate Chromitite reefs within the ultramafic sequence. In all there are three chromite horizons, the Upper group Chromitite (situated within the upper gabbroic sequence), the Middle group Chromitite (situated in the upper portion of the ultramafic cumulate sequence) and the Lower group Chromitite (situated toward the base of the ultramafic cumulate sequence). The top reef mineralised zone has been mapped over approximately 12km. § Exploration drilling described in this release is targeting more conceptual features, particularly an inferred feeder or conduit system to the layered intrusion and the lowermost ultramafic stratigraphy proximal to such a structure. These areas, by analogy to other similar intrusions prospective for sulphide hosted nickel, copper, cobalt and PGE mineralisation. Such bodies of mineralisation can be semi massive to massive and hence excellent electromagnetic targets. |
Drill hole Information | § A summary of all information material to the understanding of the exploration results including a tabulation of the following information for all Material drill holes: o easting and northing of the drill hole collar o elevation or RL (Reduced Level - elevation above sea level in metres) of the drill hole collar o dip and azimuth of the hole o down hole length and interception depth o hole length. § If the exclusion of this information is justified on the basis that the information is not Material and this exclusion does not detract from the understanding of the report, the Competent Person should clearly explain why this is the case. | § Details of all drill holes reported in this announcement are provided in Appendix One. § The stream sediment sampling anomalism shown does not have details on the sampling methods present. The data is used to identify elemental anomalism and relationships present. § The maglag data was collected using GPS points. The maglag is magnetic fraction of a soil sample. The analysis completed was ICP-MS for As, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn, Co, Fe, Mn, Mg, S and V. Au-Pt-Pd was completed by FA. The relationship of Ni-Cu-S relationship is what is shown on the map, not the highest grades. This is based on a positive correlation across all 3 elements. Those without the correlation are not included. |
Data aggregation methods | § In reporting Exploration Results, weighting averaging techniques, maximum and/or minimum grade truncations (eg cutting of high grades) and cut-off grades are usually Material and should be stated. § Where aggregate intercepts incorporate short lengths of high-grade results and longer lengths of low-grade results, the procedure used for such aggregation should be stated and some typical examples of such aggregations should be shown in detail. § The assumptions used for any reporting of metal equivalent values should be clearly stated. | § Significant intercepts are reported as down-hole length weighted averages of grades above 0.50g/t PGM3E (Pt/Pd/Au) and/or Ni>0.25% and/or Cu>0.1%. No top cuts have been applied to the reporting of the assay results. § Up to 3 metres of internal dilution is allowed in the reported intervals. § Higher grade intervals are included in the reported grade intervals; and have also been split out on a case-by-case basis where relevant. |
Relationship between mineralisation widths and intercept lengths | § These relationships are particularly important in the reporting of Exploration Results. § If the geometry of the mineralisation with respect to the drill hole angle is known, its nature should be reported. § If it is not known and only the down hole lengths are reported, there should be a clear statement to this effect (eg 'down hole length, true width not known'). | § Usually drilling is designed to be as close to orthogonal as practicable to the dip and strike of the mineralized chromitite reefs within the Panton Intrusion. § Refer to the Figures in this announcement showing drill cross sections. |
Diagrams | § Appropriate maps and sections (with scales) and tabulations of intercepts should be included for any significant discovery being reported These should include, but not be limited to a plan view of drill hole collar locations and appropriate sectional views. | § Appropriate sections included in the body of this announcement. |
Balanced reporting | § Where comprehensive reporting of all Exploration Results is not practicable, representative reporting of both low and high grades and/or widths should be practiced to avoid misleading reporting of Exploration Results. | § All results at hand at the time of this announcement have been reported. |
Other substantive exploration data | § Other exploration data, if meaningful and material, should be reported including (but not limited to): geological observations; geophysical survey results; geochemical survey results; bulk samples - size and method of treatment; metallurgical test results; bulk density, groundwater, geotechnical and rock characteristics; potential deleterious or contaminating substances.
| § No other exploration data is relevant. |
Further work | § The nature and scale of planned further work (eg tests for lateral extensions or depth extensions or large-scale step-out drilling). § Diagrams clearly highlighting the areas of possible extensions, including the main geological interpretations and future drilling areas, provided this information is not commercially sensitive. | § Refer to main text and figures for exploration potential. § Further assay results for PS414 are pending. § Further work on the exploration potential for BC1 is ongoing as well as understanding the results and how they related to historic drilling. A geological model based on geology and pXRF of historic drilling is underway and will aid in further targeting for Nickel-Copper-Sulphide mineralization. § Exploration and resource definition drilling will continue in and around the current resource area. § Mining, environmental and economic studies are underway |
[1] PGM3E = Palladium (Pd) + Platinum (Pt) + Gold (Au)
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